Food Safety & the Global Food Supply Chapter 12
Foodborne Illnesses & the Agents That Cause Them Food intoxication Enterotoxin Neurotoxin Foodborne infections
Foodborne Illnesses & the Agents That Cause Them Microbial agents Campylobacter jejuni Salmonella Staphylococcus aureus Clostridium botulinum Escherichia coli O157:H7 Mold - aflatoxins
Foodborne Illnesses & the Agents That Cause Them Natural toxins - toxicants Solanine (potatoes) Herbal products Tetrodotoxin (puffer fish) Paralytic shellfish poisoning
Safe Food Storage & Preparation Keep cold food cold Wash hands & surfaces often Keep hot foods hot Prevent cross-contamination Food safety for meats Food safety for seafood Food safety for picnics
Keep Food Safe to Eat To prevent foodborne illness To ensure a safe catch: seafood safety tips
Pesticides & Other Chemical Contaminants Chemical agents Organic halogens Heavy metals Toxicity vs. hazard Lead (a heavy metal)
Pesticides & Other Chemical Contaminants Pesticide residues DDT The ideal pesticide Regulation of pesticide residues Reference dose Margin of safety
Food Additives Intentional food additives Incidental food additives Regulation of additives Substances Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)
New Technologies on the Horizon Irradiation Benefits & risks Biotechnology & genetic engineering Comparison with selective breeding Transgenics Potential benefits Concerns & potential risks
Should You Buy Organically Grown Produce or Meats? Certified organic foods Product labeling regulations Comparison with conventionally grown produce Other pesticide reduction methods Integrated pest management
Eat Fresh Eat Local Farmers’ markets Why choose a farmers’ market? Help develop a food culture Less processing & packaging Foods are usually fresher Encourage healthier food choices Boost local economies
Domestic & World Hunger The relationship between hunger & poverty Extent of worldwide food insecurity At-risk populations: women & children Oral rehydration therapy Breastfeeding
Domestic & World Hunger Status of food insecurity in the U.S. Causes of food insecurity in the U.S. Food assistance programs USDA programs Food recovery & gleaning programs
Domestic & World Hunger World hunger vs. hunger in the U.S. Impact of international trade & debt on hunger Role of multinational corporations Role of overpopulation
Domestic & World Hunger Re-distribution of resources Land reform Appropriate technolgoy Environmental concerns Reducing hunger among women & children UNICEF’s GOBI plan
Domestic & World Hunger Ways individuals can help Volunteering Documenting local needs Advocate for solutions to hunger