Patented Technology – Quality Results Ulti-Pave 3 Pavement Repair Mix 30-Minute Workability 3,000 PSI 3-Hour Set ® “A One Component, Rapid Hardening Cementitious Patching Material, Formulated to Meet ASTM C 928” Formulated to Meet ASTM C 928” Buzzi Unicem USA Inc.
Ulti-Pave 3® Concrete Repair Mix is a multi-purpose concrete pavement repair material that’s fast setting with rapid strength gains. This repair material is used for the repair and construction of interior and exterior pavements. When mixed with water, Ulti-Pave 3® produces a quality concrete with approximately 30 minutes workability, a minimum of psi in 3 hours, and continues to gain strength over 28 days to approximately 7500 psi when placed within standard concrete guidelines. This concrete repair material utilizes a rapid hardening cement additive Qwix, which is a manufactured Calcium Aluminum sulfate cement. Ulti-Paved 3 ® develops strengths faster then portland cement. Description: Color: Gray Form: Powder Delivery: Available in 50 pound bags. Storage: Store as dry cement. Material Safety Data Sheets: Available upon request. Precautions: Hydraulic cement when dry is non-hazardous. When in contact with moisture (such as eyes or on skin) or when mixed with water to make grout, it becomes highly caustic and will burn the eyes or skin. Inhalation of dry portland cement can irritate the upper respiratory system. Ulti-Pave 3® is tested under the following ASTM methods: ASTM C Standard Test for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars. ASTM C192 Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory. ASTM C 157 Standard Test Method for Length Change of Harden Hydraulic-Cement Mortar and Concrete. ASTM C 882 Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used with Concrete by Slant Shear. Ulti-Pave3 ® meets and exceeds: ASTM C 928 –R3 Specification for Packaged, Dry, Rapid- Hardening Cementitious Materials for Concrete Repair. ASTM C 1260 Modified Potential Alkali-Silica Reactivity Specifications: Mixing: Product Data: Buzzi Unicem USA Inc 100 Brodhead Road, Suite 230 Bethlehem, PA Contact: Bill Krupa, Manager Specialty Qwix Products Office: Cell: Fax: Typical Physical Properties: Strength: 2 hour avg/psi. 3 hour avg/psi 1 day avg/psi 28 days – 7500 avg/psi Plasticity: 30 minutes. Shrinkage: : 28 days -.08%. For optimum results, Ulti-Pave 3® Concrete Pavement Repair Mix should be mixed in a pre-wet and appropriate sized mortar mixer. Minimum application thickness is 2” (51mm). Maximum mixing water per bag is 5 pints per bag. Add approximately 4 pints of mixing water per bag to the mixer and slowly add contents of the bag. Add remaining water as necessary to achieve desired consistency and mix to a uniform, homogenous mixture, approximately 2 to 4 minutes. Exceeding this amount of water will increase your water cement/cement ratio and may cause segregation and strength loss. For optimum results, maintain a mix temperature of 65 ° - 70 ° F by using either hot or cold water when mixing. Do not mix more material than can be placed in 20 minutes and no re-tempering. Surface Prep: Remove all deteriorated concrete and make sure surface is free from dirt, oil, grease and bond inhibiting materials. Repair area should be prepared to obtain an aggregate fractured surface. Substrate should be conditioned to a saturated surface (SSD) with no standing water and free of frost and ice. Surface temperatures should be between 35 ° and 90 ° F at time of placement. Limitations: Do not exceed maximum amount of mixing water stated above. Minimum application thickness is 2” (51mm). Repaired surface area needs to be protected from freezing. Surface should be damp, but free from standing water, ice and frost. Do not use partial bags as material may separate in handling and transportation. Physical Properties results were under laboratory conditions. Disclaimer The information contained herein is for illustrative purposes only, and to the best of our knowledge, is accurate and reliable. Buzzi Unicem USA cannot however under any circumstances make any guarantee of results or assume any obligation or liability in connection with the use of this information. As Buzzi Unicem USA has no control over the use to which others may put its product, it is recommended that the product be tested to determine if suitable for a specific application and/or our information is valid in a particular circumstance. Responsibility remains with the architect or engineer, contractor and owner for the design, application and proper installation of the product. User shall determine the suitability of product for specific application and assume all responsibilities in connection therewith.