A. Rainone
Many cultures experienced golden ages, including the Greeks and the Romans. A golden age is a time of peace, prosperity, and great cultural achievements. An Islamic golden age occurred during the Abbasid dynasty (8 th century to 13 th century). A. Rainone
Holy Mosque in Baghdad, Iraq.
A. Rainone Islam spread through conquest and trade. The Islamic Abbasid dynasty, 800AD ruled a vast empire.
A. Rainone The use of distinctive clothing or marks for Jewish and other religious communities has been traced by historians to ancient times. [2] In the early Islamic period, non-Muslims were required to wear distinctive marks in public, such as metal seals fixed around their necks. Islam, like Judaism, forbids permanent skin markings. In consequence, lead or copper seals were used to mark non-Muslims and slaves in the Islamic world. [3] [2] [3] Likewise, they were not allowed to wear colors associated with Islam, particularly green. [4] The practice of physically branding Jews and Christians appears to have been begun in early medieval Baghdad and was considered highly degrading. [4]
A. Rainone [ 5] [ 5] According to Bernard Lewis, Christians and Jews were forced to wear special emblems on their clothes. The yellow badge was first introduced by a caliph in Baghdad in the ninth century, and spread to o the West in medieval times. Even in public baths, non- Muslims wore medallions suspended from cords around their necks so no one would mistake them for Muslims. Belts, headgear, shoes, armbands and/or cloth patches were also used. Under Muslim Shi'a rules, they were not even allowed to use the same baths [6] And finally in 1005 the Jews of Egypt were ordered to wear bells on their garments so you could hear them coming. Source - Lewis [6]
The Muslims experienced a golden Age. During the Islamic golden age, there were great advances in mathematics, medicine, architecture, and the arts. It is important to remember that under the Abbasids, Islam became a blending of many cultures leading to great achievements. A. Rainone
Muhammad forbade making images of God or people. Islamic artists frequently used geometric designs in their works of art.
A. Rainone Muslim rulers built beautiful mosques. A mosque is an Islamic house of worship.
A. Rainone Muslim doctors learned how to diagnose diseases like smallpox and measles. Ibn Sina- Wrote the Cannon of Medicine. A large book detailing symptoms and treatments for various diseases.
A. Rainone Muslim doctors discovered that blood moves to and from the heart.
A. Rainone Muslims borrowed the concept of zero from India and developed Arabic numerals.
A. Rainone Muslim mathematicians also made advances in algebra and geometry. Invented Linear Algebra
A. Rainone While much of Islamic literature was based on the Qur’an, stories like Aladdin, written by Omar Khayyam,were popular too.
A. Rainone The vast Abbasid trading network encouraged cultural diffusion. Muslim Bizarre’s, or marketplaces was an excellent place to share cultural ideas.
Five Day Journey Muslims are required to make once in life if financially capable. Day 1- All wear Ihram-= white dress/robe for Hajj, pray on Mt. Arafat Day “Ramee of Jamrat” Collect 70 pebbles to throw at pillar in Mina to stone the Devil and cast away sin Day 5 – Circle Ka’ba 3 times and then cut hair for cleansing You Tube- American Convert's Journey to Hajj (pt.2) A. Rainone
Story Goes: Stone fell during time of Adam and Eve, and turned black because it consumed all the sins of the peoples A. Rainone
What is a golden age? List three cultures that experienced golden ages. Why did Islamic civilization experience a golden age? What is a mosque? List two advances in mathematics and science that occurred during the Islamic golden age. Why did Islamic artists rely on geometric designs? A. Rainone
It’s called a hajib and many muslim wear it for many reasons. Below are some of those reasons Muhammad asks that men and women be modest, lower their eyes and for women “draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment “and Surah 24, verses 30 – 31. Many wear the hajib to show that they are Muslim Many wear the hajib A. Rainone