North America, Central America, and South America
Most scientist and historians believe that the first Americans arrived via a land bridge. The bridge was called Beringia, it was during the last Ice Age in which the frozen water caused a drop in sea level which created a bridge over the gap that is today known as the Bering Straight. (p. 237) The Ice Age that is believed to allow this to happen lasted from roughly 1,900,000 – 10,000 BC.
Early Americans were thought to have crossed following large game like bison and mammoth. Hunter-Gatherers Early Americans migrate from Alaska, through Central America, all the way to the Southern tip of South America.
When early Americans in today’s Central Mexico discovered they could raise crops like MAIZE, squash, gourds, beans, avacados, and chiles; they began to abandon the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Maize – is a variety of corn that became the most important crop to early Americans.
Could very easily feed an entire family, with minimal effort.
Also known as “Central America” Olmec Zapotec
Mesoamerica’s first known civilization Lived in the jungles of Southern Mexico Know as the “mother culture” of Mesoamerica, because it influenced all civilizations that are formed after it in Mesoamerica.
Hot unforgiving climate with up to 100 inches of rainfall annually. The rainforest climate they lived in provided many raw materials like salt, tar, clay, wood, and rubber. The hills to the north of their civilization provided stone with which they built enormous stone head carvings.
Built large earthen mounds and pyramids believed to be a burial mound for a great Olmec ruler. (100 ft. tall pyramid, not any where near the size of Egypt’s pyramids). Believed to have worshiped a jaguar like creature due to the discovery of several half-jaguar half-human stone sculptures and carvings.
Lived in southwest Mexico in an area called the Oaxaca Valley The Oaxaca Valley has extremely fertile soil, a very mild climate, and enough rainfall to support agriculture. Built large stone statues and carvings hinting at their contact and influence of the Olmec culture.
500 BC the Zapotec built a large city named Monte Alban which housed 15,000 to 25,000 people. Monte Alban was the first urban center in the Americas, connecting large pyramids, towers, and palaces made of stone.
Aztecs Maya Inca Ch. 16 N.A. student powerpoint civilizations-the-olmecs-to-cortes.html#lesson civilizations-the-olmecs-to-cortes.html#lesson