Created by: Shay McNeil, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Jefferson County Lewis Honaker, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Ohio County David Hartley, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Preston County West Virginia Geocache Course Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status. Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission
It was the only state formed using counties and/or territories from another state It is the only state to have been created by a Presidential Proclamation. It was the only state to be named after the state or territory from which it was formed. Some families living in the state were divided between the Union and the Confederacy. What is unique about the formation of the state of WV? Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission.
Banana French Fry Golden Delicious Apple Blackberry Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. What is the state fruit?
Pancake, WV Cucumber, WV Paw Paw, WV Sassafras, WV Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. What town in Morgan County lent it’s name to the food nicknamed, “the WV banana?”
Morrill Act Farm Bill Hatch Act of 1887 Smith Lever Act Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. WVU is what we call a Land Grant University. What was the title of the original bill that was passed in 1862 that lead to the creation of Land Grant Universities ?
National Hockey League National Basketball Association Major League Baseball National Football League What sports organization owes its logo to a famous WV athlete? Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission.
Harpers Ferry, WV Shepherdstown, WV Charles Town, WV Martinsburg, WV Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. Where was John Brown tried for treason in 1859?
Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. Most of West Virginia's 55 counties were created before it became a state. How many counties were formed after West Virginia became a state in 1863?
Carnifax Ferry Droop Mountain Harpers Ferry Antietam Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. This state park in Pocahontas County is the site of West Virginia’s last significant Civil War battle.
New River Ohio River Shenandoah River Greenbrier River Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. Although it is the only river mentioned in John Denver’s “Country Roads” only a few miles of this river are actually in West Virginia
Philippi, WV Kesslers Cross Lanes Rich Mountain Cheat Mountain Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. Where was the first land battle of the Civil War?
Smithsonian Institute National Science Foundation NASA National Geographic Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. Homer Hickam, author of the book, Rocket Boys later became an engineer for this well known program.
Summersville River Guyandotte River Gauley River Monongahela River Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. This river was dammed to create Summersville Lake. In the fall when the lake is emptied it creates fantastic whitewater rapids on this river.
Clay County Roane County Kanawha County Braxton County Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission. The state fruit is a variety of that fruit that originates from what county
Congratulations! You have finished the course! Activity created by: Shay McNeil, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Jefferson County, Lewis Honaker, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Ohio County David Hartley, WVU Extension Agent - 4-H, Preston County Resources: Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status. Birthday in a Box is a program of the WVU Extension Service 4-H Civic Engagement Team and is funded by the West Virginia Sesquicentennial Commission