Vague rendering of design sketches Student: Ms. Raji Tenneti Supervisor: Dr. Alex Duffy
Aim of the research To develop a model that supports the designer's natural working method and promotes the maintenance of flexibility (least commitment) using vague rendering.
Objectives To study the various features of rendering in early stage design To preserve the vague information inherent in a sketch during sketch rendering for better visualisation and conveyance of information To provide the opportunity to view the possible alternatives in the rendered form without disturbing the original sketch.
Current research Most of the current research focuses on rendering in later stages of design. Few related work in rendering: Sketch Renderer (Strothotte et al); Kazoo (Stuart Green) and Gooch et al presented a non photo realistic lighting model. No work in rendering focused on using vague information of design sketches during early stage design. Lack and poor development of visualisation techniques in early stage design.
Problems with current systems Conceptual ideas should be defined into precise information. Cannot retain the vague information in a sketch. CAD model can represent only one alternative and will lose some hidden information. Lack of differentiation between essential and extraneous information. Not suited for communicating ideas.
Focus Study the effect of different aspects of rendering which help in visualisation during early stage design. Develop algorithms that convey different visual information using vague information of the design sketches. A model of vague rendering of design sketches.
Methodology Questionnaire: To study different aspects of rendering in early stage design Sample size: 60 Respondents: 3 rd year undergraduate students and faculty in DMEM Department. Graphical and statistical analysis SPSS
Results Photorealistic – Non photorealistic methods
Results Importance of rendering in early stage design CommunicationSpeed of renderingVisualizationQuality Variables Increase in importance
Results Precision of information used in early stage design Null hypothesis MeanStandard error Population Mean µ Test statistic, Z Critical value Decision Precision of information used Very vague Reject Vague Reject Fairly vague Accept Precise Accept Very precise Accept
Results Correlation between Non-photo realistic rendering and Precision of information used in early stage Very Vague Importance Very precise Correlation=
Results Elements used during generation of concepts
Results Dissatisfaction with present rendering tools
Key Conclusions More than 50% applicability of rendering in early stage design for better visualisation and communication of design ideas. Non-photo realistic rendering is used in early stage design for exploration of different design concepts. Early stage design focuses mainly on conveying information rather than quality of the output. Fairly vague to very precise information is used during early stage design
Key Conclusions (….contd) Increase in use of non-photo realistic rendering in early stage design increases the use of less precise information to convey design ideas. Factors like vague shape, lines and vague surface are equally important as other product aspects(such as colour, light, material) during generation of concepts. Absence of sketchy look, lack of differentiation between essential and non-essential information, absence of alternate solutions and absence of exploring ideas are some of the dissatisfying factors in the present systems.
Closing A study concerning different aspects of rendering was carried out in the form of a questionnaire. Develop algorithms for better visualisation using vague information. Develop a model of vague rendering of design sketches. Test and evaluate the model using experiments, interviews and questionnaires.
Thank You! Questions?