Participants will:  Become more familiar with Disciplinary Literacy  Identify the importance of text complexity in disciplinary literacy.  Identify.


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Presentation transcript:

Participants will:  Become more familiar with Disciplinary Literacy  Identify the importance of text complexity in disciplinary literacy.  Identify and apply text complexity tools to determine an appropriate complex reading selection for a classroom.

Disciplinary Literacy is the use of discipline- specific practices to access, apply, and communicate content knowledge.

1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. 4

Each discipline has specialized:  Ways of thinking  Language and vocabulary  Types of text to comprehend  Ways of communicating in writing

Domain Knowledge History Science Mathematics English Language Arts Graphic Communications Topic Knowledge The Civil War Titration Linear Algebra Literary Criticism Color Theory Disciplinary Knowledge The ways that knowledge is created The ways knowledge is shared The texts that are utilized by the discipline The practices and discourses utilized by the discipline 6

 PAARC Assessments  Students’ Command of Evidence with Complex Texts is at the Core of Every Part of the Assessment!  SO...  Two standards are always in play—whether they be reading or writing items, selected-response or constructed-response items on any one of the four components of PARCC. They are: ◦ Reading Standard One (Use of Evidence) ◦ Reading Standard Ten (Complex Texts) 7

 What does reading look like in your discipline?  How is knowledge created and shared?  What practices and discourses are used in your discipline?  What does writing look like in your discipline?  What does talking look like in your discipline? 8

Content area readingDisciplinary Literacy  Generalized approach to develop better readers in order to understand the content  Strategies are implemented across disciplines  Focus on generic reading processes or strategies  Summarizing  Questioning  Using Inferences  Several Strategies ◦ SQ3R ◦ GIST summarizing strategy ◦ Reciprocal Teaching  Specific approach to unveil how reading and writing are uniquely used in the discipline being studied  Primary focus on language and text demands within a discipline  Focus on specialized processes in the discipline  Sourcing  Generating a hypothesis  Justifying a claim  New or adapted strategies  History Event Chart ◦ SOAPStone 9

Cluster: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity CCR Anchor Standard #10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently RST By the end of grade 12, read and comprehend science/technical texts at the high end of the grades 11-CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. Lexile:

*Lexile Level CD-DVD Instructions 1080 USA Today 1100 High School Text (11-12) College Text 1215 Baltimore Sun 1250 W4 Applications 1260 Student Loan Applications 1270 Wall Street Journal 1320 Washington Post 1350 * Scores listed are averages

Text Complexity Levels of meaning Structure Language conventionality and clarity Knowledge demands Word frequency Sentence length Text cohesion Motivation Knowledge/experiences Purpose Task complexity


Text structures - the way that authors organize information - help students focus attention on key concepts and relationships, anticipate what’s to come, and monitor their comprehension as they read. Cause & Effect Chron. Order Compare Contrast Process Problem/ Solution Definition or Description Text Structures

1.Determine the quantitative measure of the text. 2. Analyze the qualitative measure of the text. 3. Reflect on the reader and task considerations. 4. Recommend placement in the appropriate text complexity band.

Use a computer generated program to find the readability measure. The Lexile analyzer will be modeled with this text.  “The Role of Print in an Omni Channel World”  1240L Lexile Measure  Mean Sentence Length  3.42 Mean Log Word Frequency  590 Word Count   “What is the Difference Between Whiteness and Brightness?”  950L Lexile Measure  Mean Sentence Length  3.49 Mean Log Word Frequency  385 Word Count 19

 Results from the Lexile Analyzer  the lexile range of “The Role of Print in an Omni Channel World” is 1240

Analyze the qualitative dimensions of the text.

Do a close reading and annotate the text. Find the key points and main idea Look for the difficult passages Note what’s confusing Pay attention to structure and vocabulary Write questions and a-ha’s in the margin Source: Fischer and Frey

Text-dependent questions require students to return to the text to formulate responses. Text-Dependent Questions

Opinions, Arguments, Intertextual Connections InferencesAuthor’s PurposeVocab & Text StructureKey DetailsGeneral Understandings Part Sentence Paragraph Entire text Across texts Word Whole Segments

 Answered through close reading  Evidence comes from text, not information from outside sources  Understanding beyond basic facts  Not recall!

Identify the core understandings and key ideas. Include opening questions to orient students to the text and provide confidence. Craft questions based on powerful academic words and text structures connected to the key ideas. Develop questions that support tough sections of text presenting the greatest difficulty for deep understanding. Sequence the series of questions to build toward deeper analysis. Identify which standards are aligned with the questions.

Did I ask questions that: Align to specific standards? Can only be answered by referring explicitly back to the text for evidence? Focus on major points and key ideas to promote student understanding of content? Target the most powerful academic and discipline-specific words? Target text structures that build an understanding of key ideas and connections to the text as a whole? Probe difficult sections of the text to support understanding of complex ideas? Provide a sequence to build a gradual understanding of analysis of the text?

 How to Access the Text Complexity Analyzer Tools   ATOS analyzer: Renaissance Learning    Lexiles – Metrametrics (website also suggest sites that report scores for books and textbooks    Pearson Reading Maturity – Pearson Knowledge Technologies Beta site    Source Rater Educators Testing Service Beta site    Degrees of Reading Power 

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) Common Core State Standards tml Disciplinary Literacy andrew-miller Rosemary Bitzel Regional Coordinator  Maryland State Department of Education  Division of Career and College Readiness  | 30