Instructor: Dr. Shereen Aly Taie 1
Broad introduction to Computer Graphics ◦ Software ◦ Hardware ◦ Applications CAD برامج التصميم 2
Good programming skills in C (or C++) Basic Data Structures ◦ Linked lists ◦ Arrays Geometry Simple Linear Algebra 3
Can run AutoCAD, Math lab on any system ◦ Windows ◦ Linux ◦ Mac 4
In this lecture, we explore what computer graphics is about and survey some application areas We start with a historical introduction 6
Computer graphics deals with all aspects of creating images with a computer ◦ Hardware ◦ Software ◦ Applications 7
Where did this image come from? What hardware/software did we need to produce it? 8
Application: The object is an artist’s rendition of the sun for an animation to be shown in a domed environment (planetarium) Software: Maya for modeling and rendering but Maya is built on top of OpenGL Hardware: PC with graphics card for modeling and rendering 9
10 Input devices Output device Image formed in FB
Can be used either as a line-drawing device (calligraphic) or to display contents of frame buffer (raster mode) 11
12 Analytic Geometry Art and Graphic Design Cognitive Science Computer Engineering Engineering Design Education Film Human Factors Linear Algebra Numerical Analysis Computer Graphics (CG) Parametric Equations Conics Polygon Rendering Layout CG Design Visualization Rendering Hardware VR Systems Portable/Embedded CG Color/Optical Models CG/Vision Duality Interface Design CAD CAE / CASE CAM Immersive Training Tutoring Interfaces Animation Large-Scale CG User Modeling Ergonomic Interfaces, I/O Transformations Change of Coordinate Systems Surface Modeling Physically-Based Modeling Stat/Info Visualization
14 Computer graphics is commonly understood to mean the creation, storage and manipulation of models and images.
15 Computer graphic is concerned يهتم with ◦ all aspects of producing pictures or images using a computer. ◦ the pictorial synthesis or real or imaginary objects from their computer based model
16 Computer Graphics ◦ Synthesis تركيب أو تكوين of graphical images ◦ Visualization : creating an image from an abstract, symbolic description. ◦ Generation of Synthesis Image using graphical primitives data from real world phenomena
17 Image Processing ◦ the transformation النقل من حالة لحالة of an existing image into a more desirable or useful image. image enhancement, pattern detection The following images represent how noise affects images
18 Image Analysis (Computer Vision الرؤيا بالحاسب ) ◦ extracting symbolic information from the image. Computer Graphics Data => Picture Image ProcessingPicture => Picture Image AnalysisPicture => Data
19 User controls contents, structure, and appearance of objects and their displayed images via rapid visual feedback Basic components of an interactive graphics system ◦ input (e.g., mouse, tablet and stylus, force feedback device,scanner…) ◦ processing (and storage) ◦ display/output (e.g., screen, paper-based printer, video recorder…)
20 Humans communicate well with images ◦ 1/3 of your brain is devoted to visual processing A picture is worth a few hundred megabytes
21 Developing Computational Capability ◦ Rendering الإستخراج أو الإستخلاص : synthesizing realistic- looking, useful, or interesting images ◦ Animation: creating visual impression of motion ◦ Image processing: analyzing, transforming, displaying images efficiently
22 Better Understanding of Data, Objects, Processes through Visualization الرؤية ◦ Visual summarization, description, manipulation ◦ Virtual environments (VR), visual monitoring, interactivity ◦ Human-computer intelligent interaction (HCII): training, tutoring, analysis, control systems
23 Time is Right الوقت مناسب ◦ Recent progress in algorithms and theory ◦ Rapidly emergence of new I/O (display and data acquisition) technologies ◦ Available computational power, improving price- performance-ratio of hardware ◦ Growth and interest of graphics industries (e.g., information visualization, entertainment CAD)
24 advances in the last decade due mostly to the microchip software advances, especially in object- oriented programming and real-time rendering algorithms Hardware advances continue to benefit graphics: ◦ faster inexpensive microprocessors and dedicated graphics chips ◦ screen technology: High-definition television (HDTV), colour LCD ◦ virtual reality interfaces (corneal implants?)
Computer Graphics Geometric modeling
Computer Graphics Image Output: Geometric Models SyntheticCamera
Computer Vision
Model Output: Real Scene CamerasImages
29 Graphics Database Editing Modeling Transformation Viewing Operation Graphics Database Display Traversal تجوال أو دوران Visible-Surface Determination Scan Conversion Shading / Illumination Image Front-End (Geometry Processing) Back-End (Rasterization)