Asthma Allergic ( extrinsic)Non Allergic(intrinsic) CausesDiagnosis Triggered by allergens Not related to allergens Allergens,History CommonTriggered by stress, exercise, cold air, dry air, hyperventilation Respiratory infections PFT Cough, wheezing, SOB, chest tightness Immune system is not involved WeatherX -ray Inhalation of dust, pet dander, pollen, mold EmotionsSpirometry Medication ex Asprin Peak air flow
Catergories of Asthma MildModerateSevere MildModerateSevereBrittle Couple of times per week Greater than two times per week Very severe asthma Exercise induced Exercise may be a trigger Sleep disturbances Can be fatal Relieved with Broncho dialators Symptoms usually seen at night Frequent hospitalizations Needs medicine
Drug Therapy Module
Asthma Drugs Anti inflammatory Anti cholinergics Leukotriene modifiers Beta adrenergic agonists methylxanthines Corticosteroids(A) Short Acting (A) Receptor Blockers (A) SABAIV - Aminophyline SolucortefAtroventAccolate- oral tablets, Albuterol, Ventolin Oral - Theophyline SolumedrolDry mouthHeadaches, dizziness, abdomen pain Tremors, increase HR, BP Increase HR, BP, dysrhythmias, Cipro, Cimetadine, erythromycine will increase levels Prednisone(B) Long Acting Singular - tablets MONITOR CARDIAC PATIENTS Check Theophyline levels Side effectsSpiriva (DPI)- Dry powder ( B) InhibitorsXopanex Cushinoid appearance, osteoporosis, peptic ulcers, menistrial irregularities, Zileuton – tab May cause liver enzymes to go up, pain, headaches Less cardiac side effects Flovent, Pulmocort, beclomethasone (B) LABA Tapering, oral care, obesity Salmetrol – never by itself