INQUIRY QUESTION Problem: Students from elementary through high school level have difficulty remembering words they learn in language class. Question: How can we help them better retain learned words?
PURPOSE OF THIS PRESENTATION “Engage students or learners in visualization and goal setting activities. Also involve students to exercise logical thinking, brainstorming and mind mapping” Jensen Eric (2008) Brain Based Learning This presentation will expose word activities that teachers can use with any age level. Teachers will participate in activities during the presentation, and take away one or more artifacts for classroom use.
NOTEBOOK FOLDABLES AND SIMILAR TECHNIQUES By Dinah Zike Technique: Author explains creation and use of mini books made with sticky notes, and mind organizers made with a sheet of paper. Purpose: Used before, during and/or after instruction to stimulate self- questioning and discussion.
VENN DIAGRAM FOLDABLE Venn Diagram Foldable Students glue the organizer by the middle section. Purpose: Compare and Contrast two concepts. Examples are listed underneath the diagram.
SUMMARY NOTE Students fold a piece of paper in two, one side is glued to the notebook. Students write their own topical summaries Frame the key concept words. Example: Reflexive Verbs
PAPER BOOKS Paper books have been effectively used for many years. (We will create samples.) Resource: Dr. Maria Montaňo Harmon, Cal State Fullerton, offers training classes. Very useful aid for students in producing written works and in oral interaction with partners.
PAPER BOOK TYPES AND STUDENT BEHAVIORS Book NameStudents’ Behavior 1. Rainbow bookWill help with classification. 2. Burrito bookWill help with details and sequence. 3. TriagramWill help with main idea and facts. 4. House of contrastWill help with comparison and differentiation. 5.Origami bookCreate a free writing piece in 4 or 8 pages. 6. Flip BooksWill help to visualize and apply two concepts. Ex. Synonyms vs antonyms.
ADAPTION OF GAMES GAME : “Banana Grams” Link:
GAME: TABOO (SPANISH – TABU) Based on the game “Taboo” Purpose of the game: develop adjectives in a target language (can be modified to class level). We can practice the game now!
WORDS WITH MUSIC Students listen to a song, sing it together and then create Level 1 questions. Level 1 questions are Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
PRACTICE PAPER BOOKS AND FOLDABLES Go to one or more of the stations and make your own paper book or foldable. Then come back in group discussion for questions and feedback.
!MUCHAS GRACIAS! Thanks so much!