May Parent Workshop May 12, 2016
Reading Book Clubs – What’s the thinking job as a reader? Focus on Inferential Thinking Levels of Reading Comprehension What's Happening? (Literal) ● I am able to retell the important parts of the text. What does this mean? (Inference) ● I can grow ideas about characters by describing their traits and feelings based on what they say and do. ● I can add in my own thinking based on the text. Why does this matter? (Inference) ● I am able to identify lessons learned from the text. ● I can identify social issues/themes in texts. ● I can identify the author’s purpose. ● I am able to relate the theme to my own life and think about how it affects me.
Learning Progressions
Reading ● Teacher’s College Benchmarks - Grade level for June is level P, Q and up is above ● Summer Slide - average reader will fall back at least two levels if they don’t read over the summer
Reading Suggestions ● Read at least SIX books over the summer (obviously the more the better) ● Importance of books being on approximate independent level (see website for links to books on levels) ● Sticking to one book at a time before starting a new book ● Most Popular Books for summer: Pop culture biography; Content Area Nonfiction (any topic) ● Get them hooked on a series - List of Suggested Series/Titles
3rd Grade Writing Start of 3 rd GradeEnd of 3 rd Grade Write 1 big block Use basic Transition Words (First, Next, Then, Finally) Types of Writing and their purposes (narrative, inform, opinion) Organizing writing into many paragraphs Use different Transition words based on genre of writing
Narrative Writing Writing about a small moment, a trip, retelling an activity. Organized by time (Beginning, Middle, End) Transition words (first, next, then, after, finally) Has lots of dialogue and actions Include sensory details (see, smell, hear, touch, taste)
Information Writing Teach others about a topic Organize topic by headings and subheadings Transition words (before, later, then, after, however, but) Text Features Note Taking: Recording interesting facts, boxes and bullets (jotting ideas for a trip), sketch notes, etc.
Persuasive Writing Convince others to agree with your ideas/thoughts. Literary Essays Transition Words (one examples, another example, one reason, another reason, in addition)
Writing Expectations For Fourth Grade ● Produce a full page of writing each day in class and each night for homework. Suggestion: Keep a diary or journal. Keep it open and unstructured like free writing. (Example- Keeping a summer vacation journal of what you’re doing/feeling each day.) Website: storybird Create stories to match illustrations and read stories/poems
Sample Journal Sketches, Small Moments, Timelines, Poems, Opinions, New Learning, Vacation Experiences
Math What we’ve worked on this year ● Centers:Fluency in multiplication and division facts ● Number Talks: ability to use mental math strategies (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Reinforce math skills through real world situations (grocery shopping or measuring perimeter of objects)
Summer Resources/Suggestions Website: storybird Create stories to match illustrations and read stories/poems Khan Academy Set time aside for summer reading/summer book clubs (friends, family) Research number talks and mental math strategies (see teacher website)
Getting Ready For Fourth Grade Homework - No more packets, HW written daily in a planner (responsibility & independence) In preparation of using a daily planner, students will write out HW daily in a notebook this year. Middle School Applications (attendance, punctuality and behavior are strongly considered).