Brocade Unified Campus Networking NOTE: The slides contained in this presentation are intended for Brocade authorized partner use only. Any modification of the materials from the Brocade approved presentation is prohibited. Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Brocade Unified Campus Networking Thanks for taking the time to learn how Brocade can help you meet emerging business challenges with Campus networking (aka Access layer switching) During this session, we’ll: Use our solutions and vision for the next generation campus architecture to demonstrate why Brocade is uniquely positioned to deliver network infrastructure that is: Reliable, high-performance Effortless to acquire and manage And Delivers unmatched value and investment protection By the end of this session, we hope to have shown you why partnering with Brocade will allow you to take advantage of this campus network transition to grow your market share and profitability. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Legal Disclaimer All or some of the products detailed in this presentation may still be under development and certain specifications, including but not limited to, release dates, prices, and product features, may change. The products may not function as intended and a production version of the products may never be released. Even if a production version is released, it may be materially different from the pre-release version discussed in this presentation. Nothing in this presentation shall be deemed to create a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third-party rights with respect to any products and services referenced herein. ADX, Brocade, Brocade Assurance, Brocade One, the B-wing symbol, DCX, Fabric OS, ICX, MLX, MyBrocade, SAN Health, VCS, and VDX are registered trademarks, and AnyIO, HyperEdge, NET Health, OpenScript, and The Effortless Network are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries. Other brands, products, or service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Agenda Technology and Business Trends Enterprise Value Gap Campus Portfolio Overview Competitive Comparison - Wired Competitive Comparison - Wireless Features Spotlight - Wired Features Spotlight – Wireless Solutions Summary To accomplish this, we’ll cover: Technology & Business Trends – Driving an architectural shift in the way Campus Networks are being designed and built. Introduce the “Enterprise Value Gap” – A concept we’ve developed to clarify the quandary customers such as yourself are facing Campus Portfolio Overview Competitive Comparison – Wired – To show how our Access layer wired portfolio stacks up against the competition. Competitive Comparison – Wireless – To show how our wireless portfolio stacks up against the competition. Features Spotlight – Wired – We’ll highlight and explain the value of 3 key features of our wired solution and how they’ll “change the game”. Features Spotlight – Wireless – We’ll highlight 2 core strengths of our wireless technology and demonstrate why they are the right solution for your customers. Brocade Solutions Summary – We’ll summarize how Brocade technology meets challenges So let’s take a quick look at these trends and challenges in a bit more detail and then talk about how you can leverage Brocade technology to help. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Technology and Business Trends Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Technology and Business Trends Mobility & Mobile Devices 1B+ devices will be sold in ’12 Users Expect Connectivity Scalability & Performance BYOD network security Video & Unified Communication Latency Sensitive Multicast Scalability Ubiquitous as phones ‘14: 91% of traffic will be video Virtualization (VDI) & Cloud 10x increase in 2 yrs Increasing use of Cloud Svcs High Availability Core to Edge Optimized There are 4 major trends impacting the design of today’s Campus network: Mobility, Video, Virtualization, and Staffing and Budgets. All 4 trends are combining to drive an architectural shift in the way Campus Networks are designed. Mobile Devices & Mobility In 2012, the IT industry will ship over 1 billion devices in a single year (72M from Apple and Samsung last quarter) Meanwhile, users of these devices expect connectivity IMPACT: Millions of these consumer-owned devices will be added to your network. This means increased demands for scalability (Mac and IP addr), security, and performance. Video and Unified Communications We all realize that the impact of video-based traffic on the network is massive. Estimates are that by 2014, 91% of all internet traffic will have some component of video to it – TV, video on demand, streaming, peer-to-peer video. It seems that video is likely to become as ubiquitous as phones are today with many customers moving toward desktop video conferencing as a replacement to voice-only communications. But use of video must be smooth and seamless. Choppy images and broken audio are unacceptable. IMPACT: Adoption of video and UC represents a major shift in architectural requirements of the network in terms of bandwidth, reliability, Quality of Service, and network latency, just to name a few. Virtualization and Cloud Data Center virtualization is successfully driving up compute utilization in the data center and is now spreading across campus to the desktop With the tremendous potential to cut help desk costs, Gartner estimates VDI adoption to increase 10x over the next 2 years – from 5 million to 50 million! IMPACT: From an end user standpoint, it must be seamless. Before VDI, a mouse click would travel ~2’ to be executed. Today, it travels 100’s of feet if not miles over SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE. Meanwhile, Cloud adoption continues to ramp with more orgs using tools such as SFDC and Google Docs, FB, Twitter, YouTube, and more. With entire business units of users leveraging cloud-based services; reliable high-quality access to these services is critical. IMPACT: Both of these trends have profound impact on how network design priorities for reliability and performance of the Campus LAN If connectivity goes down or more likely performs slowly, this can have a profound impact on users trying to access cloud services to do their job and whatever cost and ease of deployment savings realized will quickly be washed away with a poor user experience. Staffing Analyst surveys including a CIO survey done by Gartner say that staffing and IT budget trends will continue to be flat or increase very slowly What does this mean? The bad news is that it means staffing is still under tremendous pressure to provide solutions and support for these 3 mega trends with very little increases in staff and budget. In short, the tired but still true saying, “Do more with less.” still applies. The good news is that now more than ever before, Brocade Campus Networking solutions enable customers to meet these challenges Because Brocade Campus solutions deliver value, performance and reliability, customers can deploy networking solutions that fit their business and budget. But more importantly, Brocade innovations make campus networking “effortless” to acquire and operate. In other words, Brocade delivers premium features WITHOUT the premium price –enabling customers to meet today’s challenges and take advantage of the opportunity for IT to increase it’s strategic value within their respective companies’ by improving corporate agility and enabling new business-critical, value-added services. Let’s take a closer look at what we mean…. Staffing & Fiscal Responsibility GRTNR CIO Survey: Flat Growth Staff stretched thin © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 The Network Design Gap Delivering Premium Features Without the Premium Price Best Price/Performance Balanced Feature Set Optimized Scalability Over-Engineered Complex Expensive Limited Functionality Inflexible Poor scalability As you attempt to address these mega trends, we understand you’re faced with a tough decision –deploy expensive and complex-to-use infrastructure with the expectation they’ll “grow into it” or deploy inexpensive infrastructure with the knowledge they’ll “rip-n-replace” as your needs change. Brocade Campus Networking can provide solutions that meet both these requirements. Brocade solutions deliver premium features without the premium price because they provide: Optimized and evolutionary scalability that allows customers to deploy and pay for only the technology they need today while providing smooth, seamless and cost-effective upgrade paths as their needs change. Include premium features such as stacking and lifetime warranty at NO CHARGE. Enhancements are typically software-upgradeable Innovative HyperEdge technology that allows customers to leverage initial investments well beyond the typical 3-year lifecycle. To learn more about how Brocade is breaking the mold, let’s first take a quick look at the Campus Networking portfolio, then look at how Brocade stacks up against the competition, and finally we’ll go into detail on some very unique and compelling technologies that enable customers to realize all these benefits. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Campus Networking Portfolio Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Campus Networking Portfolio Ready for HyperEdge™ Technology ACCESS AGGREGATION/CORE WIRELESS Brocade® ICX® 6610 Brocade Mobility 7131 Access Point Brocade MLX® Series Brocade Mobility 650 Access Point Brocade FCX Series Brocade Mobility 6511 Access Point Let’s take a quick look at Brocade’s entire campus LAN portfolio to provide some context Brocade has a complete line of wired and wireless solutions that are entirely focused on delivering premium features without the premium price. In many cases, Brocade solutions include at no extra cost features the competition typically charges extra for. Over the last 6 months Brocade has refreshed their campus portfolio almost in its entirety, dramatically enhancing our ability to compete against the top players in the industry and delivering tremendous value to customers. Starting at the bottom of your screen and providing single-pane-of-glass management coverage for the entire portfolio is Brocade Network Advisor. This management and monitoring solution provides visibility into the entire networking infrastructure from storage, to DC networking, across campus and out to the wireless edge. Centralized visibility and consolidated management means lower cost of ownership and ease of use Now working from right to left.. At the wireless layer, Brocade provides a complete line of Access Points and Controllers that use a unique and highly scalable architecture to deliver the performance and reliability needed for mobile users accessing bandwidth intensive, quality of service sensitive applications. For the Aggregation and Core segments, Brocade provides the MLX, FastIron SX, and the ICX 6610. The MLX and SX deliver enterprise- class features such as 100GbE performance, MPLS and Multi-chassis Trunking. Lastly is the Access segment. We’re going to spend our time here today because this segment is becoming the front line for users and IT as the mega trends take hold. At the wired access layer, Brocade offers a complete range of new products in the form a 3 tier portfolio At the entry level, they have the ICX 6430 and ICX 6450 Which deliver most cost-effective connectivity with the best TCO in the industry for this class of products. At the mid-range they offer the trusted FCX series which has recently been upgraded to support IPV6 At the high end and redefining the premium stackable category, Brocade offers the high performance ICX 6610 delivering unparalleled stacking and uplink bandwidth among a host of other new and innovative features. Lastly for the wired access layer, the entire line of ICX switches is HyperEdge-ready –a multi-faceted technology that will soon redefine how network adminstrator’s manage and grow their networks. Now lets see how Brocade stacks up against the competition. Brocade ICX 6430 Brocade ICX 6450 Brocade FastIron® SX Brocade Mobility Controller Brocade ICX 6610 Brocade Network Adviser © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Campus Stackable Product Family Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Brocade Campus Stackable Product Family Entry Level Midrange High End ICX 6430 ICX 6450 FCX-S Series ICX 6610 Enterprise Class, Stackable Gigabit Ethernet 24/48 RJ45 ports Gigabit Ethernet SFP uplink ports PoE and PoE+ support Redundant Power Supplies 10 Gigabit Ethernet uplinks Layer 3 routing (IPv4) sFlow on all ports 24x1 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports model Advanced Layer 3 routing (IPv4 and IPv6) Dual hot-swappable Internal PSUs Hot-swappable fan assembly 8x10 Gigabit Ethernet uplink ports 320 Gbps stacking bandwidth Dual hot-swappable fan assemblies 4 x40 Gigabit Ethernet ports hardware ready Now lets take a quick look at the Brocade Access layer portfolio. As you can see, Brocade has a very simple and streamlined portfolio while still covering all the challenges customer’s face. Compare this with the leading competitors who offer a vast array of models, options, and configurations – making the challenge of selecting the right solution to meet today AND TOMORROW’s challenges very difficult. You see, at Brocade, they are able to deliver all the features needed with just 4 hardware platforms and features and functions enabled via software licenses. For example, if all you need is basic 1GbE connectivity and stacking, the ICX 6430 will work just fine. Need basic 10GbE connectivity and 2x10GbE uplinks, move up to the ICX 6450. If you need to add some basic L3 or 2 more 10GbE uplinks, just upgrade using a SW license. Need more L3, deploy the FCX. If you need 10GbE connectivity and maximum stacking and uplink capabilities, advanced L3, and built-in redundant power supplies, the ICX 6610 is the best option. Compare this to a typical HP or Cisco solution and you’ll face a dizzying list of models and options. Deploy one model and you may find you need swap the entire switch out just to add some additional features. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Campus Edge Competitive Positioning Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Campus Edge Competitive Positioning Why Customers Choose Brocade Cisco HP Juniper Brocade ICX 6610 ICX 6450 FCX 8x10 GbE uplinks 320 Gbps Stacking Future proof EEE MACSEC Hardware-based sFlow 40 GbE ready Horizontal stacking Premium E3800 EX-4200 3750-X IPv4/IPv6 routing – NO COST BGP, GRE tunneling sFlow Mid Range Here we see the 3 primary competitors for Campus networking: Cisco, HP, and Juniper. Each column is broken into entry level, mid-range, and premium-class switches with competitive models listed for comparison. At the entry level the ICX 6430 and 6450 compete with the significantly more expensive Cisco 2960-S and with the HP Procurve E2910 which do not offer true stacking capability. They also compete with the HP 5120 EI stackable, a former 3com product. Juniper competitive offering includes the under powered EX-2200 against the 6430 and the EX-3300 against the 6450. Here is why the 6430 and 6450 win repeatedly against these competitors The ICX 6400 family: Offers stacking capability at NO EXTRA COST -unlike the Cisco 2960 and HP 5120 which both require an expensive optional stacking module, or the HP E2910 or Juniper EX 2200 which do not support stacking at all Why is stacking and uplink capacity important? Video, VDI, Cloud, Unified Communications all drive traffic to and through the core. If this portion of the network is heavily oversubscribed (i.e. lacks capacity), these applications will perform poorly, user complaints will increase and productivity will go down. Consumes 25% lower power than competitors. Do the math, that’s no small savings. Offer future proof capabilities such as Energy Enhanced Ethernet and MACSec –features lacking in many of the competitors Offer an innovative external power supply that can be shared among up to 3 switches –providing power redundancy and PoE injection while spreading the cost across multiple switches –no competitor offers this unique capability. include a lifetime warranty and free 3 year of support on the 6400 models AT NO CHARGE compared to 90 days from Cisco and Juniper For customers needing a bit more than basic switching, The ICX 6450 Offers up to 4x 10 GbE uplink ports that are SW upgradable on demand. While, most competitors offer only 2 10GbE ports and require an expensive HW module Provides basic L3 capabilities –OSPF and RIP as a SW License upgrade –competitors do not offer any L3 capability at this level. And sFlow support is enabled on EVERY PORT providing zero-impact sampling capability –compared to Cisco that offers proprietary Netflow that is only available on uplinks and causes a dramatic performance hit when enabled. At the mid- range the FCX competes with the significantly more expensive Cisco 3750-X the HP 3500 and the Juniper EX-4200 A key competitive advantages of the FCX include IPv4 and IPv6 routing included AT NO CHARGE in the base model unlike Cisco which requires a license for L3 Of course and like the ICX 6450, sFlow support is enabled on all ports unlike Cisco 3750X which requires an expensive module, is proprietary, and only supports uplinks At the high end, the ICX 6610 competes with much less capable Cisco 3750-X and Juniper EX4200 as well as the recently introduced HP 3800 The ICX 6610: Leap frogs the competition in terms of performance and capability redefining the premium stackable category Offers 8x 10GbE ports with no additional HW module required, that’s 4 times what the competition offers with the Cisco 3750X, Juniper EX4200 2x 10 optional uplink modules Offers 4x 40GbE ports for stacking that compares to 2 proprietary 16 Gbps port for Cisco and 2 proprietary 32 gbps port for juniper. Even more importantly, these ports use standard-based connectors that allow customers greater flexibility and value. Delivers future proofing with 40 GbE-ready, Energy Enhanced Ethernet (EEE) and MACsec HW support. No other competitor is 40 GbE ready. Future enhancements include optical-based horizontal stacking for long distance “virtual stacks that will dramatically reduce operational costs. And again like the ICX 6450, the 6610 delivers sFlow support on all port at NO EXTRA COST There are many, many more features and capabilities to help customers meet today’s challenges but as you can see by the details on this slide, Brocade is able to deliver MORE premium features than our competitors WITHOUT the premium price. NOTE: 40 GbE and Horizontal Stacking are roadmap items 3750-X E3500 EX-4200 E2910/2810 (non-stack) Stacking, 4x10 GbE Lowest power consumption MACsec, EEE, PoE+ density, Innovative EPS Richer warranty /support sFlow Entry Level EX-3300 2960-S EX-2200 (non-stack) A5120 ICX 6430 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information * Planned for future availability 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Campus WLAN Competitive Positioning Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Campus WLAN Competitive Positioning Why We Win Cisco Aruba HP Brocade AP 6511 Brocade Advantage Scalable Architecture Dist. Controller Arch. Load Balancing Band Steering Highest Device Density Multicast AP Reliability Survivability Self Learning Self Healing Flexible Security Fulltime IDS/IPS AAA, RADIUS AirDefense NAC/MDM (Partners) Low TCO Shared Controller Licenses 3600 AP135 466 AP 650 AP 7131 Premium 7500 6000 760 RFS7000 3500 AP124 460 AP 650 AP 7131 Mid Range 5500 Now let’s take a look at the competitive landscape for wireless solutions. Here we have offerings from Cisco, Aruba, and HP compared to offerings from Brocade. With Brocade Mobility, the three main reasons why customers choose Brocade: Adaptive APs Scalable, high performance architecture Total Cost of Ownership Adaptive APs reduce operational costs through Self-learning and Self-healing intelligence: Self Learning – APs only require power and connectivity to be deployed –no manual configuration required. Once powered, each AP can talk to neighboring APs to get config information. Self Healing – APs can increase/decrease radio power to compensate for a failed neighboring AP. If a neighboring AP goes down, the remaining APs increase power to fill the void and maintain wireless coverage Scalable high performance architecture Data traffic does not pass through the controller –eliminating the controller as the choke point. This architecture ensures optimal data traffic performance, is 802.11AC-ready and allows customers to meet the growing demands of mobile users and their applications. TCO Brocade Mobility APs provide greater coverage than competitive offerings enabling customers to purchase, deploy and manage fewer APs while still providing the same coverage. In fact, we’ve had some customers tell us they were able to provide the same coverage with HALF the APs recommended by Aruba –giving these customers a tremendous cost savings. Shared Controller licenses eliminate the “high availability tax” that comes with competitor solutions. With Brocade Mobility, you only need to purchase one license for each AP even if you have multiple controllers. In the event of controller failure, the licenses are “re-used” on a backup controller. The Competition requires redundant licenses that will sit idle on redundant controller and never used unless a controller failure occurs. Additionally, many security features such as RADIUS server, and IDS/IPS are included at NO CHARGE. 3000 720 RFS6000 1250 AP109 430 AP 650 Entry Level 2500 650 710 Virtual / RFS4000 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 The Brocade Advantage The Effortless Network™ helping you achieve your business objectives 2. Fit Your Business and Budget 3. Keep running no matter what 1. Automated Effortless Networking 1 Effortless Stacking and Scale Self-healing/Configuring APs 2 30-50% LOWER TCO HyperEdge*: Mix-n-Match Brocade Campus Networking delivers on 3 primary customer imperatives: 1. Eliminate the operational challenges of managing my Campus network 2. Provide solutions that fit my business and my budget 3. Be ultra reliable The next three slides will provide key and compelling proof points on why Brocade Wired solutions best meet these customer imperatives. Specifically, we will demonstrate how: Brocade stacking technology makes managing a Campus network “effortless” Brocade innovations allow you to offer the same or better technology and features to your customers at 30-50% LESS than the competition while protecting their investments for years to come. Hitless stacking allows customers to manage and grow their networks without ANY downtime Let’s take a closer look…. 3 Hitless Maintenance and Growth Distributed Controller Architecture *Brocade HyperEdge technology is planned to be available for purchase in the first half of 2013. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Effortless Stacking, Scale & Maintenance Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Effortless Stacking, Scale & Maintenance Brocade Takes Stacking to the Next Level Stacking included at NO COST Mix-and-Match stacking deliver unmatched feature propagation Standards-based 10 GbE 40 GbE flexible stacking ports reduce complexity & costs Long distance stacking using optical links expands single stacks across campus Single-point management, zero-touch software and configuration updates between stack members make ownership effortless Zero downtime in the event of stack controller or stacking link failure ensure reliable service Hitless insertion and removal of stack members provide downtime-free maintenance Brocade is the ONLY networking vendor that offers stacking technology that makes managing your network “effortless”. Brocade’s unique stacking technology allows customers to reduce management costs while delivering the performance and scalability needed to meet today’s customer challenges And with Brocade ICX and FCX switches, stacking technology is include at NO ADDITIONAL COST Here’s a few more reasons why Brocade stacking technology is best.: 1. Mix-n-match stacking enables feature propagation and delivers unmatched value and investment protection –more on this later. 2. Brocade’s stacking technology is standards-based using 10GbE and flexible 40GbE connectors for stacking ports eliminating proprietary and costly approaches found in competitor solutions. 3. Brocade’s stacking offers Single point management, zero-touch software and configuration updates between stack members make ownership and management “effortless” 4. Brocade’s stacking provides ultra-high reliability in the event of stack member failure with our zero downtime controller and stacking capabilities 5. Brocade also provides continuous service delivery using their hitless stack member insertion and removal. Need to remove a switch from the stack to perform maintenance without taking service offline? No problem. And when you’re ready to re-insert or add a new, no problem again. All can be done without taking service to users offline. As you can see, Brocade stacking technology provides the reliability, performance, and ease of ownership customers demand. Now you’d think all these premium capabilities would come at a high cost. If you were looking at competitive solutions, you’d probably be right. But not with Brocade Campus Networking… © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking Brocade TCO Advantage Brocade Unified Campus Networking Best Price/Value on the Market – No Excuse to Lose on $$$ Brocade ICX 6450 vs. Cisco 2960-S 500 POE+ Ports Stackable Solution Try it for yourself or your customers: $156 Brocade ICX 6450 vs. HP 5120 EI 500 Ports Stackable Solution Here we’d like to show you just how much LESS these premium features will cost you compared to the two leading competitors –Cisco and HP. In this comparison, we have a ICX 6450 v a Cisco 2960-S at the top and v an HP 5120 on the bottom. Compared to the 2960, Acquisition costs are 49.4% LESS Service and support are 100% less because we provide FREE support for 3 years v Cisco’s free for 90 days. Cumulative TCO (not including depreciation) is 52.2%!! A savings of over $76,000! Compared to HP, widely regarded as the value price leader: The HW acquisition costs are STILL 36.3% LESS Service and support are even at $0 for 3 years Cumulative TCO is 36.6% LESS than HP! A savings of over $32,000!! Even in this relatively small deployment, the savings are significant either way you look at it. To demonstrate that this comparison is realistic and in the interest of full disclosure, we’re providing this tool to you and your users. You can access this tool at See for yourself, there’s no arguing Brocade is serious about delivering value. But wait, there’s even more…. $114 $94 $85 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 12
HyperEdge™: Mix-and-Match Stacking Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 HyperEdge™: Mix-and-Match Stacking Increases Campus LAN design flexibility Heterogeneous device stacking Mix low- & high-end switches Basic connectivity + Premium features Benefits Feature propagation Reduce initial capital outlay Pay-as-you-grow Flexibility Layer 2 Advanced L3 GRE IPv6 Layer 2 Basic L3 One area of Campus networking that has been sorely lacking for nearly 20 years (according to Gartner) is innovation. Outside of improving speed, density, power, and cooling; there’s been nothing else done…until now. Brocade recently announced HyperEdge Technology – a multifaceted technology designed to address operational challenges through automation and intelligence. The first iteration of HyperEdge Technology is Mix-n-Match stacking and this is a game-changer. Mix-n-Match stacking allows you to mix low and high-end switches into a single stack thereby combining Basic connectivity with premium features. No other networking vendor can do this. The benefits are: Feature propagation – Purchase and add one premium switch to a stack of entry level switches and all ports inherit the premium features provided by the premium switch. Reduced initial capital outlay – Buy/deploy switches that meet your needs and budget today without worry of costly rip-n-replace in the future or use this to deliver higher port counts with premium features without the paying a premium price Pay as your grow – Add features WHEN you need them (not before) without complex and costly rip-n- replace Flexibility – No more rip-n-replace to deploy higher end features. Let’s take a quick look at how this works in the real world compared to a typical deployment using Cisco solutions…. *Brocade HyperEdge technology is planned to be available for purchase in the first half of 2013. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
HyperEdge™: Mix-and-Match Stacking Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 HyperEdge™: Mix-and-Match Stacking More flexible lifecycle reduces cost & extends investment protection 8x10 GB- Fiber SFP+ Uplinks v GRE, BGP, IPv6 Adv. Routing Adv Features H/W ready MASEC, 40 GBE 16K Routes L3 scalability VRF L3 Features Cisco 3750 Brocade ICX 6610 Cisco 2960S Brocade ICX 6450 Here we have a stack of ICX 6450s and a comparable stack of Cisco 2960s. Both stacks provide: HW redundancy Standard L2 switching 4MB packet buffers 4x1G and 2x10G uplinks In addition and for LESS money (as we showed on the previous slide), the ICX 6450 also provides: 2 additional 10G uplinks (total of 4x10G) Basic L3 capabilities including RIP and OSPF Routing So even without HyperEdge Technologies’ Mix-n-match stacking, customers are already getting a better value. Now lets say you’ve grown and have a need for increased functionality such as: L3 scalability and features Advanced routing (GRE, BGP, or even IPv6) Fiber-based uplinks, etc. With ICX, you just add one ICX 6610 to the top of the stack (2 for redundancy) All the L3 features provided by the 6610 are available to ALL switches in the stack –essentially providing premium services without paying the premium price With Cisco, you remove the ENTIRE stack of 2960s and roll in a whole new stack of 3750s! OUCH!!! That’s gonna leave a mark..on your wallet. Even more, with this scenario, the price / port is $321 LESS ($189 v $510) So there you have it. With Brocade’s “effortless” stacking, Mix-n-Match stacking, and the TCO costs 30-50% LESS than leading competitors. Now let’s take a couple minutes to understand how Brocade Mobility solutions can help you achieve these same goals… RPS Power Supply HW Redundancy v 4 MB Packet Buffer Buffer RPS Power Supply HW Redundancy v 4 MB Packet Buffer Buffer Switching Layer 2 Only Routing IPv4 RIP IPv4 OSPF Up links 4x 1G Up links 2x 10G Up links 4x 1G Up links 4x 10G *Brocade HyperEdge technology is planned to be available for purchase in the first half of 2013. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 The Brocade Advantage The Effortless Network helping you achieve your business objectives 2. Fit Your Business and Budget 3. Keep running no matter what 1. Automated Effortless Networking 1 Effortless Stacking Self-healing/Configuring APs 2 30-50% LOWER TCO HyperEdge: Mix-n-Match As stated earlier, Brocade Campus Networking delivers on 3 primary customer imperatives: 1. Eliminate the operational challenges of managing my Campus network 2. Provide solutions that fit my business and my budget 3. Be ultra reliable The next two slides will provide key and compelling proof points on why Brocade Wireless solutions best meet these customer imperatives. Specifically, we will demonstrate how: Brocade intelligent Access Points configure and heal themselves The Brocade non-blocking, distributed controller architecture securely delivers the scalability, performance and reliability needed to meet customer trends. Let’s take a closer look…. 3 Hitless Stacking / Chassis Distributed Controller Architecture *Brocade HyperEdge technology is planned to be available for purchase in the first half of 2013. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking Effortless & Reliable Network Intelligence Eases Setup & Survivability 4 1 ACCESS POINT SELF-CONFIGURES: AP boots from PoE, pulls config information from controller and neighboring APs Data Center 1 Data Center 2 2 5 ACCESS POINT FAILURE Neighboring APs power up to handle coverage gap until AP can be repaired WAN Branch Office 1 Branch Office 2 3 LOCAL WIRED SWITCH FAILURE Adaptive AP(s) Dynamically Forms Mesh Connection to Neighboring AP’s and backhaul through redundant switch Using this image, we will show you in 5 steps how Brocade Mobility solutions provide the reliability and ease of management needed to ensure high quality service without increasing engineering and IT resources. 1. Access Point Intelligence (Point I) – If you note in the lower left, the AP is not connected to a local switch. This represents a new AP being deployed. Brocade APs do not require extensive wireless and/or networking experience to deploy. When an AP is connected to the ethernet cable, PoE provides the power. As the AP boots, it communicates with neighboring APs to obtain configuration information. Once configured, the AP is online and ready for service. No wireless engineer or manual configuration needed. 2. Access Point Intelligence (Point II) – In the event an AP fails, Brocade Aps will automatically increase radio power and coverage to compensate for the gap caused by the down AP. This intelligence allows wireless service to continue until the failed AP can be addressed at a time that works best for IT. 3. Access Point Intelligence (Point III) – When a wired switch fails, a whole group of WAPs and users can be impacted. Not necessarily so with Brocade Mobility. The Brocade AP can automatically create a “mesh” connection to neighboring APs building a data bridge to a switch with connectivity. 4. Wireless Controller Failure – When a controller fails, services is immediately and automatically moved to a backup or redundant controller. This is no different than most wireless solutions out there. What’s different about Brocade is that the AP licenses on the backup controller are FREE. Unlike the competition, Brocade licensing doesn’t force customers to purchase additional licenses for each controller in use –whether it’s online or acting as a backup. This is a tremendous savings to customers. 5. WAN Link Failure – Brocade APs provide enough intelligence to allow users and devices to connect and even continue to share information even if communication with the controller has been lost. Many competitive solutions provide some basic connectivity for a period of time but once you log off, devices will be unable to reconnect. 3 1 4 2 WIRELESS CONTROLLER FAILURE Distributed cluster allows for seamless transition Mesh 5 WAN LINK FAILURE All Local Services Continue, Site Survivability (including Security)
Distributed Architecture & Adaptive APs Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Distributed Architecture & Adaptive APs Foundation for Performance and Reliability Hub and Spoke (Dependant) Architecture (Cisco, HP, Aruba) Brocade Distributed Controller Architecture WLAN controller WLAN controller Enterprise cloud Enterprise cloud Application servers Application servers Edge switch Now let’s take a quick look at the distributed, non-blocking architecture of Brocade Mobility and you’ll see why this architecture is critical to supporting the growth in mobility products and bandwidth-intensive, quality of service sensitive applications. At the foundation of Brocade Mobility is a next generation technology that takes the best of the independent and dependent or thin AP architectures and creates a adaptive architecture that truly distributes intelligence, security, and networking features to build highly scalable 802.11n WLANs with no single point of failure. Each access point can independently apply security, route traffic and make optimization decisions, such as power or load- balancing, in collaboration with its AP neighbors and the wireless switch controller. The result is a far more reliable, secure and high-performance network. What puts Brocade ahead of Cisco and Aruba with this next generation architecture is simple -- while they rushed 802.11n products to market, Brocade Mobility is a carefully designed and advanced architecture developed to fully exploit the potential of 802.11n for performance, reliability, and security. As the animation demonstrates, Brocade Mobility’s distributed architecture means data takes efficient routes through the network. Unlike Cisco, Aruba, and HP configurations, at no time does the data path need to pass the controller. With Brocade Mobility, the data path can be as short as single AP (two devices connected to the same AP), AP to AP (two APs connected to the same wired switch), or AP to wired infrastructure. This approach provides the performance and reliability demanded by today’s users and mobile applications. Now you’ve seen two key proof points on why you should consider Brocade Mobility. With Brocade Mobility, you can install an advanced network to meet today’s challenges and continue to evolve and expand your wireless network without having to forklift your infrastructure every few years. Because of this customers are assured of the best performance, reliability, and investment protection for their wireless investment. Edge switch Access point Access point Data path Mgmt path Control path Physical path © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Technology and Business Solutions Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Technology and Business Solutions Mobility & Mobile Devices Billions of Devices Scale, Performance & Security Brocade Provides Non-Blocking WLAN Arch. Comprehensive Security PoE/PoE+ density, Stacking Video & Unified Communication Latency Multicast Scalability Ubiquitous Usage Unmatched Stacking BW Non-Blocking, Wire Speed 10GbE /40GbE Uplinks Virtualization (VDI) & Cloud Explosive Adoption Mission Critical Reliability As you can now see, Brocade Campus networking provides very compelling, unique, and cost-saving solutions that help customers meet challenges today and into the future. For Mobile Devices & Mobility Billions of devices are connecting to networks and it’s only going to increase. The challenge for the network is to be scalable, deliver high performance, and be secure. Brocade provides: A mobility architecture that eliminates the controller bottleneck. Unmatched stacking and uplink bandwidth (up to 320Gbps for stacking and up to 80Gbps uplink) And flexible, comprehensive security options either through feature rich “in the box” capabilities or through our select security partners who are 100% dedicated to delivering security solutions and protecting customers’ assets. For Video and Unified Communications Both are becoming as ubiquitous as phones today. The challenge is to ensure a reliable, high-quality, high-performing network and that means low latency, low jitter, and multicast scalable. Unmatched stacking and uplink bandwidth All our switches are made to deliver non-blocking, wire speed communications ensuring smooth deliver and consumption of bandwidth intensive, quality of service sensitive applications such as voice and video. For Virtualization and Cloud Explosive adoption means virtualized and cloud-based applications means the Campus network is now mission-critical. Reliability and uptime are vital to ensuring productive users. Hitless stacking and failover that allows continued service even in the event of controller failure. Effortless stacking also allows administrators to add/remove components without taking services offline. For Staffing It looks like another year of doing more with the same (or less) To help, Brocade provides: Premium features (such as stacking, 10GbE, and lifetime warranty) without the premium price Industry’s best TCO –up to 50% lower than industry’s leading supplier of network equipment And tremendous cost savings and investment protection with HyperEdge: Mix-n-Match stacking What does this mean? Because Brocade Campus solutions deliver value, performance and reliability, customers can deploy networking solutions that fit their business and budget. But more importantly, Brocade premium features without the premium price and innovations that make campus networking “effortless” to acquire and operate –enabling customers to meet business and technology challenges today and well into the future. With all this innovation, value, and ease of use; you too should consider Brocade Campus Networks when planning your next upgrade or refresh. Hitless Failover Hardware (PSU/Fan) & Network Redundancy Staffing & Fiscal Responsibility Limited Budget/Staff Do More with Less Industry’s Best TCO Mix-and-Match Stacking Effortless Stacking © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Enterprise Campus Customers Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Brocade Enterprise Campus Customers Realizing the Benefits of Brocade Campus Solutions And speaking of customer, thousands and thousands of customers worldwide rely on Brocade Campus solutions everyday. Here’s a small sampling of those customers who are already realizing the benefits of the ICX line of Access switches that were launched and made available just 3 months ago. Note the nice mix of Education, Healthcare, and Enterprise. Across all 3 vertical markets, customers have compelling challenges that are best addressed with Brocade Campus Networking. For example, In Healthcare, large hospitals have growing bandwidth and resiliency needs as they embrace technology to increase the quality of patient care while controlling costs. In Education, BYOD is being viewed as a solution that allows educators and faculty to do more with less while providing students with a high quality, cutting-edge educational experience. And for the Enterprise, it’s all about relying on reliable networking infrastructure to support technology that gives them a competitive advantage. More and more customers everyday are recognizing the value, performance and reliability of Brocade Campus solutions. © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 Thank You This concludes the Brocade Campus Networking overview If you’d like to learn more about Brocade’s incredible TCO advantages over Cisco and HP, go to… If you’d like to learn more about Brocade Effortless Networking, go to… Thank you again. Have a great day. To learn more about Brocade’s TCO advantage: © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking 4/28/2017 ICX Success Snapshots © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information
Brocade Unified Campus Networking ICX SUCCESS SNAPSHOT Boston Red Sox Brocade ICX 6610 delivers ultimate “in-arena” sports fan experience Compelling Event Refresh legacy switches (Extreme) to support latest multimedia bandwidth hungry applications Business Needs Ultimate sports fan “in-arena” technology experience Refresh legacy network (Extreme) PoE+ on all ports: HDTV, security cameras, wireless APs Scale IT Staff: Effortless deployment/management, Support media crews real-time upload: pictures, videos Move from 1G to 10G in DC. Storage protocol agnostic in the future Solution 60 Brocade ICX 6610 switches in arena Brocade VDX and MLX in the data center Why Brocade Won Brocade’s campus and data center vision Future proof design with ICX, VDX, MLX Effortless configuration and management Single pane of glass management SAN-IP EMC partnership and relationship Brocade expertise: Team viewed as trusted advisors The Brocade ICX 6610 hits a home run with the Boston Red Sox The Boston Red Sox turned to Brocade to overall their network infrastructure and deploy a high performance network at Fenway Park in Boston and at their JetBlue training Park in Ft. Meyers, Florida. The Red Sox wanted to refresh their existing networking infrastructure (Extreme Networks) and deploy a high performance network from campus to data center to support the latest bandwidth intensive applications including event coverage by large media crews (photos, videos, real-time multimedia collaboration, multicasting …) video streaming from IP security cameras, and mission critical ticketing applications. The team also wanted to invest in a future proof network infrastructure with room to grow as their needs evolve. The Red Sox settled for a high performance two-tier campus network architecture with Brocade ICX 6610 switches at the edge and Brocade MLXs at the core. The high performance ICX 6610 is a perfect fit for the task with 320 Gbps of stacking bandwidth, 8 x 10 GbE uplinks to the core, a fully redundant HA architecture and PoE on all ports for security cameras. The team is deploying a total of 40 Brocade ICX 6610 switches ( 25 in Fenway Park and 15 in their JebBlue park in Florida) Company Profile Boston Red Sox Baseball Club LP is a professional baseball team that plays in Major League Baseball. They operate as a subsidiary of Fenway Sports Group which is one of the largest sports, media and entertainment companies in the world. Fenway Sports Group’s portfolio of companies includes the Boston Red Sox, Liverpool Football Club, Fenway Sports Management (formerly FSG), a sales and marketing company; 80 percent of New England Sports Network (NESN), and Roush Fenway Racing, a NASCAR racing team. This ownership group has been voted the best in MLB by readers of the Sports Business Journal each of the past two years. In 2009, Sports Illustrated selected this group as the number one ownership group in MLB. IT Environment The Boston Red Sox network consists of two campuses (Fenway and the training camp in Ft. Meyers) along with dual data centers located in the Northeast. IP infrastructure supports Point of Sale, VOIP, Security, along with traditional campus and Virtualized applications. Intra Data Center connectivity is provided by a dark fiber deployment. The Red Sox are an existing Brocade SAN customer and previously an Extreme IP customer. Compelling Events Need for incumbent networking vendor (Extreme) IP infrastructure refresh Interest in moving File Servers from 1 gig to 10gig in the Data Center Keen interest in being able to support any storage protocol (FC, FCoE, ISCSi, or NAS) in the future Need to support POE within the campus wiring closets to support new HDTV security cameras Scaled IT staff, so ease of deployment and management were key factors Need to support the media (photographers, video, etc.) Project Description Complete Campus and Data Center refresh capable of supporting higher speed interfaces 10/40/100Gig. Existing infrastructure was unable to support 40 or 100gig without a forklift upgrade. Brocade Solution Combined Campus and Data Center solution set utilizing the MLX as the core, ICX as the campus wiring closet stackable, and a combined ICX, TI and VDX solution set for the Data Center. Competitive Takeout Working closely with EMC, we leveraged Brocade’s existing SAN footprint and demonstrated Brocade’s IP leadership and vision. This approach combined with demonstrating IP performance and thought leadership effectively removed Extreme, Juniper, Cisco and Avaya from the consideration. Continually worked at our ability to seamlessly scale and provide bandwidth future-proofing for their media intense applications with a stronger/deeper product portfolio across multiple networking elements. Emphasis that no other vendor could provide. Why Brocade Won Brocade’s Campus and Data Center Vision Future proof design utilizing ICX, VDX, and MLX Ease of configuration and management of solution Single pane of glass management for all SAN-IP Key relationship and understanding with EMC partnership Persistence, pushing our vision to the end vs. port-port bake-off Team was viewed as trusted advisors © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 22
Université de Lausanne, Switzerland Brocade Unified Campus Networking ICX SUCCESS SNAPSHOT Université de Lausanne, Switzerland The UNIL high tech campus runs like clockwork on the Brocade ICX 6450 Compelling Event Campus expansion triggered the need for additional 4000 network ports in new buildings Business Needs PoE/PoE+ support for VoIP phones and APs High performance switching for research labs, Support frequent network based backups and other highly bandwidth taxing applications Advanced traffic policy support Solution 80 new Brocade ICX 6450-48P switches Connecting to existing Brocade aggregation/core Why Brocade Won Brocade 6450’s built-in stacking capabilities: Automated setup and SW upgrade, hitless fail over and long distance stacking. Brocade 6450 price/performance winner vs. Cisco/Extreme Future Proof : MACsec/EEE, 4x10 GbE uplinks Compelling HyperEdge vision and roadmap. Future OPEX savings through simplified management and mix-and-match stacking . UNIL, long time satisfied Brocade customer, sees Brocade as trusted advisor When the University of Lausanne decided to expand their campus to accommodate more students and staff, they found themselves in need of an additional 4000 network ports to populate their newly constructed buildings. All switches needed PoE support for VoIP deployment, high performance switching for the research labs, and the ability to perform frequent backup of all user workstations over the network, a highly bandwidth taxing application. They also wanted specific traffic policy capabilities available on their existing FGS switches. The university, a current Brocade customer, issued an RFP to Cisco, Brocade and Extreme. On the Brocade side, the customer liked the capabilities, price/performance and flexibility of the ICX 6450 and decided to join the Katara early access program to evaluate the product. They also came to San Jose to meet the product team face to face at the EBC. Following the EBC visit and their initial evaluation of the ICX 6450, they quickly decided that looking at Cisco and Extreme products was a waste of their time since the 6450 was the perfect fit for their needs. They closed the RFP, selected Brocade and ordered 80 ICX 6450-48P switches. The key elements motivating their purchase decision were: A superior product: They specifically like the 6450’s built-in advanced stacking capabilities, (Automated stack setup and software upgrade, hitless fail over and horizontal stacking) and HW support for the latest network technology (MACsec, EEE, 4x 10 GbE uplinks … etc) future proof for many years to come. A compelling campus vision and roadmap including simplified management and mix and match stacking with HyperEdge potentially delivering significant OpEx savings to the university down the road A vendor they can rely upon as a trusted advisor. The university has been a long time satisfied Brocade customer © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 23
Oklahoma Wesleyan University Brocade Unified Campus Networking ICX SUCCESS SNAPSHOT Oklahoma Wesleyan University New Microsoft Lync deployment runs on Brocade ICX 6610 and ICX 6450 Compelling Event Obsolete Cisco 3550 based network refresh to support Microsoft Lync deployment Business Needs Migrate to 10 GbE aggregation/core to support low latency apps: IP surveillance cameras, Lync voice/video, web conferencing/collaboration. 802.11n WLAN access points deployed throughout the campus Scalable, redundant PoE+ power for wireless APs and video surveillance Solution Brocade ICX 6450 switches at the edge Brocade ICX 6610 for aggregation Why Brocade Won Huge TCO advantage over Cisco proposed 2960/3750-X based solution 3 years tech support and lifetime warranty compared to costly Cisco support costs Local customer reference: Tulsa Spine Hospital, Brocade powered UC and Video Surveillance network Customer very pleased with his current Brocade SAN products quality and reliability The Oklahoma Wesleyan University urgently needed to replace their aging and overextended Cisco 3550-based infrastructure which was a hindrance to deploying critically needed next generation applications on their campus. The University required a network that would support a Microsoft Lync UC deployment across the campus including latest generation Lync video phones in conference rooms. They also wanted to enable highly scalable wireless access for all students and staff and needed to migrate their video surveillance infrastructure to IP based cameras. Some of the key objectives of the network refresh were: Upgrade backbone to 10 GbE to support the high bandwidth and low latency requirements of IP surveillance cameras and Microsoft Lync real-time voice/video communications and web conferencing/screen sharing. Provide enough bandwidth at the edge and aggregation layers to support latest generation 802.11n WLAN access points deployed throughout the campus Provide scalable, redundant PoE power at the edge for all wireless access points and IP video cameras The customer attended Brocade’s Effortless Network Event in March along with local partner Sagenet. They came away impressed by the newly announced products and technology and asked the partner to quote a network refresh based on the Brocade ICX family. Brocade offered a solution with ICX 6450s at the edge and the ICX 6610s at the aggregation connected directly to their existing core routers. The customer also looked at competitive solutions from Cisco and Dell (Force10) but decided to move forward with Brocade for the following reasons: Customer is a current SAN customer and is very pleased with Brocade SAN products quality and reliability Brocade had a huge pricing advantage over Cisco proposed (2960/3750-X) solution (over 30% less after discount) and much better TCO over the lifetime of the product. Very pleased that the ICX 6450 included 3 years tech support and lifetime warranty compared to costly Cisco support requirements Local customer reference, Tulsa Spine Hospital, praised their current Brocade powered UC and Video Surveillance network infrastructure and its PoE performance © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 24
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Brocade Unified Campus Networking ICX SUCCESS SNAPSHOT University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Medical Center Expansion Runs on Brocade ICX 6610 Compelling Event Refresh legacy HP switches and deploy new wireless APs and IP security cameras Business Needs Refresh Legacy HP network infrastructure Deploy POE+ across all campus wiring closets for 802.11n wireless access points, time clocks, and security cameras. Scale IT Staff: Effortless deployment/management, Solution 30 Brocade ICX6610-48P switches Brocade Network Advisor Why Brocade Won Brocade’s compelling campus and data center vision Brocade’s IP performance leadership Future proof design and capabilities Scalable management with Brocade Network Advisor Single pane of glass management for SAN & IP Brocade ICX low noise level Brocade seen as trusted advisor Company Profile The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is one of the region's major academic health centers, located in Little Rock, Arkansas, with outreach programs operating in every county and a regional campus in Northwest Arkansas. In addition to our hospital and clinics, UAMS includes five colleges and a graduate school, eight Area Health Education Centers, and seven institutes of excellence. UAMS Medical Center has completed a 540,000 square foot expansion, which gives our teaching hospital a total of 373 private adult patient rooms (including 40 psychiatric rooms) and 64 bassinets. This includes a new emergency department, clinical lab and radiology department along with room to expand other services. Voted "one of America’s best" hospitals consistently by U.S. News & World Report, UAMS Medical Center includes: · Hospital and the clinics in the Outpatient Center · Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute · Reynolds Institute on Aging · Jackson T. Stephens Spine & Neurosciences Institute · Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy · Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute · Psychiatric Research Institute · Translational Research Institute From 2004-2012, UAMS experienced a period of growth unprecedented in its long history. More than $425 million in new or expanded facilities was completed, transforming the campus and increasing its capacity for patient care, research and education. IT Environment UAMS network consists of several campuses (Little Rock houses the primary datacenter with a large regional campus in Northwest Arkansas) along with outreach centers in every county in Arkansas. IP infrastructure supports VOIP, security, wireless, along with traditional campus and virtualized applications. Intra Campus connectivity is provided by a dark fiber deployment. Compelling Events Need for incumbent networking vendor (Foundry/HP) IP infrastructure refresh. Customer has now standardized on Brocade for all IP infrastructure. Need to support POE within the campus wiring closets to support 802.11n wireless access points, time clocks, and security cameras. Scaled IT staff, so ease of deployment and management were key factors. Customer likes the power monitoring application within Brocade Network Advisor. Project Description Complete campus refresh capable of supporting higher speed interfaces 10/40/100Gb. Existing infrastructure was unable to support 40 or 100Gb without a forklift upgrade. Brocade Solution Campus solution utilizes 30 ICX6610-48P-E with redundant power supplies as the campus wiring closet stackable. Customer has also upgraded their network management using Brocade Network Advisor. The ICX will be used as part of a four-floor expansion to the Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging. Competitive Takeout Working closely with the ICX Product Management team we performed a beta deployment and demonstrated Brocade’s IP leadership and vision. This approach combined with demonstrating IP performance and thought leadership effectively removed Juniper and HP from the consideration. Continually worked at our ability to seamlessly scale and provide bandwidth future-proofing for their media intense applications with a stronger/deeper product portfolio across multiple networking elements. Based on their existing investment and knowledge base of Brocade IP products we emphasized our value that no other vendor could provide. Why Brocade Won · Brocade’s Campus and Data Center Vision · Future proof design utilizing ICX, Brocade Network Advisor · Ease of configuration and management of solution · Single pane of glass management for all SAN & IP products · Key relationship with IT management team · Customer was pleased with the lower noise level with the ICX · Local SE support as local team was viewed as trusted advisors Lessons Learned · Leverage existing Brocade IP footprint and existing executive relationships to displace HP from the account · Leverage IP performance leadership – FCX, ICX, MLXe · Important to properly set customer’s expectations concerning how the noise level is much improved from the FCX to the ICX © 2012 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. Company Proprietary Information 4/28/2017 25