The Evolving IG Lead Role Phil Walker IGA
The IG Lead Role I am constantly surprised by the breadth and variety of work undertaken by IG Leads, but there are a number of constants: The IG Toolkit Too much work to do & not enough support Fire fighting rather than shaping programmes Problems recruiting IG staff
Why does the role need to evolve? Challenges New/enhanced security standards (expected in the NDG Report) Number of reported incidents increasing – 533 level 2 incidents last year - Disclosed in error’ (46%) - Unauthorised access/disclosure’ (18%) - Lost or stolen paperwork’ (13%) A new focus on integrated care, partnership working across care communities with smaller organisations that need additional support New legislation, including a new legal duty to share information and a new Data Protection Regulation Opportunities New SIRO and Caldicott Guardian manuals to drive closer working across IG New initiatives around professionalistaion including possible new Association of Information Governance Professionals Advice & Guidance from the Information Governance Alliance (IGA) Better use of technology to make information sharing agreements relevant and easier to manage An improved, simpler, Information Governance Toolkit and new e-learning resources to be delivered in 2016/17 ‘Top 3’ incident types = 77% of total
Caldicott Guardian SIROIG Lead IG Roles – A simplistic view Caldicott Guardian Whether to IG Lead The art of the possible SIRO Managing Risk Effective Information Governance New SIRO and Caldicott Guardian manuals to drive closer working across IG
Information Governance Leads Building Networks s
WHY? Education. Associations may advise on qualifications required for entry into the profession and promote the introduction of formal courses of study that enable persons to obtain these qualifications. They may, as an alternative, offer educational programs themselves. Usually they provide training sessions and workshops to update the qualifications of professionals already at work as archivists or to introduce new technologies and areas of practice. Public Awareness. Associations present thematic conferences and workshops for their membership, sometimes held jointly with other professions, to discuss issues and problems current in their practice. Advocacy. An Association can represent the interests and needs of information governance professionals in lobbying governments and organisations for adequate support for information governance. It can lobby to influence policy makers and legislators, bringing expertise and common sense to bear when changes are proposed or resisted. Communication. Most associations publish a newsletter to update members on issues and communicate the activities of the executive and committees of the association. Often they publish a journal that provides a forum for in-depth and intellectual treatment of aspects of their professional work. Meetings are also an important means of enabling communication among members. A Professional Association
Information Sharing for Integrated Care A 5 Step Blueprint
Step 1 Leadership Step 2 Governance Step 3 Stakeholder Engagement Step 4 Technical Solution Step 5 Implement Information Sharing Strategy Tier 2 Information Sharing Agreements Satisfactory IG Toolkits IG work stream Terms of Reference Tier 1 Information Sharing Framework Agreement Consent process implemented Consent process agreed Required Products: IG Lead involvement Privacy Impact Assessment Audit Plan Business as usual arrangements System Security Policy Data Flow map & legal basis agreed Shared Vision Specific Objectives High level plan Full details and supporting guidance on information sharing at
The original concept
Where are we now? 2 websites (sandpit and live) Organisational registration, IG assurance, sponsorship and role based assess live MoU sign up live (the new ‘Tier 1’) Asset register (shop window) live Internal data flows as well as shared (for one stop reporting) live Risk assessments (Privacy Impact, security) live Admin groups ready to go Implementation > 300 orgs iNetwork Innovation Award winners November 2015
Benefits “Normalises” recording of information flows, PIA and information sharing agreements and without sector specific language so all types of organisations can use it Allows IG staff to focus on support for smaller organisations /front line teams /new projects Supports reuse of agreements around ‘often used’ technologies with minimal fuss / amendments Owned by participating organisations so they can use as they wish Supports IG compliance and breach management
More info? is the L&C ‘work in progress’ sandpit system (to test new functionality with dummy data) have a look – try it Please get in touch
The End