Nursing & Midwifery Conference 18 May 2016 Sue Hooton Professor Nursing & Quality Improvement
To build on our understanding of values based leadership To explore current models & thinking around value based leadership in health and social care To apply current thinking to our own leadership development plans & how we are building future leaders Aims for Today
Why is this important? There is an acceptance that health care organisations have to change (Kings fund, 2015) Changing service models Complexity Changing care models Expectation Accountability
1. How do we work around here? 8. Build future leaders 5. Know your team 9. Nurture appreciation 3. Know yourself 6. How are you seen as a leader? 10. Engage with the users of our services 4. Know your power 2. Know your values 7. Display your organisation’s values Values based Leadership Hooton (2016)
1.How do we work around here? How would you describe your organisation? 2. Know your valuesWhat are your 2 top values at work? 3.Know yourselfHow do you demonstrate your values? 4.Know your powerWhat sort of power do you use to lead & get things done? 5. Know your teamHow would you like to develop your leadership style? 6. Know how you are seen as a leader How authentic is your leadership? 7. Organisational valuesDo your values line up with the organisational values? 8.Building future leadersHow are you helping to build future leaders? 9.Nurture appreciationHow are you identifying tensions when working across systems? 10 Engage with the users of our services How can you improve patient engagement? 10 point values activity & reflection exercise
Activity 2 What are your top 2 values at work? Activity 3 How do you demonstrate these values?
4. Activity 4 - know your power Type of powerDescription Power from withinPersonal power, the psychological power derived from self confidence, self esteem and self respect Power toThe ability to take action, the power to participate and mobile Power withA collective force as people come together and co- operate to solve problems and achieve goals which they would not be able to realise alone Power overA resisting force which can be negative when used to force someone to do something against their will Wong K, 2003 Empowerment as a panacea for poverty, progress in development studies vol 3 (4) p307-22
Understanding human responses to change Activity 5 – know your team
Leadership styles that inspire teams Beverley Alimo Metcalfe (2014) Personal qualities Genuine concern Developmental culture Building a shared vision ‘nearby leadership’
Characteristics of high performing leaders Think systematically & act longer term Bring meaning/ purpose to the job Apply the spirit, not the letter of the law Self aware & are consistently authentic Understand that talk is work Give time & space to others Put ‘we’ before ‘me’ RCN Leadership & vision (2013)
The Authentic Leader Purpose Values Relationships Self- discipline Heart The authentic Leader George B (2003) Authentic Leadership
6. How authentic is your leadership? ‘It is not about who you are, it is about what you do’ Model the way Inspire a vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart Kouzes & Posner (2012)
How do we work around here? Common purpose
Marc Bard: “ Culture eats strategy for lunch over and over again” What does he mean?
7. Appreciative leadership Based on appreciative inquiry Organisation to be explored & developed ‘ours’ Communities of practice Individuals as thinkers & innovators Development of creative ideas Desire to co-create the future Full involvement of users of services
Don Berwick A Promise to Learn – a commitment to act: improving the safety of patients in England (DH, 2013) Previous CEO of IHI
Questions? What are taking away today? 3 things I would like to do more of…. 3 things I would like to do less of……..