Geographic Regions of the US
Coastal Plain The first region is the Coastal Plains region. This region is along the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. The land in the Coastal Plains in low and flat. There are many pine forests in the coastal plain. Because the land is so low and near water, there are many harbors. A harbor is a protected area of water where ships can dock safely. There are many harbors along the coastal plain such as New York Harbor, Chesapeake Bay, and Tampa Bay. The Coastal Plains, because it is low and flat also has many beaches like Virginia Beach, Ocean City, Miami Beach and the Outer Banks
Coastal Plain
Beaches, Beaches, Beaches
Many Large cities located here– great trading Washington D.C. Philadelphia New Orleans Miami New York Boston
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Appalachian HIghlands The second region is the Appalachian Highlands. The Appalachian highlands stretch from Alabama to Canada. This region includes the Appalachian Mountains (the oldest mountains in America). The mountains used to be enormous, but because of erosion they have been worn away. The Appalachians are made up of many mountain ranges such as the Allegheny and the Blue Ridge. The Piedmont is also there. The Appalachian Mountains are tree covered and almost look like big hills.
Appalachian Highlands
You can walk the Appalachian Trail
Famous for hillbilly culture
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Interior Lowlands The third region is the Interior Lowlands. The land here is mostly flat, with some rolling hills. The region also has many rivers (Ohio, Mississippi, and Missouri) and broad river valleys. Inside these river valleys there is such great farming soil. A lot of people live along the rivers in cities such as St. Louis and New Orleans
Interior Lowlands
Rolling flatlands with many rivers
Broad river Valleys
Rolling Hills
A lot of famous rivers are here! MISSISSIPPI RIVER OHIO RIVER
Because of all the water available– a lot of farming happens here
Look at corn production in Interior Lowlands
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Great Plains The fourth region is the Great Plains. The region is known for its vast grasslands and flat land. The Great Plains are quite dry and have few rivers and almost no trees!! The region has been known to grow a lot of wheat and is known as the breadbasket of America. The buffalo used to roam this area. The great Plains rise up as you head west because of the Rocky Mountains.
Great Plains
Contains grasslands for cattle
Huge population of buffalo!!
Dry, Dry, Dry, Dry, Dry Creates huge dust bowls
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Rocky Mountains The fifth region is the Rocky Mountains. The Rockies are the largest mountain range in North America. They extend from Mexico to Alaska!! They are much younger than the Appalachian Highlands. The Rockies are very jagged, with high steep cliffs. Most of the mountains are covered in snow for most of the year because they are so tall! Along the Rocky Mountains, there is an imaginary line called the Continental Divide. This divides North America into two parts. Water to the east of the Continental divide flow into the Atlantic Ocean, Water to the west flow to the Pacific Ocean.
Rocky Mountains
Rugged mountains with high elevations
Ski Resorts!!!
Snowy weather in the mountains
Contains the Continental Divide- determines the flow of rivers
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Basin and Range The sixth region is the Basin and Range region. The Basin and Range has a fantastic environment. It has varying elevations (meaning some very high points but also some very low points). The region has two plateaus (Columbia and Colorado) and also has the Grand Canyon. The climate is usually very dry. The region also has Death Valley, the lowest point in North America. The Basin and Range is a very diverse region, and even has cactus in the lower part.
Basin and Range
Varying elevations
Contains some tall mountains
Contains Death Valley- lowest point in the North America
Grand Canyon formed by Colorado River
The Monument Park
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Coastal Range The seventh region is the Coastal Range region. This region extends along the Pacific Ocean from California to Canada. The Coastal Range is made up of mountain ranges such as the Sierra Nevada’s and the Cascades. These mountains are tall and jagged like the Rocky. The Coastal Range also has nice valleys where there is good soil. There are many beaches and forests.
Rugged Mountains along the Pacific Coast
Sierra Nevadas and the Cascade Mountains
Contains fertile valleys
Famous for vineyards and redwood trees!!
Los Angeles and California Coast! Look at how rocky the beaches are compared to the Coastal Plain beaches!!!
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The last region is the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield includes the Great Lakes and wraps around Hudson Bay like a horseshoe. The region covers nearly half of Canada. The region was eroded by glaciers thousands of years ago. It has left small hills with hundreds of lakes! The Canadian Shield also has some of the oldest rock in North America. The Canadian Shield also has some of the coldest temperatures in North America, in fact in the northern part, the ground is frozen for most of the year!
Canadian Shield
Some of the oldest rocks in the world are here!
Thousands of lakes are here
Glaciers carved out all of the lakes
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