By Arturs Audzers Images courtesy of Google images.
Rapidly growing market worldwide – over 50% of world population on the internet. Well established B2C environments earn between $400-$600 bn. By 2015 this should be aprox. $700-$950 bn. In developed economies online trading – 10% of the economy. Growing even in recession.
Convenience Accessible information Can be done in spare time May be cheaper than shopping Ease of use Images courtesy of Google images.
TRUST BARRIERS! Possibility of being scammed. Security for customers and retailers. The delivery period, waiting for you purchase. Lack of information. Some websites are too difficult to use. Images courtesy of Google images.
There are many factors which influence trust. Trusting the seller in general. Fear of being cheated. Loosing purchase in the post. Sharing personal bank details. Security. There are many other factors, and these all vary between different people. Images courtesy of Google images.
A total of 27 people took part in the survey. 70% of people questioned in the survey actively took part in online trading. 74% of participants said they would tend to consider the reliability of the seller. Full survey can be found at:
Brooks, R. (n.d.). PAYPAL: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. Retrieved from good-bad-ugly.php Brown, J., & Morgan, J. (2006, Febuary ). Reputation in online markets: Some negative feeback. Retrieved from n%20online%20markets.pdf E-commerce Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Internet users have "trust issues" about shopping online.. (2009, 05 11). Retrieved from : trust-issues-about-shopping-online Roca, J. C., Garcìa, J. J., & de la Vega, J. J. (2008). The importance of percieved trust, security and privacy in online trading systems. Information Management & Computer Security, Rupple, C., Underwood-Queen, L., & Harrington, S. J. (2003). e-Commerce: The Roles of Trust, Security, and Type of e-Commerce. e-Service Journal,