Boy missing, Police puzzled title the first paragraph ( give a _____ ____about the news ) the following paragraphs ‘How to read a newspaper article’


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Unit 1 Tales of the Unexplained Boy missing, police puzzled

Presentation transcript:

Boy missing, Police puzzled

title the first paragraph ( give a _____ ____about the news ) the following paragraphs ‘How to read a newspaper article’ ( tell readers “w__” “w__” “w___” “w__” “w__” “h__” ) ( give _____ ___ ____ important information ) general idea ho hen here hat hy ow detailed but less

the features of the headline ‘ Boy missing, police puzzled ’ boy missing, police puzzled. A isand the are

Choose the best answers. 1.According to Paragraph 1,___ A.Justin Foster was killed by Yetis B.people showed great interested in Justin Foster ’s missing C.the police has discovered the truth of Justin’s missing D.Justin went lost last night 2.In the second paragraph,”show up”means ___ A.arrive or appear B.reach C.reach for D.disappear 3.From the third paragraph,we know that ___ A.Justin didn’t return home that night B.after the game Justin spent the night with a friend that night C.Justin returned home that night D.Justin was playing the baseball with a friend all the night B A C

4.According to paragraph 5,we know that ___ A.the light Kelly saw was the light of the full moon B.the spaceship was white all over C.Kelly saw the aliens take Justin away D.Kelly was quite sure that the aliens took Justin away 5.From the last paragraph we can know that ___ A.the police have given up looking into the case B.the police didn’t believe what Kelly and other people said at all C.the police will also try to find out some other possibilities. D.the police have found out that someone made up the story of Justin’s missing D C

Reading comprehension. The lead&& The lead who what when where A boy, 15 years old Police are searching for a boy missing; the public are showing great interest. two days ago/ last friday Dover,New Hampshire why Due to sightings of puzzling lights/ The boy might be taken away by the aliens.

Main Points Supporting details Justin Foster went missing. Mrs Foster thought Mr Foster was surprised Justin Foster The police found that Justin returned home. Justin’s friends said Witnesses said Kelly heard The boy was taken away by aliens. Kelly saw Kelly heard Mavis Wood said …spending…with a friend. …… didn’t tell anyone…… staying out late. ……didn’t show up……the next day. …went home after…… … saw J.walking……at 10:45 pm. ……put on his favourite CD after…… a large spaceship……. …… shout. the aliens took …away and did research…….

the reaction rule out give up convincing evidence puzzled look into

Complete the passage Justin Foster went__________ last Friday night in Dove, New Hampshire. At first, his mother thought he _____________ the night with a friend. His father was_____________ that his son didn’t tell anyone about his staying out late.What was worse, Justin didn’t _____________ at the family lunch the next day. But the police found that Justin returned home that night.His friends said Justin went home after they played baseball. _________ also said they saw him walking home.Besides, his sister, Kelly heard Justin return home._____________ Kelly, she saw lots of strange –looking _____________ in a spaceship and heard Justin ____________ before the UFO disappeared. She was sure the aliens ______him ________. But police were not sure, and they were also _______________________ other possibilities. missing was spending surprised show up Witnesses According to creatures shout took away looking into

Retell the story with the following key words. …stepped up……went missing ……shown great interest in….spending …… surprised……. show up ….play baseball….Witnesses…. walking …..put on…. According to…..took away ….. ruled out….look into ….convincing evidence.

Make a survey (调查) : What do you suppose is the end of the story? A:He has been murdered (谋杀). B:He has been taken away by aliens. C:He has been hiding somewhere.

Sentence understanding  1.Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover, Hampshire.  2. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of aliens visits around the time of his disappearance. 美国警方已加紧对一名失踪男孩的搜索,该男孩 于两天前在 Dover, New Hampshire 市失踪。 公众对男孩的失踪表现出极大的兴趣, 原因是在 其失踪前后有人声称看到天空中出现了让人迷惑 不解的光亮,媒体也刊发了有关外星人造访地球 的报道。

3. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange- looking creatures with large black eyes. 4. However, police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11.p.m. 飞船里面站着许多白皮肤, 怪摸样的动物, 一个个都长着又 大又黑的眼睛. 然而, 警方发现 Justin 星期五晚上事实上回过家.

Homework  Read the article again and try to retell the story  Read the passage on Page 91,and finish questions.