Welcome to “Meet the Teacher” 2015
Homework Students are responsible for copying and completing their homework each night. Parents are NOT required to sign student homework as we are trying to make students more responsible for themselves. I do not give homework on Friday unless it is to study for a test. The homework is on my website each day, and students have access to their Math and Reading textbooks online.
Reading, Language, and Spelling (ELA) Students are given Reading vocabulary, Language notes, and Spelling words each week to study for a WEEKLY test. This test is usually on Friday. The Accelerated Reader requirements this year are to read and PASS a 4 th grade level book or higher and earn at LEAST one point on the book. John Collins writing program will be implemented this year, and they already brought home their first graded writing assignment! “Connected” is an online resource for our Reading series where students can practice skills, spelling words, and fluency. They can also view their text book.
Math We are now using a Common Core Math series Math tests will always be announced days in advance Pearson Realize is an online website where students will have to complete homework assignments. They can also view their textbook on this site, play math games, and print workbook pages for practice We will also have quarterly Math projects. Multiplication, Multiplication, Multiplication ! (This year will be very difficult in Math if the times tables aren’t mastered)
Science Science tests will be announced days in advance. Once notes are given, they should be studied EVERY NIGHT! Science will be a letter grade this year. (E, S, U) E= % S= 65-94% (Most students receive an “S” in Science) U= 0-65% There are only 2-3 Science tests each quarter!
Tests and Grading Students will receive a number grade in Math, Reading, Language, and Spelling this year. Science will be a letter grade. ELA is usually tested each week. There are usually 2-3 Math and Science tests each quarter. Tests will come home each Wednesday in a test folder to be SIGNED and returned by Friday.
Snack and Birthdays We have the latest lunch this year (12:45). Please send your child in with a snack. I have been providing it for those who forget, but I cannot do that all year long. Classroom snack donations are welcome! Please do not send anything that needs to be kept cold or warm for birthdays (ex: no Rita’s) THIS IS A PEANUT/NUT FREE CLASSROOM
Behavior Students are to be Ready, Responsible, and Respectful throughout the school day! A student’s clothespin will be moved on the behavior chart if they aren’t Ready, Responsible, or Respectful. I usually inform parents as soon as a behavior problem arises so we can work together to improve upon it ASAP. The class earns daily, weekly, and quarterly rewards for good behavior!
CONTACT ME My class website in on the Dunmore School District website. My address is on my class website along with other links to classroom resources. You may call the school for me as well! Visit our class website each night for reminders, events, homework, and tests!
A copy of this PowerPoint can be found on my classroom website