TACAC Texas Association of College Admission Counselors: Membership
History Charted in 1979, TACAC is one of 23 state and regional affiliates of NACAC TACAC supports NACAC’s mission: To support and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals as they help students realize their full educational potential
Why TACAC? Our membership is balanced in its member representation 1500 members: 700 colleges/universities and 600 secondary schools, & 200 Foundations, Companies and retirees 62% Public Institutions and 38% Private institutions We equip both secondary school counseling and college admission professionals with tools to best support college bound students
TACAC’s Core Values Service Professionalism Mutual Respect Cooperation and Collaboration Creativity and innovation Diversity and individualism Ethics
Programs and Benefits Admission and College Counseling Institute Leadership Development Institute Middle Management Institute Mentorship Regional Drive In Workshops Annual Conference College Fairs Employment Postings Inclusion, Access, and Success Government Relations
GET INVOLVED TODAY! Join TACAC to receive all these professional growth benefits for only $35.00 Follow us: TACAC.org FB.COM/TEXASACAC
TACAC's 36th Annual Conference April 3-5, 2016 Trailblazing Through Transition TACAC's 36th Annual Conference - April 3-5, 2016 Trailblazing Through Transition Horseshoe Bay Resort, Marble Falls Horseshoe Bay Resort, Marble Falls