PARMENTER REALTY PARTNERS 1000 Parkwood Fire Warden Training Program
Agenda Introductions Purpose of a Fire Warden Key Duties 1000 Parkwood Emergency Management and Response Plan Fire Prevention and Response Fire Extinguishers Other Emergencies Questions and Conclusion
Participant Introductions…
Purpose of a Fire Warden?
Fire Warden Program Purpose Tenant Education and Awareness Facilitate Calm and Efficient Evacuation/Emergency Response Assist Tenants and Visitors leaving space and assembling in designated area Account for people Report Issues/Problems Extension of Property Management, public safety and Admiral Security Ensure “voice of 1000 Parkwood tenants” is heard Help Save Lives and Reduce Liability
Key Duties - Primary Maintain daily employee/travel rosters Phone numbers and contact information Lead employees out of space – NO EXCEPTIONS! TAKE CHARGE! Direct to nearest exit – stay calm; no elevators Direct your group in designated area Take attendance and report missing
Key Duties - Secondary Train new employees Ensure diagrams and extinguishers in space Know who to call in emergency Identify/remedy/report fire hazards (later) Notify management of special needs employees Know location of fire extinguishers/pull stations Know how to use an extinguisher Know primary and secondary escape route
Requirements for Wardens Be based in the building Minimum 2 Safety Wardens and 2 Assistant Wardens per tenant per floor (one primary and one back-up) Be knowledgeable of plan, responsibilities and safety manual Cool, calm; TAKE CHARGE! Vest/flashlight when alarm sounds Ensure someone else is trained in your absence Follow directives of Emergency and Life Safety Team and public Safety
PARMENTER REALTY PARTNERS Emergency Management and Response Plan
Emergency and Life Safety Organization
Assistant Safety Director MICHELLE DIXON Confirms with Emergency Response Personal the status of all building tenants. Assistant Safety Director MEG SWANSON Confirms with the Safety Director that all Primary Fire Wardens have checked in and that all tenants are accounted for. Primary Fire Warden Keeps updated employee roster at desk at all times. Works closely with Ass’t Fire Warden to ensure that all employees are accounted for. When this is confirmed it is the responsibility of the Primary Fire Warden to report employee status to the Assistant Safety Director. Assistant Fire Warden Keeps updated employee roster at desk at all times. Works closely with Primary Fire Warden to ensure that all employees are accounted for.
Building Life Safety Systems
Pull Stations
Fire Extinguishers
Evacuation Stairwells
Evacuation Stairwells STAIRWELL “A” STAIRWELL “B” Fire-Rated
Sprinkler Systems
Smoke Detectors
Fire Command Room
Elevator Recall
Emergency Lighting
Emergency Power Generator
Emergency Alarm
What Happens When an Alarm Sounds? Audible sound (siren) Recorded or live message Fire command room/panel Central station Fire department dispatched Elevators to ground floor if shaftwell detector/vestibule detector or general alarm is activated HVAC shut down Security/engineering investigates
What to Do Before, During and After a Fire Emergency
In Preparation… Current roster Monthly update to Property Management Vest and flashlight Identify special needs employees - Who, where - Helpers to move employees - Update monthly
In Preparation… Report unsafe conditions/hazards Identify hazardous chemicals Educate employees; confirm understanding - What to do? - Suite exits - Nearest stairwell exit - Assembly area Attend building safety and security meetings
During a Fire Emergency Provide location of special needs employees to Asst. Safety Director Take attendance; confirm who’s there/not there Report present/missing EEs to Assistant Safety Director Cooperate with team Keep notes of issues/problems for de-brief Calm, intelligent LEADERSHIP Put on vest and take flashlight Get people out Check restrooms/rooms Confirm special needs employees are in freight elevator lobby Close all doors Leave suite/floor last Bring roster
After the Emergency Facilitate return to building/suite Get feedback from employees Summarize experience (problems, opportunities); email to Management Attend any de-brief meeting Recommend improvements
Assistant Safety Warden Assist primary warden Provide leadership if Safety Warden is absent
Fire Prevention and Response
Prevention Exit routes and doors Emergency exit lighting Fire extinguisher Location On hook Charged Coffee pots Space heaters Extension cords
Prevention Construction Smoking Trash Sprinkler heads and detectors Use senses Report any strange smell or smoke Never ASSUME!
Fire Alert those in area (play your role) Call 911 Call property management Close doors Pull station Take valuables if you can safely Never go back into a smoke/fire
Fire/Evacuation Alarm Stay calm – walk; don’t use elevator If smoke, crawl near floor Go to NEAREST stairwell exit to where you are NOW If first evacuating, feel door first Stay to the RIGHT: Hold onto handrails No cell phone usage! Go to assembly area Keep away from building and out of street/drive Remain outside until advised
Evacuation Routes to Exits
Stairwell A: Main Lobby- 1st Floor Parking Deck Stairwell B: Park Area
Assembly Areas
If Trapped… Room with a window Close all doors If smoke, stay low to ground Seal cracks around doors and vents Dial 911 Wait for instructions/rescue Remain calm – do not flee into building
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers Portable ABC Know location – in cabinets Small fire only Always contact someone Never put yourself in danger Review… Fire extinguishers are portable devices usually filled with dry chemicals to help extinguish a small fire Fire extinguishers are labeled with the type of fire they can fight Know the location of extinguishers in your building Use on a small fire ONLY; never put yourself between the fire and the exit Contact security, property management or fire department FIRST Never put yourself in danger
How do you use one??? Ask….how many have used one; how do you do this?
Fire Extinguisher Pull the pin Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire in front of you Squeeze the handle Sweep from side to side If you choose to use a fire extinguisher on a small, containable fire, always contact 911 or building management/security FIRST. Never attempt to fight a fire alone, even a small one. Never put the fire between you and your escape route. The nearest exit should be behind you so you can escape immediately if needed. Never put yourself in danger. Property can be replaced – you cannot. If you do elect to use an extinguisher, PASS IT: Pull the pin Aim at base of fire Squeeze handle Sweep side to side 5. After using the extinguisher, take it out of the cabinet and give to building engineering; never re-hang a used extinguisher back on the hook.
Bomb Threat
Bomb Threats Can occur any place or time Higher potential due to location and high profile tenants Nearly all threats are not credible… But, ALWAYS treat a threat seriously Be calm and follow guidelines
What to Do: Be calm and courteous Use bomb threat checklist Obtain as much information as possible: - Location/description of device - Time set - Reason - Exact words - Your name Keep caller on line Immediately contact 911 Then contact property management
Bomb Threat – What to Do: Public Safety Officials will make decision to evacuate If evacuation, follow fire warden procedures
Suspicious Package Do not move, shake or touch Look for indicators (see next slide) Don’t open, smell, taste Clear area Notify property management Property management will contact police/fire Decision whether to evacuate will be made
Indicators Excessive postage Misspeled words Addressee ONLY Rigid/bulky/oily/odor/wires/powder Badly written No return address Post stamp does not match return address
Medical Emergency
Medical Call 911 Who you are, company, suite Condition of victim “1000 Parkwood Circle, 1000 Parkwood Circle, the 10 story building. Corner Powers Ferry Road and 1000 Parkwood Circle. Stay on line Call Property Management and Security
What to Do: Will be notified by Property Management Close doors to all exterior offices Go to stairwells Sit down Do not evacuate Do not use elevators Keep calm
Power Failure
Power Failure Emergency generator turns on Operates life safety systems Property Manager updates
Elevator Stall
Elevator Stall Remain calm Do not force doors Press phone button – monitored 24/7 Provide information to operator - Elevator # (inside) - Floor number - Your name and company Monitoring company will: - Dispatch technician - Contact security and property management