1 TIM #1-3 Ben Murphy Dispositif Pour l’Etude de la Croissance et des Liquides Critiques (DECLIC) November 12, 2003
2 OBJECTIVES Define the training equipment which will be developed to support payload training. Determine amount of time needed to sufficiently train the crew.
3 AGENDA Ground Support Team Training (Barbara Tepper) DECLIC Trainer Description (Gerard Cambon) Training Issues (Tanya Andrews) –Generic PSRD Vol. 1 –Payload Instructor Training and Certification Requirements (SE) –Crew Training Class Times Review Training Assessment Form –Open Actions
4 DECLIC TRAINING MODEL Requirements overview (1/2) A class IV trainer for the crew activities : facility set-up, insert installation/removal and facility removal Drawers : - conceived as a box with shape and dimensions replicating the ones of FM as necessary for the purpose of TM - to be installed soft foam packed in TM lockers - replicating front panel of FM drawers, with connectors at ground standard - LEDs mimicking, upon different actions of user, the behaviour of the actual FM - fully representative insert locking mechanism included in TM EXD - removable hard disk feature included in TM ELD - no fans, no mass representatives for either drawer Insert : a simplified model of HTI insert limited to the external envelope with ground connectors and QDs, and with parts simulating optical holders.
5 DECLIC TRAINING MODEL Requirements overview (2/2). Front panel harness (drawer to drawer, insert to ELD) : a dummy harness physically representative of FM but functionally adapted to TM needs Water hoses (insert to rack) : dummies provided with ground QDs Testing limited to electrical interfaces and mechanically functional interfaces e.g. insert locking mechanism TM items delivered in a ground transport container Elements considered as provided by NASA : - TM lockers - ELD to Express rack dummy cables - Stowage bag(s) and associated foam packing
6 DECLIC TRAINING MODEL Baseline functional architecture TM EXD => same MMI as for FM TM Insert => same MMI as for FM TM ELD => same MMI as for FM, except for an additional electrical connexion to a remote box TM Front Panel Harness and hoses => same MMI as for FM TM Removable HDD => same MMI as for FM TM Remote-box : management of FP LEDS TM Power supply Cables ELD/RB + RB/PS ELD EXD. Remote box Power supply INS. RHDD Data to ER Pwr to ER Water hoses to ER Leds. Stowage bag & packing
7 DECLIC TRAINING MODEL DECLIC provided items a) Dummy Experiment drawer featuring : - Insert cavity with operating locking mechanism - 2 Leds - 3 Flight-like connectors b) HTI dummy Insert featuring : - Fully passive - mass to be defined- - 3 Flight-like connectors - 2 Flight-like quick disconnects c) Dummy Electronic drawer featuring : - 9 Leds - 9 Flight-like connectors - 1 Circuit breaker - 1 Removable HD d) 6 cables and 2 water jumpers e) TM remote box, power supply, and associated cables
8 DECLIC TRAINING MODEL Functionalities The Remote Box is supposed to be powered on (specific LED is lighted) For facility related set-up, the TM enables to : connect ELD to rack and ELD to EXD Harness install dummy RHDD install the dummy-insert and lock it with the locking mechanism connect insert to rack water hoses act on Circuit Breaker => power LED automatically set to ON, correct lighting of all LEDs automatically performed (wrt DECLIC FM sequence) by the Remote Box electronics. Declic management functions : by using individual switches on the RB, the Declic status can be simulated. Alarm functions : by using individual switches on the RB, the minor_alarm and the major_alarm leds on ELD, can be individualy lighted on. ON/OFF functions : by using individual switch on the RB, EXD electronics and Laser leds can be switched ON. RHD function : by using a switch on the RB, the RHD LED can be on or off. This gives authorization to plug (or not) the Removable HDD & vice versa. NOTE : the RB does not include a logical filter checking the coherency wrt the Declic FM status logic, i.e. trainer operator does it
9 Acronyms for Trainer Model FM: Flight Model TM: Training Model EXD: EXperiment Drawer ELD: ELectronic Drawer HTI: High Temperature Insert QD: Quick Disconnect MMI: Man Machine Interface HDD: Hard Disk Drive RHD: Removable Hard Disk RB: Remote Box PS: Power Supply
11 GENERIC PSRD, VOL. I Generic PSRD, Vol. I –Developed by MSFC personnel –Defines physical and functional requirements for a simulator –Identifies the training objectives and training types supported by the simulator, approach used to develop simulator, and parties responsible for providing the simulator components –Documents required interfaces between the simulator and SSTF/PTC
12 PAYLOAD INSTRUCTOR TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Payload Instructor will be certified at the Payload Training Dry Run (PTDR). The Payload Instructor is the Simulation Engineer, so the lead SE and a crew representative will certify the instructor. Upon completion of a PTDR, the instructor is certified for that lesson for future increments, unless the lesson has major changes
13 CREW TRAINING CURRICULUM AND HOURS Review Training Assessment Form
14 PTU PROPOSAL Trainer will reside at JSC.
15 Ground Training Open Issue In TIM 1-2 the rationale for needing an integrated trainer was covered. In TIM 1-2 the desire to have a stand alone trainer was expressed and all concurred, under the assumption that some other provision would be made for the Ground Support Team Training. The TST will need to address a solution to this training for the Ground Support Team in a future meeting.
16 ACRONYMS ALIAlice Like Insert CBT Computer Based Trainer CPECrew Procedures Engineer CTC Crew Training Coordinator DECLICDispositif Pour l’Etude de la Croissance et des LIquides Critiques DSIDirectional Solidification Insert DT Space Station Training Office (JSC) ECREngineering Change Request ELDElectronics Drawer EXDExperiment Drawer FCSLFlight Crew Systems Lab GSP Ground Support Personnel HCIHuman Computer Interface HTIHigh Temperature Insert LEDLight Emitting Diode IPLATISS payload Label Approval Team JMSTJoint Multi-Segment Training JSC Johnson Space Center MDLMidDeck Locker MPVManual Procedures Viewer MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
17 ACRONYMS OBTWGOnboard Training Working Group PD Payload Developer PDL Payload Data Library PDHSPayload Data Handling System0 PDRTPayload Displays Review Team PEHBPayload Ethernet Hub POCPoint Of Contact PODFPayload Operations Data File POIF Payload Operations Integration Function PSIIC Payload Simulator Inventory and Interface Checkout PSTP Payload Simulator Test Procedures PTDR Payload Training Dry Run PTI Payload Training Integrator PTIPPayload Training Implementation Plan PTLP Payload Training Lesson Plan PTU Payload Training Unit RICRack Interface Controller SCUSample Cell Unit SE Simulation Engineer SVMF Space Vehicle Mockup Facility TIM Technical Interchange Meeting TST Training Strategy Team