Manila Light Rail Transit Purple Line Author/ ID:Kenguka Mohamed Approver/ID:Qiqinggui Dept:EBG Transport SDT MO Version:
1 Contents Signal Migration Introduction Huawei DCS Solution
2 Introduction to Manila Urban Rail Transit System Manila rail transit lines LRT1: country’s oldest light rail transit system started commercial operation in 1984 LRT2: newest rail transit system started commercial operation in 2004 MRT: built under Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) mode; in 35 years will be state-owned Philippine Ministry of Transportation responsible for railway infrastructure construction. Responsibility divided between LRTA and MRT. Most of LRT1 and MRT equipment is old and frequently fails Status of railway SI LRT2 Telecom: STE MRT: Signaling: Bombardier LRT1 and LRT2 Signaling: Siemens *DOTC LRTA MRT LRT1LRT2 * Dept. of Transportation and Communications
3 MRT Purple Line (MRT Line 2) MRT line 2 is 13.8 km long with 11 stations, including 1 underground and 10 overhead stations, 6 transformers, 1 depot, and 1 OCC. Electronic network equipment includes SDH (Alcatel), CCTV, PBX (E&M), radio, public address, PIDS, Clock, SCADA, AFC (Thales), and signaling (Siemens). Unified multiple service communications over fixed network includes signaling, AFC, and SCADA. Single wireless network for analog radio system (TAIT of New Zealand). DEPOT (OCC)
4 Contents Signal Migration Introduction Huawei DCS Solution
5 Existing Network Solution Unified, multiple-service SDH STM-1 backbone network; optional X 1650SM-C on each station. Signaling system uses 4-wire RS485 and 4-wire audio to connect to backbone. SCADA uses 4w RS465 to connect to backbone. Public Address System (PA) uses audio tunnel to connect to backbone. Clock and PIDS use 4w RS485 tunnel to connect to backbone. AFC connects to router through Ethernet interface and router connects to SDH through E1. Radio connects to backbone through E1. CCTV is connected through optical fiber tunnel. PBX is connected through E1 tunnel. DEPOT (HQ) SANTOLAN ANONAS J. RUIZ PUREZA RECTO LEGARDA V.MAPA GILMORE CUBAO KATIPUNAN SDH RING SCADA CCTV PBX Clock SCADA PIDS APS IL AFC TC Radio
6 Huawei’s Proposed SDH Backbone Network Solution DEPOT (HQ) SANTOLAN ANONAS BETTY GO BELMONTE J. RUIZ PUREZA RECTO LEGARDA V.MAPA GILMORECUBAO ARANETA KATIPUNAN DEPOT (HQ) SDH RING SCADA PIDS APS IL SCADA Clock APS Clock PIDS SDH STM-1 ring with OSN 1500A at depots and OSN 550 at stations. IA5000 provides PCM interface to connect low-speed devices. Signaling devices connect to IA5000 through 4w RS485 and 4w audio. SCADA, PIDS, and Clock connect to IA5000 through 4w RS485. PA connects to IA5000 through 2-wire audio. OSN1500A OSN550IA5000
7 css DEPOT (HQ) SANTOLAN ANONAS BETTY GO BELMONTE J. RUIZ PUREZA RECTO LEGARDA V.MAPA GILMORE CUBAO KATIPUNAN DEPOT (HQ) AFC PBX IPC IP PHONE IAD AFC S9312 deployed at OCC and S7703 at stations to form 10G ring. AR3260 and E1000E-X3 deployed at OCC to connect to the Internet. S5700-EI deployed at OCC as access device to connect to IP Phone eSpace 5810 (PoE). S2700 connects to IAD104H and AFC device. IP Phone eSpace 5810 (PoE) directly connects to S7703. Huawei’s Proposed IP Backbone Network Solution (OCC)
8 Huawei’s Proposed New Backbone Network Solution Hybrid MSTP Requirements Service requirements Signaling, SCADA: QoS sensitive, transmission delay, guaranteed failure recovery time PA, PIDS, Clock: PCM interface CCTV, PBX, office network: fewer QoS demands Smaller number and size of equipment results in lower cost Solution Dual-plane communications and soft tunnel for different services SDH ring for QoS-sensitive services such as SCADA and signaling, and PCM interface services such as PA and Clock Packet ring for video surveillance, AFC, and less-sensitive QoS services PCM interfaces are provided by PCM line card on transmission equipment or by IA50000 AFC IPC IP PHONE IAD PIDS APSSCADA Clock IL OSN 1500 or OSN 3500 OSN 1500 or OSN 3500 PCM Line Card PAPIDS SCAD A ClockSignalling Number of Ports 4w audio w rs IA5000 OSN 1500: 3 Slots OSN 3500: 14 Slots AT6: 6 audio interfaces DX1: 2 RS485 interfaces
9 Contents Signal Migration Introduction Huawei DCS Solution
10 Huawei’s Proposed Signaling Network Topology and Service Flow OSN 550 IA5000 Workstation CTC Server Interlocking TC 4w RS485 4w audio FE E1 Interlocking CTC Interlocking TC Interlocking interlocking 4w audio OSN 1500A
11 Huawei’s Proposed Signal Migration Strategy 4-Wire Audio Master LinkAudio Interface Slave LinkBreaker MDF New SDH RING Old SDH RING MDF Terminator MDF Jumper Cable 2Jumper Cable 1 Pureza Recto Terminator Westrace object controller ① ② ③ ④
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