College:Ready or Not! (A Parent’s Guide through the Junior Year) College:Ready or Not! (A Parent’s Guide through the Junior Year)
College—Ready or Not! Junior/Senior Opportunities Testing – the Next Step Choosing a College that’s right for you
Jr/Sr Opportunities Benefits of taking Pre-AP & AP GPA Exemptions Early Dismissal/Late Arrival Rotary Youth Leadership Award Camp Richard Greene Scholarship Program Sr. Scholarship Bulletins
AP Why Take Pre-AP & AP It is an opportunity to deeply explore subjects you enjoy. You will be better prepared for college-level work. You are likely to advance further and faster in college. You will have a competitive advantage in the college admission and scholarship process Students who score a 3 or above on AP exams may be awarded credit by their college or university
GPA Exemptions Juniors and Seniors may take two classes per semester GPA exempt IF the class is not a requirement for their graduation plan Must have GPA of 7.0 or better to apply (forms in counseling office or from teacher) Must return the signed form by on the end of the third week of each semester (3:00pm) Numerical grade will show on transcript but will not affect GPA. The numerical grade is still used for eligibility purposes for UIL.
Early Dismissal/Late Arrival Seniors may opt for an early dismissal or late arrival period in place of a class IF student has passed all portions of the STAAR. This option may not be chosen until STAAR results have been received from spring 2015 exams.
Rotary Youth Leadership At least one boy and one girl from junior class will be chosen to attend Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award). Transportation and camp cost is provided. The camp takes place at Texas Woman’s University during June 2015 with students residing in the dorms. Applications will be available in the counseling office, and are due late February. Eight students will be selected to interview for the two positions available.
Richard Greene Scholarship $10,000 awarded at completion of program to be used for college expenses One Jr. chosen from each AISD high school Richard Greene class will meet on A day during 2 nd /3rd periods at AHS. Students also rotate through internships throughout community and government offices. Applications on AISD website– must be returned to counseling office by February 25. Winner chosen based on leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, and interview.
Scholarships Check out AHS Scholarship bulletin – comes out once a month Posted in English class and on AHS website
Next Step—ACT and SAT Tests ACT Test DateRegistration Deadline 2/71/9 4/183/13 6/135/8 Cost$34 (No Writing)$49.50 (Includes Writing) SAT Test DateRegistration Deadline 3/142/13 5/24/6 6/65/8 Cost$51-pays to have scores sent to 4 colleges Fee Waivers are available for qualified students on free/reduced lunch. See your counselor for more information.
Five Factors Colleges Consider When Making Decisions Academic Record — Single most important factor Extracurricular Activities--both at school and in the community Entrance Examinations (ACT or SAT) (not required for community colleges) Recommendations — For private schools Children of alumni Top 10% Rule—Students in the in the top 10% of their class at the end of their junior year are eligible for automatic admission to most public schools in Texas as long as they meet admission deadlines. UT will automatically admit students in the top 7% (varies from year to year). (Note: Students are guaranteed admission to the university, but not necessarily their college major)
College Visits Texas A&M-Aggieland Saturday February 14 University of Texas-Explore UTMarch 1 University of North Texas-UNT Preview February 21 Texas Tech UniversityCall to schedule Sam Houston State University-Preview Day March 28 Stephen F. Austin-Showcase Saturday February 28, March 28 Tarleton-Texan Tour March 21 Texas State University-Bobcat Days February 28, April 11 University of Texas at Arlington-Preview Day February 7, April 18 Prairie View A&M April 25 Baylor University-Baylor Premier April 11 Texas Christian University Call to schedule University of Houston-Cougar PreviewMarch 21 Midwestern State-Mustangs RallyMarch 7 * Online registration is required for most preview days. Students may begin college applications after September 1 of the senior year.
College Search –Help find Texas Colleges College Match Up—Matches up your interests to a college Resources for Financial Aid
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