Arkansas FFA SAE Report A How to Guide,
In order for your students to show up on your SAE report, they must first create or set-up an “Experience” from either the or Tab.
If the student does not have an experience created they can click “Add New” to enter a new experience. All Experiences that have been created will show in the list on this screen.
From the Add/Edit Experience Screen students will create their experience. It is important that students name the experience something that will be familiar to them and that they will recognize easily.
Students will select what “type” of SAE they have. This step is very important because this step will dictate what options students will have in entering information. For example, if they set up a Placement SAE, they will not be able to enter Entrepreneurship information in the system.
Students will select what Career Cluster area their SAE project best fits in. This selection will then change the subcategory options, where students can then select the best subcategory that their project fits in.
Students can always Edit their SAE Experiences from this screen as well as make a specific project “inactive”. They can also quickly see how many entries have been made for each experience along with the inventory value.
In order for a student to show up on your Chapter SAE Report they must: Have set up an experience in AET. Entered at least ONE financial entry OR entered at least ONE journal entry for an experience in the calendar year prior to report. (For example, for 2015 SAE Report, records must be from Jan to Dec ) NOTE – It obviously does not make sense for a student to have financial entries without hours (Even though they will show up on your report), but a student could have hours without a financial entry.
How do Students enter Journal Hours? From the Tab, click on the “Time in your AET Experiences (SAE’s)” link.
The most important part is making sure the date is correct. Remember, you can backdate entries to account for previous year’s records. Then make sure you select the appropriate Experience from the drop-down box. Only experiences that the student has “created” will show up in the box.
The Activity drop-down box will be linked to the National Content Standards. Students will select the standard that most closely ties to their activity/activities. If it is for lump sum entries, just select the standard that most closely summarizes the hours.
List the amount of outside of class hours in the appropriate box. Description will only be seen by the student. Students will select which teacher (or other options) that supervised the hours.
Students can always see ALL of their journal entries summarized by clicking on the “Review your Journal entries” link from the Tab.
To enter financial entries, students will click on the Tab. For a Placement SAE, the easiest option is to click on the “Enter your paycheck” link.
Again, the most important thing is to make sure the date is correct. Enter the total income for the entry (Can be a single transaction or a lump sum) Enter any Expenses associated with that income (this would only count things that the student had to pay in order to make this money, ex. Gas to get to work) Enter how many Hours it spent to earn this money. NOTE this will also log these hours as Journal hours, so you DO NOT have to go back and enter them again. It will double enter them if they do.
From this screen, it will list ALL Placement experiences that the student has created. It will automatically default to split the financial entry evenly between all Placement SAE experiences. If the entry is just for specifically one experience, then the student will have to change the percentage to 100% for that specific experience (or deselect all other experiences). This will make sure 100% of the entry goes to the appropriate SAE experience.
For Entrepreneurship and Research SAE Experiences, students will enter their financial entries using the “New cash income or expense” link for cash transactions. The will use the “Non-cash income/expense, such as labor exchange, transfers, or home use” for all non-cash transactions.
These are all Non-Cash types of Income/Expenses. Please encourage students to utilize these options to reflect accurate transactions. Ex. If a student’s parents pay for feed for their show animals, that should be logged as a “gift”.
Students can quickly see a summary of ALL of their financial transactions, along with make new ones from the “Review/Edit your financial entries” link.
There are MANY options available for students to keep their financial records, manage their inventory and herds on this page. It just takes a little bit of time to explore and see what is available.
Once your students have entered all of their information, you can view your report by clicking on the Tab and then clicking on the “SAE Report” link.
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