Illinois Constitution State since Dec. 3, 1818
History of Illinois Government 3 state capitals-Springfield 4 Constitutions-1970 Current 102 counties
Executive Branch Governor-4 years-Pat Quinn Appoints admin. and Dept. directors Gives yearly State of the State: Speech Governor gives annual to report on condition of the state & recommend legislation Approves/Vetoes legislation including Line-Item Veto Proposed budget Grants pardons Calls up militia to repeal invasion, suppress insurrection, enforce laws Lieutenant Gov.-Sheila Simon President of IL Senate Succeeds Governor
Exec. Continued Attorney General-Lisa Madigan Lawyer for state and residents Secretary of State-Jesse White Maintains minutes of the General Assembly Driving records-plates, titles, licenses, etc Administers Organ Donor Program Comptroller-Judy Baar Topinka Pays state’s bills
Exec. Continued Treasurer-Dan Rutherford State’s investment banker Auditor General – William Holland Audit =An official inspection of financial accounts
Election Process Primary Election Political party selects candidates Ballot for each party-vote Party Caucus Leaders of party select Party Convention County sends delegate to convention Convention selects candidate
Voting Requirements to vote in IL 18 years old U.S. citizen Live in IL for 30 days before the election Disqualified to vote In jail Convicted of felony Recall Procedure by which an official is removed from office by vote of the people
Legislative Branch: General Assembly (State version of Congress with Senate & House) General Election Representatives(118)-every 2 years-2 year term Senators(59)-even # years in 3 groups-6 year term Eligibility to serve General Assembly US Citizen 21 years old Live in district for 2 years Disqualification to serve General Assembly Felony Bribery Perjury
Activities of General Assembly Enact, amend, or repeal laws Pass resolutions Conduct inquiries on proposed laws Impeach and Convict House impeaches Senate hears case-2/3 to remove Raise Revenue: State’s annual income from which public expenses are met
Legislative Cycle Convene on 2 nd Wednesday in January Adjourns at end of May Special sessions-called by Governor Quorum: Minimum number of members of assembly that must be present at any of its meets to make the proceedings valid
U.S. Representative for IL
U.S. Senators representing IL
General Assembly Districts: redrawn every 10 years
51 st IL Senate District
General Assembly
96 th IL Senate District
Governor Elect
Judicial Branch Supreme Court-10 year term 7 Justices elected-3 from Cook County Original jurisdiction: hear a case for the first time Revenue, prohibition Appeals from Circuit Court-death penalty Appeals from Appellate Court Questions on Const.-US or IL Important cases
Eligibility to be Judge US Citizen Licensed attorney in IL Resident of the unit that elects
Other Courts Appellate Court 10 year term 3 Justices at least Appeals from Circuit Court-no Orig. Juris. Circuit Court 6 year term 1 Circuit Court judge from each county Original Juris.-except Supreme Court
Services Specifically Listed in IL Constitution Education “The State shall provide for an efficient system of high quality public educational institutions and services.” Environment “ The public policy of the State and the duty of each person is to provide and maintain a healthful environment for the benefit of this and future generations. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the implementation and enforcement of this public policy.” Public Transportation “ Public transportation is an essential public purpose for which public funds may be expended. The General Assembly by law may provide for, aid, and assist public transportation ”
Article 1 Section NO DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF Sex (gender) Physical handicap Mental handicap Dignity To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward, a person or group of persons by reason of or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned.
Article I, Section 8 Rights of the accused Appear in court Confront witnesses Speedy Trial Nature of accusation
Article I, Section 8.1 Rights of Crime Victims Treated w/ fairness, dignity, privacy Talk to prosecution Right to restitution Statement in court Protected from accused Present at trial
Amending the IL Constitution General Assembly 3/5 th of each chamber approve amendment Majority of voters vote yes on amendment Constitutional Convention General Assembly votes on Constitutional Convention Majority of voters vote yes to hold Convention Delegates sent from each Legislative District Discuss Amendments at Convention Majority of voters vote yes on amendment