7 Stage 2 - Leaves The Preview Service Stage ECC Church Plant Training
Leaf Development Spreading the word and showing forth a monthly example of what the community at worship will be like… e.g. Monthly Preview Services And beginning life-giving ministries in outreach, groups, kids, connection… Goal: double the launch team Time-frame: 3-4 months Growth Marks for this season: - attendance of in monthly services -50 new people at each special service -increasing attendance - strong word-of-mouth: over ½ from personal invitation - 50 new people connecting as new Launch Team members - people who are far from God coming to worship and/or being touched by the outreach - plan for marketing for 3 rd & 4 th - good facility, good financial record keeping, people beginning to tithe to new church -planning and recruiting people for key ministries: worship, kids, connection, groups, outreach - PAT functioning
Stage 2 1.Problem: How can you keep gathering more people beyond the initial launch team?
Stage 2 2. Why do Preview Services? b. But Need more to launch a. Core group is at 30+ adults c. People who will not commit to an idea, but to the incarnation of it… or a Preview. eg. like a Movie Preview – creates interest and gives a sample.
Stage 2 Solution b. Double launch team so church will not stay a single cell. a. Develop expression of public worship. Many planters have public gifts c. Inviting those who value public worship experience.
Stage 2 Previews b. But remember you’re planting a church, not a “church service” – so keep outreach going. a.Usually a monthly service, so it won’t burn your people out c. Opportunity to gather more people and move them into ministry.
Stage 2 Goals b. Outreach growth a. Goal: 50 new people at each service how to do this? c. Technical aspects of pulling off service Identify leadership tasks for your first preview service
Stage 2 3. Team Building & Agenda Harmony b. Opportunity for people to try one of the key ministries – and for you to observe fruitfulness and faithfulness. a.Keep team focus on the mission c. Focus on Team health – look for vision-collision & agenda disharmony.
Stage 2 Key Ministries b. Children a. Worship-Music c. Set-up – and Hospitality d. Outreach and follow-up e. Small groups
Stage 2 4. The W Gathering Event worship Launch team or Bible Study or Ministry Teams Connection Event party, outreach, etc Launch team or Bible Study or Ministry Teams Gathering Event worship
Preview Stage Examples
Preview Service Stage Team Application a. Date of first preview b. Key ministries c. Time-line see last page of chapter in Long Manual Take 30 minutes with your team and plan out your preview service stage
7 Stage 3 - Leaves The Preview Service Stage ECC Church Plant Training