Europe on the Brink of War In 1914 Europe was on the brink of war. These tensions were the result of four factors: Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism
Europe on the Brink of War Militarism Most European countries had grown their military in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to protect their overseas colonies from other nations. Since most European countries had large armies it made them nervous of one another Alliances So they formed alliances with one another to ease their fears of being attacked. In the late 1800’s two alliances were formed Europe Triple Alliance- Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy Triple Entente- Great Britain, France, and Russia
Europe on the Brink of War Imperialism European countries were on the quest to build empires which created rivalries between them. Each wanted to be the largest empire Nationalism Each person in Europe had a strong devotion to their country, national group, or culture. New countries were formed because of it Germany Italy The most visible power struggle was in the Balkan Peninsula Many ethnic groups wanted to break away from the Ottoman Empire that had ruled them for hundred of years Serbia was an independent state and wanted to expand it’s borders because many Serbs lived throughout the Balkan Peninsula. Austria-Hungary wanted to prevent this from happening They believed Serbia expanding would cause revolts in A-H a place where many serbs lived
War Breaks Out Austria-Hungary ruled in Bosnia were many Serbs lived and had hoped to be united with Serbia Franz-Ferdinand the arch duke of Austria-Hungary decided to visit Bosnia on June Serbian Gavrilo Princip member of Black Hand- Serbian terrorist group opened fire and killed Franz- Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
War Breaks Out The Impact Once Austria-Hungary found out a Serb killed their archduke they declare war on Serbia on July 28 th 1914 Even though Princip lived in Bosnia a country ruled but A-H Russia prepared to fulfill their alliance with Serbia and protect them. (just send troops) Russia had an alliance with Serbia because many Serbians lived in Russia Germany saw Russia’s actions against A-H as a an act of war. Germany and A-H had an alliance They fulfilled their alliance with Austria-Hungary and declared was on Russia and on Russia’s allies France
War Breaks Out Fighting Begins Germany faced war on the East from Russia and West on France Schlieffen plan- German troops to quickly defeat France and then head east to fight Russia. Since Russia is so large it would take them a while to get to their western border Germany began with a quick strike on France They had to through Belgium to get to France even though it was a neutral state it was between Germany and France This led Great Britain to declare war on Germany GB saw Germany’s attack on a neutral state as an act of war against them The two sides were all now in the war Central Power- Austria-Hungary and Germany Allied Powers- GB, France, Russia, and Serbia
Fighting in 1914 Early Battles In August 1914 Germany fought GB and France in a series of battles called the Battle of the Frontier Both sides lost many men Germany won While France was fighting Germany in the West Russia attacked Germany in the East in the Battle of Tannenberg the Germans crushed the Russian invasion However it distracted the Germany’s from fighting in the west and allowed the French some relief and time to regroup to begin their attack on Germany
Fighting in 1914 Trench Warfare Begins In September 1914 the Battle of Marne, GB and France succeeded in pushing the Germans back near the eastern border of France. After retreating the German dug trenches (ditched) along the Aisne river and waited for the Allied forces to come They were able to keep them out because of the trenches Allied forces dug their own trench Even though many battles were fought their position did not change because of their trenches. The deadlocked region in northern France became known as the Western Front.