Unification of Germany
: wealthy/nobility=monarchies :middle-class=elected parliaments with educated & landowners voting : democracy to all
DEFINITION: pride in one’s nation Nation: similar culture & history Nation-state: nation has own independent government Culture History Language Territory Nationality Religion
39 German States formed the German Confederation, dominated by Austrian Empire
Mainly German population, unified by nationalism Most powerful military in central Europe King Wilhelm I Otto von Bismarck=prime minister Realpolitik: politics of reality with no room for idealism Ruled without consent of parliament & without a legal budget Wilhelm I Bismarck
1.War against Denmark: Prussia & Austria vs Denmark Gained Schleswig (Prussia) & Holstein (Austria) Prussia gained respect from German Confederation
2. Seven Weeks’ War Bismarck instigated war with Austria in border dispute over Holstein Prussia defeats Austria Eastern & Western Prussia joined to form Northern Germany
3. The Franco-Prussian War Southern Germans=Catholic Prussians=Protestants Bismarck instigated war with France to unite German nationalism Germans invaded Northern France & captured Napoleon III French surrendered Nationalism united northern & southern Germany under Prussian control Wilhelm I named kaiser (emperor) Empire = Second Reich (Holy Roman Empire = 1 st )
Bismarck targets Socialists and Catholics Both posed a threat to the German State Campaign against the Church = Kulturkampf Socialist party fails to assasinate Bismarck Bismarck changes beliefs and unites with the Social Democratic Party
Congress of Vienna had established 5 great powers equal in strength By mid 1800s: Britain- gained strength France- middle of pack Austria- losing power Prussia (now Germany)- gained strength Russia- losing power Sets Stage for WWI
Germany become an industrial giant Factors of production Government promotes economic growth Economic growth = military growth
Kingdom of Sardinia: largest & most powerful Italian State King Victor Emmanuel II Cavour=prime minister Gained control of northern Italy by using Napoleon III of France to help drive out Austria Controlled all of northern Italy but Venetia Victor Emmanuel II Cavour
Garibaldi & Red Shirts Gained control of southern Italy Garibaldi then let King Emmanuel II rule claimed land in southern Italy Garibaldi & Cavour then took over Venetia & the Papal States Rome became capital of United Italy Pope governed Vatican City
In 1800s, not industrialized & still relied on serfs Most believed serfdom was morally wrong & should end & also preventing empire from economically advancing Czars needed support from landowners, landowners opposed freedom of serfs Crimean war showed Russia was inadequate with rest of Europe Czar Alexander II freed the serfs
Russian Empire Russification: forcing Russian culture on all the ethnic groups in the empire backfired => strengthened nationalistic feelings Collapsed after WWI & Russian Revolution