PRACTICAL ENGLISH IN CERAMICS Ceramika ---- Ceramics Ceramika specjalna – Special ceramics Ceramika ogniotrwała – Refractory materials Szkło - Glass Szkliwa i emalie - Glazes and enamels Szkło-ceramika - Glass - ceramics Materiały wiążące - Binding materials Cienkie warstwy - Coatings Biomateriały - Biomaterials
Programm: Non-metalic inorganic materials 1. Characteristic of ceramic materials – Sintered (classic ceramics) – Melted (glasses and glazes ) – Binding ( lime, g y ps um, cement, mortars binding ) 2. Sintered ceramics – classic and advanced 3. Glasses and glass-ceramics 4. Special glasses and method of their production (sol/gel method) 5. Bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics materials 6. Amorphous coatings on glassy base 7. Binding materials
CREDIT CONDITIONS OF COURSE Presence in lectures Preparation of the seminar paper References to the subject : Draft of lectures „Applied Ceramic Technology” vol. I and II; SACMI
My motto N ot the most important presence at lectures !!!! Most important is - something to understand, learn, remember !!!
What does „ceramics” mean????? Ceramics derives from Greek word Keramos; this is the product formed by the action of fire (sintering) Now ( unambiguous definition : Non-metalic, inorganic p roducts obtained by the transformation of mineral or chemical raw materials during high-temperature process
How can we divide ceramics? SINTERED PRODUCTS (classic ceramics) MELTED PRODUCTS (glasses) BINDING MATERIALS ( lime, g y ps um, cement)
SINTERED MATERIALS Examples: Porcelain tableware Building ceramics – brick, slate, various tiles : floor and wall Sanitary ware Advanced ceramics
SINTERED MATERIALS Kind of tiles: Floor and wall Wall tiles: double and single fired; Classification on the base of forming method Technical features: porosity between % Glazes are usually used Floor tiles: Vitrified single fired tiles („gres”)-compact mass Porcelain tiles, usually glazed
MELTED MATERIALS (GLASSES) Soda-lima-silica glasses (building, automotive, packaging, tableware) Optical glasses Technical glasses Crystal glasses Bio-glasses
BINDING MATERIALS Lime (CaO from CaCO 3 )) Gypsum (CaSO 4 ) Cement (cement clinker + gypsum + mineral additions –ashes)
Basic differences between particular groups of materials These differences concern: - production process - structure, microstructure and material properties -application
DIFFERENCES - PROCESS SINTERED MATERIALS Raw materials preparation Preparation of ceramic body Formation ceramic body Drying and sintering
SINTERED CERAMICS Raw materials: Plastic: clay minerals - kaolinite Al 4 [Si 4 O 10 ](OH) 8, illite Al 2 (Si 5 O 10 )(OH) 2 montmorillonite; Non-plastic: silica SiO 2 (to do smaller body contraction), feldspars X 4 (Al 4 Si 4 O 16 ) X – K, Na (fluxing agents)
Kaolinite structure Basic element of kaolinite: - silica-oxygen sheet („tetrahedral sheet”) - alumina-oxygen-hydroxyl sheet („octahedral sheet”) L.K. Si = 4___________________________ [SiO2O5 ]-2 ___________________________ H2O L.K. Al = 6___________________________ [AlO6]-9
Kaolinite spatial structure
DIFFERENCES - PROCESS MELTED PRODUCTS (GLASSES) Raw materias preparation Melting Forming from the melt Vitrification
GLASSES Raw materials: Glass-forming compounds (high viscosity at melting temperature): SiO 2 ; B 2 O 3, P 2 O 5; Fluxing agents: carbonates of alkaline element – Na 2 CO 3 ; K 2 CO 3 ; Li 2 CO 3 Modifieres – PbO, BaO, ZnO
BINDING MATERIALS Materials in the form of powders; Lack of product formation; They are able to bind after water addition
BINDING MATERIALS Raw materials: Limestone, marl, clays clinker Clinker compounds: silicates and aluminates
DIFFERENCES: STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES Ceramics: Poly-crystalline products; can contain amorphous phase; produced from mineral raw materials by firing; products are not-translucent or translucent (porcelain) Glasses: amorphous products; no long-range ordering of structure; products are transparent Binding materials: poly-crystalline products in the form of powders
CERAMIC PRODUCT CLASIFICATION Criteria: - Physical features (colour, porous structure, optical properties) - Production technology ( method of formation; double or single firing; use or not glazes) - Application
CERAMIC PRODUCT CLASIFICATION Physical features Porosity: Compact or porous structure (porosity 3- 12%) – dependent on formation method and firing temperature) Color: White or red after firing (dependent on the content of iron in raw materials)
Porous products Coloured (red) after firing brick refractory pottery White after firing faience Some products of advanced ceramics
NON-POROUS PRODUCTS Not-translucent: Stoneware; Semi-vitreous Translucent, white Porceain Low-translucent products (yellow) Steatite products Advanced products for the electronic
CERAMIC PRODUCT CLASIFICATION Production technology Formation: castings, plastic extrusion pressing
PRODUCTION PROCESS SINTERED MATERIALS Raw materials preparation Preparation of ceramic body Formation from ceramic body Drying and sintering
SINTERED CERAMICS Raw materials: Plastic: clay minerals - kaolinite Al 4 [Si 4 O 10 ](OH) 8, illite Al 2 (Si 5 O 10 )(OH) 2 montmorillonite; Non-plastic: silica SiO 2 (to do smaller body contraction -shrinkage), feldspars X 4 (Al 4 Si 4 O 16 ) X – K, Na (fluxing agents) Helpful raw materials
Clays (illite-chlorite, illite-kaolinitic types) Kaolin s Bentonit es Shale rocks Mineralogical characterisation : sedimentary rocks composed of various types of silicate minerals, mostly hydrarted aluminum silicates ( Al 2 O 3 mSiO 2 nH 2 O). Plastic raw materials
Basic feature of clays: PLASTICITY – ability, after introducing of water, formation of mass, which can be shaped by various methods, and obtained shape is preserved during and after drying and firing
COMPLEMENTARY RAW MATERIAL Role in production process - to reduce shrinkage during drying and firing of plastic raw materials Silica raw materials (SiO 2 ): Quartz, qartzites, quartz sands Raw materials of high content of alumina Al 2 O 3 Aluminum raw materials : alumina, aluminum hydroxides; aluminum, synthetic materials ( corundum ) ; Aluminum-silicate raw materials: : sillimanite, mullite
COMPLEMENTARY RAW MATERIAL Role in production process Fluxes; decreasing sintering and melting temperatures! Feldspars : Potasium feldspar (ortoklaz) K 2 O Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 ; Sodium feldspar ( albit ) Na 2 O Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 ; Calcium feldspar (anortyt) CaO Al 2 O 3 SiO 2 Carbonates of calcium and magnezium (Ca, Mg) : Calcium carbonate CaCO 3 ; Magnesium carbonate MgCO 3 ; Double calcium/magnesium carbonate CaCO 3 MgCO 3 ;
Clays classification as the raw materials for ceramics production: Content of impurities in the form of iron compounds (it affects on the product color after firing Content of impurities in the form of calcium, magnesium, potasium, sodium compounds playing the role of fluxing agents (this determines the fire resistance)
Examples: Kaolin and clays (ball clays, china clays) – firing in white or cream (low content of iron compounds) they are used to porcelain and faience production Clays for brick production (marl- carbonate clay, vitrifiable clay); after firing they take on beige-orange color due to present of ferrous minerals; Refractory clays (Kaolin-type china- clays), low content of fluxing agents (less than 6%), give a product with a high fire resistance
Sintered products Raw materials preparation Preparation of ceramic body Shaping of ceramic body (ambient conditions) Drying and sintering (firing) – high- temperature process
Raw materials and ceramic body preparation Raw materials preparation: Enrichment ( removal of not-profitable components) Pre-processing - ( crushing ) Compilation of ceramic body; Examples: faience: clays: medium-plastic 30% very plastic 32% marble or chalk (CaCO 3 ) 12% quartz sands 26% porcelain Clays – kaolin type 50% (Ball-clays, china clays) Feldspar 25% Quartz 25%
Body compilation- wall tiles
Ceramic body preparation Mixing of raw materials in suitable facilities (stirrers, crushers, plungers) with water and other components addition depending on mass destiny and formation method
Ceramic body preparation Removal of water and air from mass using special filter or vacuum press Vacuum press
Ceramic body fate What is the fate of body ? content of H 2 O in % Casting Plastic extrusion Plastic pressing Dry pressing 3-9
Shaping of body Casting in gypsum form Formation from plastic mass –hand made, extrusion, formation on press Pressing Dry and semi-dry mass Plastic mass Thermo-plastic formation
Casting in gypsum form Preparation of slip body - water suspension of ground raw ceramic – low viscosity, low sedimentation rate, low shrinkage (addition of fluidization agents : sodium silicates – „water” glass)
Casting Casting of slip body in gypsum form Body is left in gypsum form up to body densification (water is removed from body by gypsum form absorption)
Plastic body formation Hand made: Various type of clay body modeling Turning of ceramics: The oldest way of formation: – potter's wheel