DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Basin Management - Decision Support System with A Complete Parametric GIS Environment Based on Argus ONE GIS System A case study Lake Kineret (the lake of Galilee) Basin By: DHV MED Ltd. P.O.B 2288 Ra’anana Israel Tel: Fax:
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Goals Collect, organize, display digital data related to water pollutants in a basin Allow authorities to investigate contribution of different pollution sources Model water pollution levels downstream of the basin Provide a landuse management tool Allow regional planners and decision-makers to predict the impact of future developments and natural phenomena on the basin Lake Kineret basin
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Categorize landuse parcels in the basin Model respective pollution contributions of the landuse parcel Model overall contribution to the basin System implementation phases Categorize landuse parcels in the basin This stage included data collection of pollution contributors such as various crops, grazing areas, roads and water runoff sources and beaches and waterfront recreation zones. Mostly this data included the topological data such as polygons, lines and points defining the shapes of the pollution sources. A list of pollution contributors in the Kineret lake basin
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Assigning data and building a database Quantifying the pollution contribution parameters of the various pollution sources is done using available know-how and literature survey. These parameters are integrated into the system to provide the pollution contributions based on the relations between attributes of the pollution zones such as: Their topologies, such as shape, area, or length Their use, such crop type or grazing, that is, the landuse destination Pollution parameters of each contributor such as derivatives of nitrogen, phosphorous and other pollutants Grazing zones in the Kineret basin
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: The Pollution Parametric Calculation The following example provides an understanding of a simple case and show that most of the variables are subject to change, and that the end result is always some kind of a formula linking various parameters and topologies. The system allows flexible changing of parameters and topologies. Which is mandatory since it is expected that results of new studies will be incorporated. Grazing zones, yearly nitrogen production in a color presentation The same methodology is applied to all pollution sources
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Grazing pollution parameters are: A = Grazing polygon area SD = Stock density in the area NSA= A x SD = No. of stock heads in the area YM= Yearly waste production per stock head N= Nitrogen derivatives content in stock head waste YN= NSA x YM x N = Yearly N production in the graze polygon Argus ONE expression maker dialogue box presenting topology and N contribution of the Graze layer
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: The Capabilities of Argus ONE allow to create a library of variables specifying values of pollution production of the layers. These variables are use in the expressions calculating the pollution contribution and can be modified at any time to reflect changes in knowledge or models. This Library is also used to assign weight for each pollution contributor to be used for sensitivity analysis. Creating a Parametric Data Library
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Defining the resolution of the Analysis The drainage basin of the Kineret lake was divided into sub basins. The contribution to the sub basins of each of the various pollutants was summed from all the contributing landuses. This provides the data for a transport model in the reaches which transport water into the lake. Sub basins in the Kineret Basin
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Modelling Overall Pollution Using the sub basin layer as the analysis layer it was possible to calculate and sum all the pollution parameters of interest into each sub basin. All the relations are totally parametric using the powerful function tools of Argus ONE. The system is indifferent of the existence of data which means that if a certain layer has no available data it does not effect the calculation process. The contribution to the sub basins of each of the various pollutants was summed from all the contributing landuses. This provides the data for a transport model in the reaches, which transport water into the lake. Sub basin, yearly nitrogen production in a color presentation
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Modelling Pollutants Transport in the Basin Using the sub basins as the resolution of the analysis, it is possible to calculate pollutant transport in the basin reaches. The following procedure is adopted: Identifying the required transport model and its equations Assigning the transport route of each sub basin runoff Calculating the transport required parameters Calculating the transport effect Summing the overall contribution to the lake All the calculations are done within Argus ONE in a complete parametric manner. The system can use any transport model and integrate its equations. The rivers layer presenting the rivers and reaches in the Kineret basin
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Total Kineret Lake Pollution Load Simultaneously to all calculations, the load on the Kineret lake is calculated and presented in a dynamic text box. This dynamic text box is a very powerful too for the immediate view of effects of various development and phenomena on the lake.
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: What-if Scenario Analysis The system provides a powerful environment for conducting sensitivity analysis and What- if scenario analysis. The effect of new development can be analyzed and presented in a matter of minutes. It is possible to import plans for development (roads, fish ponds, residential or industrial zones and others) from any CAD or GIS system or to digitize it directly on screen. The impact of the new entities is automatically calculated and presented immediately.
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: What-if scenario of nitrogen contribution to the lake removing the contribution of undeveloped areas natural runoff With undeveloped areas runoffWithout undeveloped areas runoff
DHV MED Ltd. Tel: , Fax: Summery and Conclusion The procedures developed within Argus ONE provided our client with a very powerful tool for various management aspects such as: Basin development management Monitoring and enforcement activities Identifying sensitive areas The same GIS environment and methodology can be used for various spatial analysis such as: Air pollution, Risk assessments, Ground water protection, Oceanographic science and more...