The Brothers Grimm Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm born a year apart German academic, cultural researchers, and linguists (scientific study of human language) More than 200 collective folk tales in over 100 translations
happily ever after Characteristics of fairy tales Don’t necessarily include fairies Set in the past- usually significantly long ago. May be presented as historical fact from the past Include fantasy, supernatural or make-believe aspects Typically incorporate clearly defined good characters and evil characters Involves magic elements, which may be magical people, animals, or objects. Magic may be positive or negative
Characteristics continued… May include objects, people, or events in threes Focus the plot on a problem or conflict that needs to be solved. Often have happy endings, based on the resolution of the conflict or problem Usually teach a lesson or demonstrate important values Original works are usually much darker and more complicated than their modern retellings.
What did they “fracture”? Rapunzel Original story by the Brothers Grimm Tangled Tangled Snow White Original story by the Brothers Grimm Enchanted Enchanted Cinderella Original work by the Brothers Grimm Altered interpretations Ever After Ever After A Cinderella Story A Cinderella Story
others… Shrek (2001) Shrek Ella Enchanted(2004) Ella Enchanted The Princess & the Frog (2009) The Princess & the Frog Snow White & the Huntsman (2012) Can you think of any others?
define: A fractured fairy tale is an original mythical story that has been revised in at least one of the following ways: Setting Characters Magic Subject of conflict It is still true to the basic characteristics of the classic fairy tale.
student examples Cinderghetto