Ancient Egypt Chapter 3
Ancient Egypt “Egypt is the gift of the Nile” Herodotus Nile’s annual flood symbolized rebirth; this was central to Egyptian religious beliefs Polytheists; believed that gods were manifest in every aspect of nature. A god could appear as a human, an animal or a combination of both.
Ancient Egypt “Egypt is the gift of the Nile” Herodotus Nile’s annual flood symbolized rebirth; this was central to Egyptian religious beliefs Polytheists; believed that gods were manifest in every aspect of nature. A god could appear as a human, an animal or a combination of both.
Ancient Egypt The gods influenced human lives and gave order to the world. Death was not the end of life as suggested with the continual cycle of nature: sun, flood A dead person’s “ka” or soul could still enjoy an afterlife.
Position of the Pharaohs Son of the sun god, Ra, a pharaoh was a god-king who had absolute power Power did not end with death Rejoined his solar father & continued to influence life Egypt’s monumental work of art were built to ensure the pharaohs’ continuing goodwill
Rosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone 3 tiers of writing: Hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek Hieroglyphic: From Greek hieros = sacred & glyphein = to carve Demotic: from Greek word: demos, the people Fragment of a stone stele, dated 196 BCE A decree issued by priests honoring Ptolemy V (ruled BCE)
Egyptian Symbols Symbolic of Kingship, the crowned figure is everywhere in Egyptian art. The cobra, ‘she rears up’ is equated with the sun, the king and some deities. Often included in headdress
Egyptian Symbols The god Horus, king of the earth & a good force, is represented as a falcon Wedjat: Horus’ eye; symbolic of sun & moon; solar eye Ankh: symbolic of everlasting life The scarab beetle: associated with the creator god, Atum and the rising sun
3-2 Palette of King Narmer Flashcard Gardner’s 12th ed., p Hierarchy of Scale Composite View (or Twisted Perspective)
Palette of Narmer Created in about 3100 BCE One of the world’s first historical work of art The palette’s 2 sides commemorate Narmer’s victorious unification of Upper and Lower Egypt Every image is designed to show Narmer’s invincible power.
Palette of Narmer Divided into registers, or horizontal bands Excellent example of hierarchical scale Ruler’s name appear on both sides in pictographs, small square at the top The cow heads symbolize the protective goddess Hathor. Stylized papyrus
3-4 IMHOTEP, Pyramid of Djoser (step pyramid) and plan Flashcard Gardner’s 11th ed., p. 49 Stokstad, p. 100 Mastaba Cardinal Points of the compass
3-6 Column entrance to Djoser 3-7 Facade of the North Palace Gardner’s 12th ed., Stokstad Shafts Capitals Engaged columns
Old Kingdom C BCE Time of social cohesion and political stability Despite drought & plagues, wealth increased in ruling families. Court sculptors called upon regularly to create life-size portraits in stone. Patrons: Kings and government officials
3-8 Great pyramids of Gizeh, Egypt (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu), Flashcard html
3-8 Great pyramids of Gizeh, Egypt (Menkaura, Khafre, Khufu), html
3-12 Khafre sculpture Flashcard Bilaterally symmetrical Art resources
3-13 Menkaure and his Queen Khamerernebty (?), sculpture Flashcard Left leg longer Canon of proportions
Egyptian Canon of Proportions Sets the height of the male body from heel to hairline at 18 times the width of the fist (1 unit/square) The knees align with the 5th line up, the elbow with the 12th and the junction of the neck and shoulder with the 16th
3-14 Seated Scribe Flashcard
3-16 Ti watching a hippopotamus, relief Flashcard Hierarchy of Scale
Relief of Hesire (Saqqara), c BCE, wood
Rock cut Tombs (Beni Hasan), c BCE
The AnkhDjed Pillar
3-21 Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut Flashcard Colonnades Chamfered pillars html
3-23 Temple of Ramses II Abu Simbel Flashcard Atlantids Façade
Temple of Amun-Re
3-27 Model of hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re 3-26 Hypostyle hall, temple of Amen-Re Flashcard CLERESTORY
Temple at Luxor, c BCE
3-30 Fowling scene Flashcard Static pose Fresco secco (dry fresco)
3-32 Akhenaton sculpture Flashcard
3-31 THUTMOSE, Queen Nefertiti sculpture Flashcard
3-34 Tiye, from Gurob Flashcard
Gardner’s 12 th ed., p Akhenatom, Nefertiti, and three daughters Flashcard UNDULATING LINES CURVILINEAR
3-37 Death mask of Tutankhamen Flashcard
3-39 Book of the Dead Flashcard