QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CULTURE IN ROMANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION Regional Conference „From Quality Assurance to Quality Culture” Sarajevo, 5-6 december 2011 Lect.Dr.Mihai Floroiu – ARACIS / University of Craiova
FIGURES AND SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROMANIAN QA AND ACADEMIC SYSTEM 112 HEI's in total – 90 accredited HEI's (56 State/34 Private) The beginnings of the evaluations (1993 – 2004) -1993: National Council for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation-CNEEA : Adoption of the Education Law no. 84/ : Adoption by several Romanian Universities of the ECTS system - Starting with 1999, implementing of an External dimension of the quality assurance, based on the Bologna Declaration : Adoption of Law 288/2004, introducing the ECTS system in all Romanian Higher Education Institutions
The present days (2005 – now) 2005/2006 : Adoption of the Government Ordinance No. 75 for Quality Assurance in Education, adopted on July 12th, modified and approved by Law 87/2006, creating ARACIS, with it's activity based on the ESG Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ARACIS FULL MEMBER OF ENQA SINCE JUNE 2009 LISTED IN THE EQAR SINCE OCTOBER 2009
MAIN FEATURES OF ROMANIAN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM -Diversity; -Distributed learning; -Promotion of good practice in academic performance; -Participation in the European Higher Education Area; -Transparence and systemic analysis. EVALUATIONS CARRIED OUT AND ACHIEVED UNTIL NOW Study programs evaluated (Bachelor and Master) : 5315 Higher Education Institutions evaluated : 70
ARACIS STATUS AND RESOURCES - Autonomous public institution, of national interest, legal entity with its own income and expenditure budget; - Independent Agency, free from any political or other external influence; COUNCIL 17 MEMBERS 15 PROFESSORS 2 STUDENTS EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT VICE – PRESIDENT DIRECTOR QUALITY DEPT. DIRECTOR ACCREDITATION DEPT SECRETARY GENERAL
scientific secretaries -Role of the scientific secretaries : most important element of an evaluation, as they act as catalyst between all panel members; o Young academics, trained on purpose (15) o Some of ARACIS staff – QA Inspectors (5) Finances - Finances – ARACIS receives a fee, covering all related expenses. The fee is established by law, in relation to a full professor's monthly salary - Ph.D evaluations - Ph.D evaluations – methodology in progress