SS6G14 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of people who live in Australia. a. Explain the impact of English colonization on the language and religion of Australia.
Slang is the use of informal words and expressions to describe an object or condition. Slang is sometimes regional in that it is used only in a particular territory. Example: in the South we use the slang word “ya’ll” instead of saying “you all”
Can you think of any slang you use in your daily life?
Freshie: freshwater crocodile Joey: baby kangaroo Jumbuck: sheep Roo: kangaroo Saltie: saltwater crocodile Chook: chicken Bities: biting insects Mozzie: mosquito
Spit the Dummy: get very upset at something Yabber: talk a lot Whinge: complain Walkabout: wander off Chuck a sickie: to take the day off sick from work Bonzer: great Cark it: to die Cranky: in a bad mood Have a single short: to be silly Keen as mustard: extremely enthusiastic Spewin’: very angry
Dag: a funny person Daks: pants Dead Horse: tomato sauce Exercise Book: a school textbook Fairy Floss: cotton candy Holiday: vacation Idiot Box: television Ivories: your teeth Joe: a police officer Kip: a nap Lemon Squash: lemonade Lippy: Lipstick Lift: Elevator Matilda: sleeping bag Milko: milkman Nappy: diaper Pash: Kiss Wog: the flu Walkabout: a hike
Barbie: barbecue (like a gril) Bikkie: biscuit Billy: large tin can to boil water over a campfire Brekkie: breakfast Chewie: chewing gum Chokkie: chocolate Chunder: vomit Clobber: clothes Grundies: underwear Lollies: sweets Loo: toilet Sanger: a sandwich Tucker: food Bathers: swim suit Prezzy: present or gift Quid: money Takeaway: take out food Ute: pickup truck Vedgies: vegetables
Mob: group of people Oldies: parents Dag: a funny person Journo: journalist Ol’Man: father Old Cheese: mother Polly: politician Shelia: a woman Stickybeak: nosy person Mate: buddy or friend
Aussie: Australian Bloke: man Bogan: young, immature person Bounce: a bully Bushranger: outlaw Cobber: friend Dill: an idiot Fruit Loop: fool Greenie: environmentalist Kiwi: a person from New Zealand
Billabong: a pond Brizzie: Brisbane Bush: the Outback Down Under: Australia and New Zealand Maccas: McDonald’s Oz: Australia Arvo: afternoon Bustelly: campfire Pictures: the movies Rage: party Servo: a gas station Unit: apartment