Digital Measures Course Evaluations Nicole de Vries
One Year Mark History Statistics Thoughts
History of DM Course CSU Spring First term for Evals. Re: Fall 2009 ▫Technical Issues IP Addresses Security Concern ▫Reorganization started Activities side: COA First under reorganization- least changes Evaluation side: Questions gleaned from DM. Sent to Deans this afternoon.
Statistics- Response Rates Fall 2009 ResponsesEvals Sent% College of Educ & Health Prof % College of Letters & Science % College of the Arts % DAT College of Bus & Com Sci % Other % University College % % Summer 2009Maymester 2009Spring 2009 ResponsesEvals Sent%ResponsesEvals Sent%ResponsesEvals Sent% College of Arts and Letters % % % College of Education % % % College of Science % % % D. Abbott Turner College of Business % % Library % % University College % % Other % % % %
Thoughts Level of Customization Supported Response Rate ▫Dropped Was diminishing May be correlated to students grades University of New Haven Study: The higher the grade, the more likely to participate Counterpoint~ forced evaluations Incentives? ▫Us= $$ ▫Them = ?