4-9 Wednesday Journal: Fairy Tales 6 Ways: Early Doctoring Recitations Patterns of Response
Cinderella In the Grimm story, not only do the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet in order to fit into the glass slippers (the blood pooling in their shoes gives them away), but at the end, they have their eyes pecked out by doves. Just for good measure.
Prompt Show why fairy tales prove or disprove themselves in our daily lives. A few popular fairy tales: Cinderella Goldilocks Hansel and Gretel Rumpelstiltskin Snow White Little Mermaid Little Red Riding Hood Sleeping Beauty The Ugly Duckling Thumbelina Beauty and the Beast Aladdin's Lamp Rapunzel
12 Early Doctoring Practices Read the passage and answer the questions on the answer sheet provided. Broad: Diamonds are the hardest substance. Main Idea: Diamonds are valued for hardness, beauty, and use in industry. Narrow: Milky diamonds are less valuable than clear diamonds.
Recitation “Song of Myself 52” Make it through entire poem for credit You may try again later if you try now I will help you twice
“Wanting to Fly” (2 x 4) + (21 x 17) Compare solving a math problem to the way we might process art (a story, poem, etc.) 2.Re-write paragraph, “Wanting to Fly.”