NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. SOPHOMORE NIGHT BREAK-OUT SESSION TOPICS: BE / SCUGP GPA’S TRANSCRIPT COURSE SELECTION Catherine Salley Guidance Counselor (11 th & 12 th last names L-Z)
BE vs. SCUGP GPA *6.0 weighted scale Levels weighted differently *AP = 6.5 *Honors = 5.5 A1 = 4.5 A2 = 3.5 BE GPA Sent to in-state and out-of-state colleges Highest GPA in current senior class is BE CONT’D weighted scale, does not round up! Levels weighted differently & each numeric grade weighted differently within the academic level AP/DC = Honors = CP = SCUGP GPA Sent to in-state colleges only (along with BE GPA) Used to determine SC Lottery Scholarships (3.0 minimum) See handout SCUGP CONT’D
BE GPA scale Weighted 6.0 scale Reported to both in- state and out-of-state colleges Helps show the rigor of our academic program BE cumulative GPA is calculated using the final year average (not semester) No BE rank, but there is a SCUGP rank that is reported to in-state colleges on the transcript
SCUGP GPA facts AP courses are assigned the SCUGP AP GPA ( ) A1 & A2 level courses are assigned the SCUGP college prep GPA ( ) ALL Theology courses are assigned the SCUGP college prep GPA Honors courses in core classes (English, social studies, science, & math) are assigned the SCUGP Honors GPA ( ) Honors courses in non-core classes are assigned the SCUGP college prep GPA EXCEPTION: The first 2 years of Honors world language = college prep GPA. Third & fourth years of Honors world language = Honors SCUGP GPA
Course Selection Process Begins Feb. 10 th Each class will attend an assembly in the PAC for further information Course selection sheets are specific for each class (Class of 2017, Class of 2018, etc.) Choose courses carefully! 10 students or less means you will not be able to drop or switch to another section Colleges look for rigor in your courses Be realistic - balance of academics and sports/extra-curricular activities Teacher placement Teacher signatures required for non-bolded options / bolded options do not require a signature. New classes next year: *BUS3185 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AI, *ENG3185 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC SPEAKING AI, *FAM1385 MUSIC THROUGH THE AGES H, SCI451/SCI452 CHEMISTRY II AP/CHEMISTRY II AP LAB SAT Prep will not be offered again next year due to the SAT redesign – Khan Academy best resource for free test prep!
Course Selection Sheet - Class of 2018
Graduation Requirements Theology…………………………………… English….……………………………………….4 Math…………………………………………… …4 Science………………………………………….3 World Language (same)…… …….2 US History……………………………………..1 US Gov’t……………………………………..1/2 Economics…………………………………1/2 W. History…………………………………….1 Computer Technology………………...…1 PE……………………………………………… ….1 Fine Arts………………………………………..1 Additional Elective………………………...1 Total Credits Required…………………24
Course Selection Process Class of Rising Juniors (current sophomores) Choice of science very important - decide carefully! 3 science credits required to graduate Science options include: A1 Bio 2 or AP Bio ~ AP Chemistry ~ AP, A1, A2 Env. Science ~ H, A1, A2 Physics Do not have to take Physics – good fit for students who are strong in math, enjoy science, and does well in it. Good for pre-med, nursing, etc. AP teachers have to sign you into their courses (not your former teacher like others) AP courses have outside work to do over the summer (except AP Gov’t) & AP Sciences have extended class time every 7 weeks until 3:30 (Env. Science, AP Bio). AP Chemistry is a double-period class (90 minutes) Go to your former World History teacher for your US History signature (level) Study Hall(s) popular for Juniors due to heavy course load and/or sports
Is your/your child’s MMS portal set up? Student’s will need their student portal (not parent portal) set up to be able to register for the courses he/she will take next year. Student’s will go to the computer lab the week of March 14 th to enter their courses! What to do if your or your child’s MMS portal are not already set up: Go to the BE website Click on “Current Families” Click on Gradebook Portal Select either student or parent portal Student username is always their student ID # Temporary passwords were given out at the beginning of the year to students If you/your child does not know your password then you will need to for help setting it up and choosing a new