Mrs. Susan Best Room 2515 English 9
How to contact me The best way to reach me is by Phone: My website is index.php index.php
Grades Students will keep daily class work in one English journal which will be collected throughout the semester. A star in the grade book means I haven’t gotten to your student’s paper, a “0” means it wasn’t turned in or wasn’t correct. Grades are weighted as follows: 80% Summative: These assignments will assess students on the Common Core national standards for 9 th grade English. A 4 point scale is used, 3 is meeting standard. 20% Formative grades These assignments will be for practice and participation and will include homework, class work, and discussions. With larger formative assignments, the weight will be increased in the gradebook. A “0” =50% if the assignment is attempted. If not submitted it is missing and 0%.
Writing Curriculum Autobiographical/personal essay. Research Paper. Analytical essays. Essay of Argumentation.
Reading Curriculum Romeo and Juliet To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Night by Elie Weisel The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cicernos Lord of the Flies by William Golding and/or The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay. Short Stories Vocabulary. Weekly, Students will learn SAT prep vocabulary. Tests will occur every 2 weeks. It is recommended that students study vocabulary nightly. ( Informational texts. Outside reading requirement. Students will be expected to read outside of class, due at the end of each quarter.
Textbook information Textbook is on-line Go to and enter the Activation Code for the 9 th grade orange McDougall Littell Literature book. Have your student let me know if they don’t have access to a computer and I will assign them a book to keep at home.