doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 1 Project: IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [WG-TG3 Closing Report January03] Date Submitted: [16January03] Source: [John Barr] Company [Motorola] Address [1303 E. Golf Road, Schuamburg, IL 60196] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [02424r0P802-15_TG3-November02-Meeting-Objective-and-Agenda.xls] Abstract:[TG3 Chair Report to WG] Purpose:[TG3 chair report to WG to update them on work completed in Ft. Lauderdale.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 2 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks TG3 Closing Report January 2003, Ft. Lauderdale Florida
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 3 Agenda Goals of January Meeting Sponsor Ballot Status Motion to add to REVCOM agenda Motion to empower BRC Goals for March Meeting
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 4 Goals for January Conference call status, including approval of any ad hoc business. Sponsor ballot comment resolution. Update draft as required. ?Approve sponsor ballot recirculation.
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 5 SB1 Comment Resolution Results SB1 Ballot - Yes-56/No-17/Abstain-6 – 76.7% Comment Resolution IEEE 802 Ft. Lauderdale SB1 Resolution Status –Yes-vv/No-nn/Abstain-6 – xx.x% –03032r3 – Comment Resolution Record Technical – 447 Editorial – 379 –03033r6 – WG-SB1 Comment Database –03035r3 – Comment Drafting Status –Processing rate of 101 comments per day. D16 Being Prepared for Sponsor Ballot Recirculation
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 6 SB1 Comment Status
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 7 Motion to the Task Group Move to seek approval from the WG to place approval of IEEE on the March REVCOM agenda. Mover: James GilbSecond: Al Heberling For – 8 Against – 0 Abstain – 0
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 8 Motion to the Working Group Move to place approval of IEEE on the March REVCOM agenda. Mover: James GilbSecond: John Barr For – 31 Against – 1 Abstain – 7
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 9 Motion to the WG Move to empower the SBRC to update draft and release for sponsor ballot recirculation prior to the March IEEE 802 plenary. (TG 7/0/1) Mover: John BarrSecond: Jim Allen For – Passes by unanimous consent
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 10 Ad Hoc SBRC Meeting Cancelled The February Ad Hoc meeting has been cancelled. All technical comments have been addressed and editing assignments made. Final clarification and balloter acceptance issues will be addressed in conference calls. Final draft to be ready for recirculation on February 23.
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 11 Goals for March Conference call status, including approval of any ad hoc business. SB2 comment resolution. Update draft as required. Submit for final approval or recirculate
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 12 Publicity Committee Input IEEE sponsor ballot has necessary >75% approval. Task group has reviewed all of the technical comments and is preparing an updated draft for recirculation in February. IEEE draft standard is expected to be submitted for final approval following the March IEEE 802 plenary meeting.
doc.: IEEE /019r1 Submission January 2003 Dr. John R. Barr, MotorolaSlide 13 SB1: One more step towards…