Violence In media Simon May
Introduction This is my introduction to my Task 3 and I will be conduction this powerpoint on weather or not media has a violent effect on young people or not. I will give the evidence that I have found out during this task and at the end I will give my own conclusion into this subject matter and I will also give sources to back up all of my evidence that I have gathered. I have also included some questionairs that I have created and then to get the answers I have handed all of them out to my entire media class to see there opinions on the subject matter and not to be biased.
Secondary Research study?utm_campaign=fbposts&utm_source=facebook study?utm_campaign=fbposts&utm_source=facebook This link is about a decade long studies doing a research on 11,000 kids and seeing if media products have an effect on young people or not. “The key findings that came out of the study included that exposure to video games from the age of five was shown to have no effect on behaviour, attention or emotional issues” I personally agree with this source because I generally believe that media doesn’t cause violence's in people because I don’t think that any media product no matter how “Realistic” any forum of media could be. I think it is ludicrous to believe that a movie could cause physical pain on anyone around us. I think that people need to be looking at other aspects of life such as parenting and medication.
Secondary Research game-violence/ / game-violence/ / This source is from Villanova University and Rutgers university and they published a very in depth study that suggested that violent video games don’t increase real world behaviour. Then another university from Stetson University have reached the exact same conclusion as the other that there is no evidence that there is a link between video game or movie violence to real world violence. I completely agree with this article because it is from some of the top university's from The united States and they have top researchers to find out these statics.
Secondary Research increases-in-viol/ / increases-in-viol/ / This source is another case study done by a very highly respected university that is a study done over the years and it gives statistics and evidence to support that violent media doesn’t cause violence in society and it also explains the differences between someone who is frustrated and then someone who is violent. I agree fully with this source because it debunks many of the common misconceptions about violence in media and why news outlets choose to blame video games and movies and in my opinion why they do this is because they find a scape goat and it is very easy to blame.
Pie chart statics from my class This is a pie chart showing if violence in media should be allowed at all. Everyone in my media class completely agreed in that they all think violence is a nesscary in media especially today so this shows that violence is now more accepting in todays society than it was years ago.
Pie chart statics from my class This is another pie chart that I got from my questionnaires that I made and the question is does violence in media cause people to be violent From this pie chart the people from my class disagree and also strongly disagree with this question So from these statics my media class doesn’t think that media causes people to be violent
Pie chart statics from my class This is a pie chart show what my class mates think about the level of violence in media and how it has changed. Most people agreed in my class that the level of violence in media has changed and that violence is a lot more acceptable in todays movies, TV shows and games because the industry is evolving. However 2% of people disagreed and them saying that the level of violence hasn’t changed. I personally think that the level of violence has became a lot more acceptable and it hasn’t became this taboo that something people cant expressive like it was years ago. However in my opinion just because the level of violence has increased crime in the real world has actually degreased and people are a lot calmer.
Pie chart statics from my class This pie chart is about peoples acceptability of the amount of violence in media. Most people in my class agree saying that there is the right amount of violence on tv and that directors shouldn’t be afraid to show excusive violence. However some people in my class disagreed with this statement saying that there shouldn’t be violence before the watershed hour but everything after that time is ok.
Pie chart statics from my class This pie chart is about the BBFCs rating system and is it good for a Gide line of violence in media. The majority of people in my media class agreed with the BBFCs rating system saying that it works very well and that they can be very accepting on ratings. However some people in my class disagreed with this because some people mentioned to me that there is not enough lines between a 15 and 18 rated film. However I disagreed with them saying that there is a big difference between these two ratings and some films that are rated 18 just couldn’t be shown to a 15 year old. I also think that over the years films that where banned back 20 years ago can now be released because the violence that was shown back then compared to now can be considered tame and outdated.
Pie chart statics from my class And finally this pie chart is the main one that is most important in this presentation. Does violence in media have an overall negative outlook on young people to day And my classes restored to this question is a resounding no. Most people in my class agreed that media doesn’t have a negative effect on young people and especially when it comes to violent behaviour. However there where still some people in my class that said yes media doesn’t cause people to be violent however it could still have a negative effect on someone such as being very antisocial or not people not getting enough exercise.
Conclusion In conclusion from the evidence that I have captured and in my own personal opinion I don’t think that media in all of its massive scale in terms of things such as books, movie, video games and so on not only does not cause young people to be violent but I don’t think it can cause people to be violent in anyway. There is more acpects into this debate than just some games and movies I think it goes more into the way people act and it goes more into aspects such as the human condition and how different peoples minds are and especially how young peoples minds are. To blame a school shooting on a movie I think is not only ludicrious but I also think it is offensive. I believe that video games and other similar media can make people frustrated however frustration is different from being violent. I will end this powerpoint on a conclusion that I have came to and that is The world inst violent because of media. Media is violent because of the world.