NADER AL - QARYUTI HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Global Edition 14e Chapter 6 Employee Testing and Selection
6–2 1.Explain what is meant by reliability and validity. 2.Explain how you would go about validating a test. 3.Cite and illustrate our testing guidelines. 4.Give examples of some of the ethical and legal considerations in testing. 5.List eight tests you could use for employee selection and how you would use them. 6.Give two examples of work sample/simulation tests. 7.Explain the key points to remember in conducting background investigations. LEARNING OUTCOMES
6–3 Why Careful Selection is Important Organizational performance Costs of recruiting and hiring The Importance of Selecting the Right Employees Legal obligations and liability
6–4 Why Careful Selection is Important Organizational performance –Your own performance depends on your subordinates. Employees with the right skills and attitudes will do a good job for you and the company. Costs of recruiting and hiring –It is costly and time-consuming to recruit employees. The cost of hiring a manager will be higher as it includes search fees, interview time, reference check, and other expenses. ا Legal obligations and liability –There are legal implications if the company is negligent in the hiring process.
4- 5 Why Is Selection Important? Selecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: 1.A manager’s performance always depends on subordinates 2.It’s costly to recruit and hire employees 3.The legal implications of incompetent selection – negligent hiring
Avoiding Negligent Hiring Claims Carefully scrutinize information supplied by the applicant on his or her employment application.Carefully scrutinize information supplied by the applicant on his or her employment application. Get the applicant’s written authorization for reference checks, and carefully check references.Get the applicant’s written authorization for reference checks, and carefully check references. Save all records and information you obtain about the applicant.Save all records and information you obtain about the applicant. Reject applicants who make false statements of material facts or who have conviction records for offenses directly related and important to the job in question.Reject applicants who make false statements of material facts or who have conviction records for offenses directly related and important to the job in question. Balance the applicant’s privacy rights with others’ “need to know,” especially when you discover damaging information Balance the applicant’s privacy rights with others’ “need to know,” especially when you discover damaging information Take immediate disciplinary action if problems arise. Take immediate disciplinary action if problems arise. 6–6
6–7 Basic Testing Concepts Reliability validity Basic Testing Concepts
6–8 Basic Testing Concepts Reliability –The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests. –Are the test results stable over time? –Check reliability: Retest Estimate Internal Comparison Estimate
6–9 Basic Testing Concepts Test validity –The accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill. –Does the test actually measure what we need for it to measure? –A test should be job related –Performance on a test should be a valid predictor of subsequent performance on the job
6–10 Types of Validity Criterion validityConstruct validity Types of Test Validity
6–11 Types of Validity Criterion validity –A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance (criterion) i.e. Those who do well on the text will also do well on the job. Are test scores in this class related to students’ knowledge of human resource management?
6–12 Types of Validity Content validity –A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question. Do the test questions in this course relate to human resource management topics? Is taking an HR course the same as doing HR? –Need to identify the tasks that are related to performance, then select a sample of those tasks to be tested.
Validity Criterion validity –Those who do well on the test also do well on the job, and those who do poorly on the test do poorly on the job Content validity –The test constitutes a fair sample of the content of a job 4-13
Construct validity Construct validity involves that (a) a selection procedure measures a construct (something believed to be an underlying human trait or characteristic, such as honesty) and (b) the construct is important for successful job performance. 6–14
6–15 Examples of Web Sites Offering Information on Tests or Testing Programs –Provides general information and sources for all types of employment tests. –Provides technical information on all types of employment and nonemployment tests. –Provides information on over 20,000 tests. –Information from Kaplan test preparation on how various admissions tests work. –One of many firms offering employment tests. Figure 6–2
6–16 How to Validate a Test Step 1: Analyze job Step 2: Choose tests Step 3: Administer tests Step 4: Relate test scores and criteria Step 5: Cross-validate and revalidate Figure 6.4 The Validation Process
6–17 Evidence-Based HR: How to Validate a Test 1 Relate test scores and criteria through a correlation analysis, which shows the degree of statistical relationship between (1) scores on the test and (2) job performance Choose the tests that measure the attributes (predictors) important for job success. Steps in Test Validation Analyze the job and write job descriptions and job specifications Administer the test selected to old or new employees for concurrent and predictive validation 234 Cross-validate and revalidate by performing steps 3 and 4 on a new sample of employees 5
6–18 Testing Program Guidelines 1.Use tests as supplements. –Don’t make tests your only tool. 2.Validate the tests. –It is best to validate them in your own organization. 3.Monitor your testing/selection program. –Why are you using this test? What does it mean? 4.Keep accurate records. –Record in detail why you rejected each applicant. 5.Use a certified psychologist. –Developing, validating, and using selection standards (including tests) generally require a qualified psychologist 6.Manage test conditions. –Make sure all applicants take the test under the same conditions. –Train supervisors regarding test results confidentiality. 7.Revalidate periodically. –Employers’ needs and applicants’ aptitudes change over time. Testing programs should be revalidated periodically.
6–19 Types of Tests Tests of Cognitive Abilities Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities Tests Personality and interests What Different Tests Measure Achievement Tests
6–20 Tests of Cognitive Abilities 1- Intelligence Tests –Tests of general intellectual abilities that measure a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability. 2- Aptitude tests –Tests that measure specific mental abilities, such as inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.
6–21 Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities 3-Motor abilities –E.g., finger dexterity, manual dexterity, and reaction time. 4-Physical abilities –E.g., static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and stamina.
6–22 5-Personality tests –Use projective techniques and trait inventories to measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation. advantage –Have been used successfully to predict dysfunctional job behaviors and identify successful candidates for overseas assignments. Disadvantage –Are the most difficult tests to evaluate and use, particularly the projective type. Measuring Personality and Interests
6–23 The “Big Five” Emphasize the “big five” personality Extraversion Emotional stability/ Neuroticism AgreeablenessOpenness to experience Conscientiousness
6–24 The “Big Five” Extraversion –The tendency to be sociable, assertive, active, and to experience positive effects, such as energy and zeal. Emotional stability/neuroticism –The tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and experience negative effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and hostility. Openness to experience –The disposition to be imaginative, nonconforming, unconventional, and autonomous. Agreeableness –The tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle. Conscientiousness –Is comprised of two related facets: achievement and dependability.
6–25 Other Tests 6-Interest inventories –Personal development and selection devices that compare the person’s current interests with those of others now in various occupations so as to determine the preferred occupation for the individual. 7-Achievement tests –Test that measure what a person has already learned—“job knowledge” in areas like accounting, marketing, or personnel.
6–26 Work Samples and Simulations Work samples Management assessment centers Video-based situational testing Measuring Work Performance Directly Miniature job training and evaluation
6–27 Work samples –Actual job tasks are used in testing applicants’ performance. Work sampling technique –A testing method based on measuring an applicant’s performance on actual basic job tasks. Work Samples and Simulations
6–28 Work Simulations Management assessment center –A simulation in which management candidates are asked to perform realistic tasks in hypothetical situations and are scored on their performance. Typical simulated exercises include: –In-basket –Leaderless group discussion –Management games –Individual presentations –Objective tests –Interview
6–29 Work Simulations (cont’d) Video-Based situational testing –A situational test comprised of several video scenarios, each followed by a multiple choice question that requires the candidate to choose from among several courses of action. –While the evidence is mixed, the results suggest that video-based situational tests can be useful for selecting employees.
6–30 Work Simulations (cont’d) The miniature job training and evaluation approach –Candidates are trained to perform a sample of the job’s tasks, and then are evaluated on their performance. –The approach assumes that a person who demonstrates that he or she can learn and perform the sample of tasks will be able to learn and perform the job itself.
6–31 Background Investigations and Reference Checks Extent of investigations and checks –Reference checks (87%) –Background employment checks (69%) –Criminal records (61%) –Driving records (56%) –Credit checks (35%) Reasons for investigations and checks –To verify factual information provided by applicants. –To uncover damaging information.
6–32 Reference Checking Form Figure 6–7 (Verify that the applicant has provided permission before conducting reference checks) Candidate Name: Reference Name:Company Name: Dates of Employment:(From: and To:) Position(s) Held:Salary History: Reason for Leaving: Explain the reason for your call and verify the above information with the supervisor (including the reason for leaving) 1. Please describe the type of work for which the candidate was responsible. 2. How would you describe the applicant’s relationships with coworkers, subordinates (if applicable), and with superiors? 3. Did the candidate have a positive or negative work attitude? Please elaborate 4. How would you describe the quantity and quality of output generated by the former employee? 5. What were his/her strengths on the job? 6. What were his/her weaknesses on the job? 7. What is your overall assessment of the candidate? 8. Would you recommend him/her for this position? Why or why not? 9. Would this individual be eligible for rehire? Why or why not? Other comments? Source: Society for Human Resource Management, © 2004.
6–33 Background Investigations and Reference Checks Former Employers Current Supervisors Written References Social Networking Sites Commercial Credit Rating Companies Sources of Information
6–34 The Polygraph and Honesty Testing The polygraph (or lie detector) –A device that measures physiological changes, –The assumption is that such changes reflect changes in emotional state that accompany lying. Paper-and-pencil honesty tests –Psychological tests designed to predict job applicants’ proneness to dishonesty and other forms of counter productivity. –Measure attitudes regarding things like tolerance of others who steal, acceptance of rationalizations for theft, and admission of theft-related activities
6–35 Graphology Graphology (handwriting analysis) –Assumes that handwriting reflects basic personality traits. – Graphology’s validity is highly suspect. Source: Reproduced with permission from Kathryn Sackhein, Handwriting Analysis and the Employee Selection Process (New York: Quorum Books, 1990), p. 45. Figure 6–8 Handwriting Exhibit Used by Graphologist
6–36 Physical Examination Reasons for preemployment medical examinations: –To verify that the applicant meets the physical requirements of the position –To discover any medical limitations you should take into account in placing the applicant. –To establish a record and baseline of the applicant’s health for future insurance or compensation claims. –To reduce absenteeism and accidents –To detect communicable diseases that may be unknown to the applicant.
6–37 Key Terms negligent hiring reliability test validity criterion validity content validity expectancy chart interest inventory work samples work sampling technique management assessment center