Islam in India What was pre-Islamic India like? Very prosperous! Not very united India usually assimilated groups of invaders or intruders Islamic Civilization was more sophisticated than earlier invaders, though it clashed with Hinduism
How did Islam spread to India? Trade began between Arabia and western India Pirates/War/India The Indus region seized over this conflict Added to Islamic Empire Religious freedom preserved Arabs ran the gov’t. but were a tiny minority Indian Hindus held many gov’t. positions!
What did the Muslims learn from Hindu India? Science, Math, Astronomy, Medicine, Music and Architecture! Many Indian scientists traveled to Baghdad Math, Algebra and Geometry was translated into Arabic Hindu numerals were adopted and would later be adopted by the West!
Did the Muslims hold on to their territory for long? No! A gradual Hindu reconquest slowly gathered momentum. Did the Muslims ever come back? Yes When? The 11 th and 12 th centuries This state was called the Sultanate of Delhi The Sultanate was independent of other Muslim states
How brutal was conversion to Islam? Not brutal at all Merchants and Sufi Mystics did most of the converting of Indians to Islam Western and Eastern sections of India were converted to Islam Many low caste groups and Buddhists converted Equality before God appealed to some
What was the Hindu perspective on this whole thing? Viewed Islam as an upstart and inferior faith Hindus and Muslims mixed socially very little They (Upper caste) were not wild about Islam but did serve in the Government The Hindu movement bhakti served to stem the tide of Muslim conversion
How much did the Muslims influence the Hindus? It was the other way around! Muslims adopted many Hindu customs What are some examples of this? The sati Coins with Hindu gods Hindu ideas about lower class people Marriage ages and a regal style
Was India the farthest extent of Islamic influence? No! Muslim traders also spread their religion to Southeast Asia and the South Pacific These conversions were peaceful It was good for business to convert to Islam due to Islamic law Many pre-Islamic traditions were retained