ELT Workshop
Correction Techniques Mistakes and errors are bound to occur in any learning environment. Learners should be made aware of their mistakes in order to progress. There are different methods of correction which aim to ensure that the student’s confidence is not affected. For example one can model correct forms or give individual feedback forms to students. -
Teaching Talking Time One key point in teacher training is to keep teacher talking time down. One has to ensure that students are engaged in all stages of the lesson. The teacher has to be both creative and innovative in creating tasks which require learners to engage with other students. A lesson plan should therefore be composed of mostly group/pair work in order to ensure this is the case.
Eliciting information Eliciting information is a key technique that every teacher/trainer must be able to do. Asking questions ( or CCQ’s) is an easy way to do this. An important part is not to give away key parts of information in your questions. You may assist the learner if you feel as if things are too challenging for him/her.
Dialogue It is very important for teachers to facilitate dialogue between different students. Dialogue gives learners confidence in speaking in English and allows them to experiment with new lexical items they may have learnt. It also gives the teacher a chance to assess the level of the student. It is important for a context to be set so that the learner is not confused about what he/she should be talking about.
Skimming and Scanning Skimming and scanning are effective ways to read information in a short space of time. So what is the difference between skimming and scanning? Put your hand up for the answer. When would skimming be more appropriate than scanning ? When would scanning be more appropriate than skimming?
Using drama in class. Body language is a very powerful way of communicating with people. Using body language – through drama and miming is therefore both enjoyable and effective way of teaching language. Can you think of ideas of how we could do this? Put your hands up for the answer.
Summary Today we have touched upon some main techniques that teachers/trainers must be acquainted with. This was merely a brief summary, but it should have given you an idea of what kind of teaching techniques are expected of teachers/trainers in class. Thank you for watching.