2016 Presidential Elections With a partner answer the following questions using the iPads: 1.Who has the most delegates in each party? How much does each candidate running have? 2.How many delegates do they need to win the nomination? 3.How does it work when awarding delegates (this is different in each party)? 4.What is next for each candidate, in other words, what is media saying about their future in the race for the presidential nomination for their party, can they win it all, who is their biggest opponent? 5.What does it mean to be a Republican? What does it mean to be a Democrat? Look up the beliefs of each party and record key ideas and differences.
U.S. Involvement Grows in Vietnam 20.2
Directions: With your group you will be acting out your role in the increasing American involvement in the war in Vietnam. You group will represent one of the following skits: 1.Operation Rolling Thunder 2.War Tactics 3.Tiger v. Elephant 4.Money and quagmire 5.U.S. v. Vietcong/NV 6.Hawks v. Doves Using the information on the slides that have the numbers that correlate to your group/skit number, create a skit that portrays that information. For example, if your group has skit #2 you should use all of the slides that have #2 on them to create your skit. Most of the numbers are in order EXCEPT for group 4! Short hand: NV = North Vietnam (ese) SV = South Vietnam (ese)
1. “Americanizing” the War 1965: President Johnson ordered Operation Rolling Thunder The first of several sustained bombing campaigns on NV He was hoping to force the NV to stop reinforcing + aiding the Vietcong in SV. The bombs did not stop the influence of the NV ∴ Johnson committed more and more U.S. troops to the fight No longer just advisors became more active in the fighting as SV troops stepped back Wanted to force the communists to make peace
1. American Assumptions and Strategies Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara + General William Westmoreland in SV influenced this new approach to Vietnam Believed in a greater U.S. role in Vietnam in order to win Americanize the war = increase in U.S. presence done by Operation Rolling Thunder + more U.S. boots on the ground March 8, 1965 Marines arrived in Vietnam to defend SV airbases (Da Nang) Mission to kill as many Vietcong as possible
2. Intense Tactics in NV B/w America dropped more than 6 million tons of bombs on the Vietcong + NV Nearly 3x the amount dropped IN TOTAL by ALL in WWII!! Also dropped Napalm: Jellied gas that explodes into flames on impact Sprayed Agent Orange: Herbicide used to kill plants b/c Vietnam is such a jungle Horrible ecological impact
3. An Elusive and Determined Enemy The NV and primarily the Vietcong did not use a traditional style of fighting… They used guerilla warfare: Surprise small-scale attacks Ho Chi Minh’s military doctrine: only attack when victory was certain Never fight on his opponent’s terms Tiger (NV) v. Elephant (U.S.) If tiger stands still… elephant will crush it If tiger keeps moving… it can take small bites out of the elephant until it bleeds to death
3. An Elusive and Determined Enemy The Vietcong acted like the Tiger… Traveled light and moved often Dug tunnels hide in during the day + came out to attack at night Used ambushes, traps, explosives etc to wear down the U.S. NV + Vietcong just had to avoid losing the war.
4. A Costly and Frustrating and War U.S. bombers did slow NV industry and limit Vietcong supplies But, they weren’t standing down… ∴ the war got VERY expensive for the U.S. + death toll was quickly escalating 636 deaths by 1965 (184,000 total troops) 30,000 deaths by 1968 (1/2 million troops)
4. A Costly and Frustrating and War Cost + death toll rising but not clear victory in sight SV gov’t becoming more corrupt ∴ SV ppl weren’t buying into the war on behalf of the Americans 1967: The war had become a stalemate Critics equated it to a quagmire:
5. Troops Fighting Despite Adverse Conditions U.S. fearful of pulling the Soviets or Chinese into the war ∴ they didn’t march on big NV cities w/ aim of capturing territory U.S. was defending and supporting the anti-communist regime in SV + trying to rid SV of Vietcong and NV forces Troops remained dedicated + brave despite these conditions
5. Danger on a New Battlefield American troops were winning many battles but could not secure winning the war NV + Vietcong avoided specific fights they knew they would lose Avoided big battles + used smaller skirmishes to wear down U.S. Used their knowledge of the land to help them significantly Vietcong would hide in the dense jungle jump out and attack w/automatic rifles + grenades then disappear instantly Most often during the night
American Soldiers Fulfill Their Duty Soldiers fought and died (58,000) for many reasons: Prevent spread of communism Protect the villagers of SV + gain their trust Duty to their country 10,000 women served in Vietnam most as nurses
Morale Declines as War Moves On Early on soldiers volunteered to fight in Vietnam By late 1965 however, most soldiers were drafted Some weren’t sure that preserving the gov’t in SV was worth the cost of war SV seemed indifferent + at times hostile to Americans SV didn’t seem willing to die for the same cause
Doubt Grows on the Home Front Johnson expected a quick, easy, victory U.S. militarily, technologically, + economically superior BUT lack of victory left America doubting success He kept assuring the U.S. ppl that the war was ended soon, but it didn’t = ppl questioning his foreign policy
4. The War Weakens the Economy The war was becoming EXTREMELY expensive + Great Society used a LOT of gov’t funds to support all of the public programs The gov’t spending Decreased poverty Increased inflation Increased prices Forced Johnson to raise taxes ∴ LBJ had to cut back on his Great Society
6. Antiwar Mvm’t Begins to Emerge 1967: Congress divided into two camps: Hawks v. Doves Hawks: Supported Johnson Mostly conservatives Believed strongly in containment + prevention of domino theory Vietnam was crucial to win overall in Cold War fight Doves: Questioned the strategic + moral grounds of the war Diverse group some liberal politicians, student radicals, pacifists, civil rights leaders, Believed it wasn’t necessary to win Vietnam in overall Cold War Senator William J. Fulbright = leader of the doves Began to hold public hearings on the war…