Don’t forget: General trends Anomalies Specifics Do you think it is a good way to show how many people do not have enough food? Starter: Describe the pattern of undernourishment in the world.
Homework 1.Make sure you have finished your answer to “Why should we encourage: breast feeding helping people to farm and produce their own food?” 2. Have a go at the choropleth mapping task (only if you have time)
Homework: Your turn to try the skill… choose 10 African countries. Try to get two in each category. 1. Look at the data range in the table. 2. Decide upon a key – remember that the intervals should be the same. e.g , 15-30, and so on. 3. Pick 10 African countries from the data table. 4. Now colour in those countries using your key. 5. Stick the work in your book. 6. Hand in on Friday.
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain The hunger issue
Lesson Objective 1. To understand where are undernourished people? 2. To discover what a choropleth map is and how we might draw one. 3. To understand possible solutions to world hunger?
Undernourishment? Undernourished - lacking the food needed for good health and growth. Write this definition in your book. Which continent in the World has the greatest percentage of undernourishment? Africa has some of the highest percentage of undernourished people on the planet.
Describe the pattern of undernourishment in the world. Don’t forget: General trends Anomalies Specifics Class discussion:
Choropleth mapping This is a choropleth map. Do you think it is a good way of showing data? Jot down in you book two good and two bad things about using this presentation method.
Causes of undernourishment Think of as many causes as to why people might not have enough food in different parts of the world. Class discussion
Solutions to world hunger With your partner, think about how we might solve the hunger problem. What could we do to improve undernourishment?
The importance of breast feeding. Each picture shows why we should encourage breast feeding in poor nations. Explain how each picture helps to reduce the hunger problem.
Importance of breastfeeding Combating malnutrition Under-nutrition is associated with 45 percent of child deaths. Thankfully, breast milk provides all the nutrients infants need. Breastfed babies don’t need any other food, or even water. Battling diseases in the short run Breast milk contains antibodies that help prevent diarrhea, pneumonia and respiratory infections. 6.6 million children under the age of 5 die each year, mainly from preventable diseases like these. Kicking off growth spurts Over 25 percent of children under 5 in low-income countries have fallen behind in physical development. Breast milk is the best source of vitamins and minerals for infants, and can prevent stunting. Pinching pennies Breast milk is free! In countries where many people live on less than $1.25 a day, breastfeeding is far more affordable than artificial formulas. Delivering food safely High cost isn’t the only problem with artificial formulas in developing countries. Formula milk in these areas can be dangerous because infectious diseases are prevalent and access to clean water is poor, making breastfeeding a much safer option.
We are now going to think about the following Breast feedingBreast feeding (video link – 6:39) Why this might hold the key? Have a look at the factsheet Helping farmers to grow their own food Teach a man to fish (video link ) Teach a man to fish
Why should we encourage: 1) breast feeding 2)helping people to farm and produce their own food? I don’t mind how you do it Spider diagram Table Notes A piece of writing Factshseet What ever you enjoy doing the most!
Final thought … 2 minutes If you were offered three wishes by the genie in the bottle that allowed you to make sure everyone had enough food, what would you practically wish for?
What will happen to the worlds population in your lifetime? 1. Describe what will happen to global population in your life time. 2. How will this impact food supply? Extension