Knowledge & Intelligence Service - South East updates 9 th December 2015 – 15 th April 2016
PHE releases 2 Please note, this table is not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaTitleRelease date AlcoholLocal Alcohol Profiles for England: mortality indicators, 2016 annual data update01/03/2016 BreastfeedingBreastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks after birth 2015 to 2016: quarterly data, experimental statistics 27/01/2016 CancerNational Bowel Cancer Audit, /12/2015 CardiovascularNCVIN Cardiovascular disease profile updates31/03/2016 CardiovascularHypertension profiles18/01/2016 Children and Young People 2016 Child Health Profiles15/03/2016 Communicable Diseases Seasonal flu vaccine uptake in healthcare workers: 1 September 2015 to 29 February /03/2016 DementiaHealth Matters on Dementia22/03/2016 DementiaDementia profile and data catalogue12/01/2016 DietNational Diet and Nutrition Survey: assessment of dietary sodium in adults in England, /03/2016 NeurologyNeurology data catalogue23/02/2016 ObesityChild obesity data slide sets19/01/2016 PHOFPublic health outcomes framework: February 2016 data update02/02/2016 Sexual healthPHE Sexual & Reproductive Health profiles (with local authority spend data)02/02/2016 Sexual healthAnnual HPV vaccine coverage in England 2014/1518/12/2015
PHE releases continued… 3 Please note, this table may not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaTitleRelease date TobaccoLocal tobacco control profiles for England: February 2016 data update02/02/2016 Young peopleWhat about Youth’ local authority profiles15/03/2016 Health Profiles: February 2016 data update02/02/2016 Health matters on AMR17/12/2015
Other relevant data releases 4 Please note, this table is not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaProductRelease dateOrganisation CancerGeographic patterns of cancer survival, England: /03/2016Office for National Statistics CancerA Cancer Survival Index for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England - Adults diagnosed and followed up to /02/2016ONS CancerCancer survival for children in England: /01/2016ONS Children and Young People Characteristics of children in need in England: 2014 to additional tables24/03/2016Department for Education Children and Young People Children and Young People Outcomes for children looked after by local authorities: England24/03/2016Department for Education Children and Young People Children and Young People Family stability indicator results 2013 to /03/2016Department for Work and Pensions CommunitiesThe feasibility of measuring the sharing economy05/04/2016ONS
Other relevant data releases continued… 5 Please note, this table may not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaProductRelease dateOrganisation DataHES-MHLD Data Linkage Report - Summary Statistics, Nov /03/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre DeathProvisional analysis of 2015 death registrations in England and Wales07/04/2016ONS DeathsDeaths in England and Wales in /04/2016ONS DebtHousehold Debt Inequalities04/04/2016ONS DementiaDementia assessment and referral return for January /04/2016NHS England DementiaQuality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia Diagnoses: Jan /02/2016HSCIC DementiaFocus on - Dementia19/01/2016HSCIC DiabetesNational Diabetes Audit, 2014/1528/01/2016HSCIC EmploymentAnalysis of the UK labour market - estimates of skills mismatch using measures of over and under education: /03/2016Office for National Statistics
Other relevant data releases continued… 6 Please note, this table may not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaProductRelease dateOrganisation Hospital Episode Staistics HES-DID Data Linkage Report, Provisional Summary Statistics, Apr to Nov /04/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre HousingEnglish housing survey 2014 to 2015: headline reportJanuary to February 2016 (provisional) Department for Communities and Local Government HousingHouse price statistics for small areas: year ending Dec 1995 to year ending Sept /03/2016Office for National Statistics HousingTowns and Cities Analysis18/03/2016Office for National Statistics HousingLocal Authority Housing Statistics: year ending March /01/2016Department for Communities and Local Government
Other relevant data releases continued… 7 Please note, this table may not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaProductRelease dateOrganisation Learning Disabilities Learning disabilities census report - further analysis: England, 30 Sep /03/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre MortalitySummary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) - Deaths associated with hospitalisation, England, Oct 2014 to Sep /03/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre MortalitySummary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) - Deaths associated with hospitalisation, July June /01/2016HSCIC Patient careNHS safety thermometer report: March 2015 to March /04/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre SuicideUK suicides registered in /02/2016ONS ViolenceViolence at work: findings from 2014/15 Crime Survey for England and Wales01/02/2016Health and Safety Executive
Other relevant data releases continued… 8 Please note, this table may not be an exhaustive list of all data releases Topic areaProductRelease dateOrganisation WellbeingEconomic well-being: Oct to Dec /03/2016Office for National Statistics WellbeingLife in the UK, /03/2016Office for National Statistics Young peopleLevel 2 and 3 attainment by young people aged 19 in /04/2016Department for Education CCG Outcomes Indicator Set - March 2016 release23/03/2016Health and Social Care Information Centre Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia Diagnoses: Dec /01/2016HSCIC
Health Intelligence Networks 9 National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network (NCMHIN) National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) Cancer Outcome Metrics: work/cancer_outcome_metrics Cancer Data: GP Profiles: Linked CPES/Registration dataset: work/cancer_outcome_metrics
Health Intelligence Networks Cont. 10 National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCIN) For Resources (CVD intelligence packs, commissioning for value packs etc.) go to: (links can be found at the bottom of the page)
Health Intelligence Networks Cont. 11 National Mental Health Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network (NMHDNIN) Fingertips tools health health Feedback to National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN)
Health Economic Resources 12 CVD Prevention opportunities Investing in prevention and early intervention Spend and outcome tool (SPOT) Better Care Fund – related metrics forecasting tool Potential Years of Life Lost tool PHE Obesity Intelligence Resources PHE obesity website PHE obesity website
Further Information or contact us PHE tools and resources Fingertips Tools Local Knowledge & Service (LKIS) - enquiries HES enquirieshttp:// SEPHIG meetingsJo Watson or Michelle Dee Knowledge Transfer Facilitators South East Thames ValleyHelen Kent, Surrey & SussexPeter WessexJo Local Specialist for NCMHINSusan Koffler-Sluijter 13