SALMAN YUSUF Deputy Secretary Housing, Urban Development & Public Health Engineering Department W ORKSHOP P UNJAB P ROVINCE PDMA C ONFERENCE R OOM, L AHORE
Policy – Strategy for Preparedness Vision, Principle and Objectives Integrated Framework Water Sector Investment by PHED Preparedness Strategy from Past Experience Support Required
“By our actions, we can either compound disasters or diminish them”. The Government of the Punjab is cognizant of its responsibility to ensure provision of safe drinking water & appropriate sanitation farcicalities for the population of the province affected by the occurrence of catastrophe’.
The link between water & sanitation and natural disasters, and the importance of preparing for, preventing and mitigating the impact of disasters should be Government’s mission. In both emergency and development contexts, the overall aim of Government assistance should be to build the resilience and self-reliance of the most vulnerable populations.
“Assist in the continuum from emergency relief to development by giving priority to supporting disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation”. Strategic Objective should be to, “Prevent acute drinking water shortage and invest in disaster preparedness and mitigation measures”.
Preparedness for, and mitigation and prevention of, disasters in a more integrated framework that bridges emergency response, recovery and development Early Warning & Preparedness Disaster Development Recovery Response/Relief
Total No. of Piped Water Supply Completed SchemesCompletedSchemes Completion Cost (Rs. In Million) 4232 ( ) Total No. of Drainage Completed Schemes Completion Cost (Rs. In Million)
Sr. No. Sub Section No. of Schemes Cost (In Million) Population (2012) 1 Urban Water Supply Schemes ,651,575 2 Urban Drainage/Sewerage Schemes ,154,116 Grand Total
De-chlorinate all wells in the flood affected areas To ensure quality of drinking water throughout Punjab the Department has established “Water Quality Monitoring Laboratories” at District levels to facilitate the general public for conducting physical, chemical and bacteriological tests for drinking water in addition to regular water quality monitoring by the Department.
Chlorination during disaster will be ensured and monitored on source at users end. Equipment provided by Swiss experts (WATA Kits) are available with the Department as shown in the equipment inventory list and can produce chlorine solution in PHED laboratories on the following SOPs:
Preparation of Chlorine, Dosage of Chlorine, Distribution of Chlorine to the flood affected communities, Practical demonstration, Calculation of Chlorine requirement per unit volume of water, Safety guidelines in Chlorine handling, and Chlorine storage guidelines. In addition to the above the Department may approach UNICEF and Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) for assistance.
Organize installation of hand-pumps at locations required by District Administration: Depending upon the availability of resources; HUD&PHE Department in coordination with LG&CD Department and District Administration can provide safe drinking water to all affected people in relief centers / camps as long as the camps exist; By installing hand-pumps, Installing Water Tanks and Through water bouzers
Plan for regulation of water supply: Urban water supply are being operated & maintained by TMAs; therefore LG&CDD is responsible for regulation of water supply in towns and cities, However, HUD&PHE Department may provided all possible technical assistance. Rural water supply schemes are being operated & maintained by the Community Based Organizations (CBOs) on self-help and self- finance basis,(Ground Water Profiling – PHED)
However, in case of disaster; HUD&PHED will approach the Government and sector donors including UNICEF (UNICEF under an MoU assisted the Department in rehabilitation of flood affected schemes for regulation of water supply during 2010 flood) for seeking financial assistance to support urban as well as rural affected communities for regulation of water supply.
During past flood in order to ensure provision of clean drinking water to all affectees, HUD&PHED took initiatives such as: Installation of hand-pumps, Installation of Water Tanks, Installation of Filtration Plants, Installation of Generators, Provision of clean drinking water through water bouzers, Chlorination / dis-infection,
Regular Water Testing of samples, at the source and the storage tank provided at the relief camps, After the flood water tanks provided by the Department were handed over to the communities for storage, Additional 1500 water tanks provided by PAIMAN were also installed in the affected villages, and Based on population and the need, 860 AFRIDEV pumps provided by UNICEF were also installed in the affected villages for additional water support.
A predictable, effective, timely and coherent humanitarian response, allowing the organizations responsible for water supply, sanitation and hygiene to ensure dedicated resources.
Thank You