Humans in the Biosphere Chapter 6
Easter Island 14&feature=related
Easter Island dmY dmY
Monoculture Clearing land and planting only one crop on it.
Sustainable Development Renewable resources-can be made or replaced by a healthy ecosystem.
Sustainable Development Nonrenewable resources-cannot be replaced in a reasonable amount of time.
Questions 1. What is monoculture?
Questions 2. Explain why energy from the sun is a renewable resource but energy from oil is a nonrenewable resource.
Questions 3. How might improved farming techniques affect a developing nations population?
Using Resources Wisely WHg&feature=related WHg&feature=related Soil the forgotten resource
Using Resources Wisely Desertification-turning farmland into desert by overgrazing, our using unsustainable farming practices.
Using Resources Wisely Deforestation-loss of forests.
Using Resources Wisely Deforestation
Freshwater Resources Water Pollution
Freshwater Resources Ogallala aquifer-taking water out faster than it fills
Freshwater Resources Biological Magnification NiKV_5wd4s
Atmospheric Resources Air Pollution Smog
Atmospheric Resources Acid Rain-caused as rain falls through an atmosphere rich in pollutants. sU8i2edo
Atmospheric Resources Greenhouse gases
Atmospheric Resources Particulates-small particles from burning things or dust.
Quiz 1. How does deforestation lead to the degradation of the soil?
Quiz 2. When precipitation falls through the air it picks up nitrous oxides and falls to earth as _________ __________.
Quiz 3. Explain what an aquifer is.
Quiz 4. Why is soil such an important natural resource?
Quiz 5. Pollutant concentration might be much higher in a consumer than in a producer because of ____________.
Quiz 6. The gray-brown haze which produces ozone in cities is called ____________.
Quiz 7. Compare renewable resources like the sun, and trees, with nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels.
Quiz 8. Clearing land to plant one crop on it is called _________________.
Quiz 9. Why is the sun considered a renewable resource even though the sun will eventually quit burning?
Quiz 10. Name something you could do to reduce your daily impact on the Biosphere.
Bonus Bonus: There were once forests on Easter Island. Give an explanation of how all the trees might have disappeared from the island.