Structures, Strategies and Compositions Develop Understanding of Basketball
Today we will... Basketball positions and qualities Attacking Strategy – Fast Break Aim of the Fast Break. Describe the Fast Break. Defensive Strategy
Basketball Positions and Qualities Task 1: Name the three main positions in basketball. Task 2: Watch the three video clips below. Identify the main physical, skill and special qualities required to play in each position. PhysicalSkillSpecial Qualities Point GuardCentreForward
Basketball Positions and Qualities Task 1: Point Guard, Centre, Forward. Task 2: PhysicalSkillSpecial Qualities FastConfident DribblerLeader on the court AgileAccurate PasserGood decision maker Powerful3 Point ShooterEffective communicator StrongExcellent RebounderGood awareness/vision Good at Lay-UpsAnticipate Rebounds Able to outmanoeuvre opponent / create space
Point GuardCentreForward Basketball Positions Point Guard Fast Agile Confident dribbler Accurate Passer 3 Point Shooter Leader on the court Good decision maker Effective communicator Good awareness/vision Task 1: Match the physical, skill and special qualities to the position that requires them. Centre Powerful Strong Excellent Rebounder Good Passer Good at lay-ups Anticipate Rebounds Good awareness/vision Forward Fast Agile Powerful Excellent at Lay-ups Confident dribbler Able to outmanoeuvre opponent / create space Good awareness/vision
Attacking - Strategy Fastbreak
Fast Break Video Clip Click Here To View
Fast Break PG C F On Defence Win ReboundOutlet passFast Break Option One Pass to forward
The aim of the Fast Break Using Speed and Width quickly move the ball up court to the oppositions key and set up a free shot (lay-up) before the opposition get back to set up a defence, allowing our unmarked forward to score with a lay-up
The 2 Key Principles of Attack There are 2 key principles required for a successful Fast Break: What are they? Fill in the blanks Speed:Speed allows you to get up the court before the opposition have time to set up a defence. Width:By creating width you can spread out any defenders that get back creating more space around the basket and space for the point guard to drive up the middle of the court. There are 2 key principles required for a successful Fast Break: What are they? Fill in the blanks Speed:Speed allows you to get up the court before the opposition have time to set up a defence. Width:By creating width you can spread out any defenders that get back creating more space around the basket and space for the point guard to drive up the middle of the court.
Defensive - Strategy Fastbreak
Defensive Strategies Task 1:Name two defensive strategies Man-to-Man Defence ½ Court Man-to-Man Defence Full Court Man-to-Man Defence Zone Defence Useful Website For more information view the website coaches clipboard
Zone Defence Break the court down into defensive zones
Main Positions in Half Court Man-to-Man On the ball Intercept Helpside
On the ball... Take up this position when you are marking player with the ball. Rush towards player. Low defensive stance. Don’t lunge in. Hands out to stop shot or pass. Stay between the player and the basket.
Intercept… Take up position when defending a player who is one pass away from ball handler. Stay between the ball and the player your marking. Have your hand in the passing lane. If the ball handler stops dribbling then you go to ‘full denial’.
Helpside... Take up this position when defending against a player two passes away from the ball handler. Aim is to help out your team mates against the ball penetrating the key. Move away from your man and towards the ball. Always keep sight of your player.
Defensive Video Clip Click Here To View