Potentially Lethal Church Planting Short-cuts
#1 Lack of Incubation Period
Vulnerability - An individual or group can steer the plant in unplanned and undesired directions due to no formally agreed values and direction.
Lack of Focus - Members and visitors are uncertain regarding where the church is headed. Results in lack of passion.
Slowed Momentum - Church has to make many disruptive midcourse corrections. Note: It can take easily two years for church to accomplish what could have been done in the 6 months prior to launch.
Fallout - When clear core values and direction are finally established, a loss of some members is highly likely due to unmet expectations and conflicting agendas.
SOLUTION Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders.
SOLUTION -Establish values
SOLUTION Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders. -Establish values -Create Community (Get to know one another)
SOLUTION Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders. -Establish values -Create Community (Get to know one another) -Pray
SOLUTION Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders. -Establish values -Create Community (Get to know one another) -Pray-Unify
Potentially Lethal Church Planting Short-cuts #2 No Mother Church
Unnatural - Not having a “mother” isn’t normal. The church is organic. The birth of daughter congregations from established churches in the natural outgrowth of churches living out God’s mission.
Suspicion - Area churches look at plant with suspicion as they know nothing about it. As a result, criticism and false assumptions take place.
Separation - There is a lack of unity or desire to work together among the churches. This results in less impact and compromised witness in the community.
Sabotage - Newcomers to the area are discouraged from attending the church plant.
SOLUTION Seek to identify and establish a positive relationship with a mother or host church.
SOLUTION -Refer additional members
SOLUTION Seek to identify and establish a positive relationship with a mother or host church. -Refer additional members -Sending of “missionaries” to help with special needs
SOLUTION Seek to identify and establish a positive relationship with a mother or host church. -Refer additional members -Sending of “missionaries” to help with special needs -Mentoring for church offices
SOLUTION Seek to identify and establish a positive relationship with a mother or host church. -Refer additional members -Sending of “missionaries” to help with special needs -Mentoring for church offices -Combined outreach and social activities
SOLUTION Seek to identify and establish a positive relationship with a mother or host church. -Refer additional members -Sending of “missionaries” to help with special needs -Mentoring for church offices -Combined outreach and social activities -Financial participation
Potentially Lethal Church Planting Short-cuts #3 No Demographic Consideration
Mismatch - The church plant group may be a mismatch to the community they are trying to reach (ethnically, economically, geographically, etc.). Ignoring this will result in ineffective outreach.
Trends - Mistakes can be made due to no knowledge of important demographic trends (growth rate, ethnic population shifts, stress factors, community development, etc.)
Needs - Every population concentration has different felt needs. Ministry outreaches can be totally ineffective because they do not “scratch” where the community “itches”.
SOLUTION Study community demographics and adjust accordingly.
SOLUTION -Link2lead.com, First View Radius
SOLUTION Study community demographics and adjust accordingly. -Link2lead.com, First View Radius -Link2lead.com, Ministry Match
SOLUTION Study community demographics and adjust accordingly. -Link2lead.com, First View Radius -Link2lead.com, Ministry Match -Community Door Knocking/Survey
SOLUTION Study community demographics and adjust accordingly. -Link2lead.com, First View Radius -Link2lead.com, Ministry Match -Community Door Knocking/Survey -Analysis of other churches in area (both successful and failing)
SOLUTION Study community demographics and adjust accordingly. -Link2lead.com, First View Radius -Link2lead.com, Ministry Match -Community Door Knocking/Survey -Analysis of other churches in area (both successful and failing) -Discover untapped opportunities
Potentially Lethal Church Planting Short-cuts #4 Limited methods utilized.
SOLUTION Cast a wide net. -Experiment with various outreach methods to determine which are most effective. -Incorporate proven methods on a regular basis: Public evangelism and Bible Studies.